Slider_Paul's thought of the day #1


Date: 3/28/2000
From: Blinker

FAIR WARNING: Women, children, and those with anaphylactic reactions to peanuts OUT of this post. You have been warned.

Imbiber of windshield wiper fluid:

That's right, Paul, you functionally - to the extent that any part of you can be called 'functional' - illiterate "one-thought-a-day" retardate... I'm fully aware that the only reason you signed up for that college Lit class was so you could read Steinbeck's "The Hamlet" and its all-too-familiar depiction of "barnyard love." Too bad your resounding failure left a mark on your transcript resembling, in size, shape and colouration, the one resulting from your last attempt at "aping" the Great American Novel down at West Side Zoo...

Bottom line: you are lying. I KNOW you're lying. And I'm gonna be a thorn in your festering side until you punch your sole, withered brain cell into first gear and fess up.

<munches peanut>

- Blinker 7>:-I


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Nominated by Blinker


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