<tiptoeing back to the board.....>

Date: 02/21/1999
From: Ann_Fredericks

You guys have been busy while I was gone... Sadly, I have been trapped in The-Land-Without-Netscape for nearly a month, but luckily I was saved by The-Bearer-of-Microsoft-Internet-Exploer. But saved for what I ask myself now? For a world raging in some hopeless war? I must admit that originally I leaned towards the ABL, despite my sex and my ownership of a beautiful deep green beret... especially after the siting of Backstreet Boys, N'Sync and 98degrees paraphenalia in BFA headquarters. But now I realize that that was false information. I then was turned off by the ABL's somewhat violent streak, or at least, by their hostility... Then Chaser and a few other brave souls spoke out against the war in general and I was starting to lean in that direction until somebody started to get a little evil/whiny about it... I wouldn't want to be associated with the "cry babies" that don't understand that war can be fun, however, I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are really good (if I may misquote another Anne) and so I find that I can't join the towel snapping ranks of the BFA - I would urge a truce, strive for a land where men and women would be free to choose whether to wear a beret or not to wear one, whether to wear a towel, or snap one, where newsmen would be free to visit political groups without fear of hidden torture chambers! Men and women unite! (it's much more fun that way) Who's with me?

Anne Frank would be proud of...

Date: 02/21/1999
From: SL4ever

of that misquote! And, I suspect, your ability to support three different positions at the same time.

It is all in good fun, and it seems to be winding down. Nice to see you around here again!


Date: 02/21/1999
From: Slider142

Welcome back . The new eps will probably dissolve the beret war, I hope . lol . Joining the story ?

"unite"...with men? Ya baby! <end>

Date: 02/21/1999
From: spaz119



Date: 02/22/1999
From: TemporalFlux

But when you untie the men, the fun's practically over! Wait a minute...you said "unite", didn't you? Uhhhhh...just forget what I said.


First of all, Welcome Back Ann...

Date: 02/22/1999
From: Boof

How about we just all loose the towels and the berets and run around naked. Would that make everyone happy. That would be one heck of a fashion statement! To say the least.

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4497
Nominated by Blinker


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