Did anyone else have...

Date: 2/20/99
From: Robin14334

A beret collection when they were little? I did. This whole beret war made me think of it. I used to have a beret to match every outfit. I remembered it, and I went deep into the depths of my closet (God only knows what kinds of things live in there), and hark! I found my berets! And I'd really appreciate it if, since they are an adorable memoir of my childhood (gosh I make it sound like it was so long ago... it's only been, like, 7 or 8 years since I wore those berets), if the ABL would refrain from desroying all types of headgear, with a special hatred for berets. Are you guys listening? We can wear berets if we want to! It's our constitutional right! You know, you don't *have* to wear them... as long as you wear a towel! : )

~Robin, wearer of the sky blue pink beret

<insert flame title here>

Date: 2/20/99
From: SL4ever

Go to your "time out" room! Now! Sit in there and think about what you have done! (namely mentioned the "B" word yet again)

Ah, I can't do it. I wanted to flame you but my heart isn't in it. Maybe if your beret wasn't so cute I could. :-)

BTW, what exactly is "sky blue pink" ? That sounds like a contradiction to me. Or is it a striped beret?

Is so, yuck. Sounds nasty.

This completes your punishment. You may come out now. ;-)

Towel collector..sorry <end>

Date: 2/20/99
From: spaz119


It all STARTED innocent enough...[end]

Date: 2/20/99
From: QBall79



Date: 2/22/99
From: Robin14334

I'm sorry. I won't mention the B-word... if you agree to wear a towel! But anyway, sky blue pink is light purple. There's a really long story behind it, but basically if you put blue and red together, you get purple. So if you put sky blue (light blue) and pink (light red) together, you would get light purple. At least I think that's what you would get. I've never tried it myself, not being the artistic type.

~Robin, wearer of the sky blue pink b... never mind.

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4474


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