Well, I did my best.

Date: 12/07/1999
From: Blinker

You may notice that about 50 pages of the board - spanning May25/99 to Jul7/99 - have just been deleted. The only exceptions are a few long-running threads from this period (such as the Ultimate Anti-Executive Post.)

However, I *did* manage to preserve the first 79 pages. This includes the entire Beret War, the first dozen or so story games, the Daniel_2 attacks, and the original run of TWIW.

Incidentally, thanks to the preserved posts we are now WAY, WAY ahead of our old rivals at the MST3K board. 7:-p

Thanx to MTwain for the help. Enjoy 'em while you got 'em...

- Blinker 7:-I

Thanks, and Blinker

Date: 12/07/1999
From: slider409

I went to your webpage the other day, and it was great! I haven't been to many webpages yet, but eventually I'll see them all. It wouldn't let me sign your guestbook though.


Thanks Blinky Blink

Date: 12/07/1999
From: Slider_Sarah

I should have offered to help a bit really :-( Thanks for preserving the past though.



Date: 12/07/1999
From: Brand_S

My first post, my Very Long Sliders Rant, was wiped from the plane of existence! Damn, and that was my favorite post of mine!



Date: 12/07/1999
From: humaggs

How did you delete some posts and why?

To Humaggs.

Date: 12/07/1999
From: Nobuyuki

Blinker didn't delete the posts. The guys that run the board on occasion delete old posts that haven't been replied to after a while, just to keep things neat.

Thanks Blinker and Nobuyuki

Date: 12/07/1999
From: humaggs

Thanks Blinker, for saving alot of the posts. Thanks Nobuyuki, for clearing things up for me.

Thanx Blinkman!!!!

Date: 12/07/1999
From: SL4ever

I'd hug ya but I'm a little too macho for all that. :-) Ahhh, screw it! For this you deserve a hug!!!

Um, somebody hug this man!!!! :-)

Ill hug him=)

Date: 12/08/1999
From: sflite

thanks for saving my(and several others) "first post"


Date: 12/08/1999
From: MTwain

Good job young man!!

Thanx for preserving a good portion of this board!!


I wish I coulda done more ... If I didn't have school I woulda helped save some more pages with you :-)


Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/15392
Nominated by Blinker


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