Post-Traumatic Cartman Syndrome

Date: 11/16/98
From: Blinker

I don't know how many people here watch South Park - it is somewhat of an acquired taste - but I have to mention this year's SP Hallowe'en episode. The ending was a parody of Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome!

Cartman and his fat, bearded double from a parallel universe get in a fight and the others can't tell which is which. Meanwhile Officer Barbrady is tied up in the basement (like the real Arturo in PTSS.) The episode's vortex effect strongly resembled the Sliders season 2 vortex, and I'm 90% certain the sound effect when it opened was the same!

Lampooned by South Park ... does this mean Sliders has finally arrived?


Date: 11/16/98
From: last_slider

to be honest, I've only watched one episode of South Park (my friend insisted on it) -- I believe it was also a halloween episode... where one of the characters (no idea which one) dressed up as Raggedy Andy and wanted his girlfriend to dress up as Anne but she didn't because she didn't want to be made fun of... at least, that was pretty much how it went. I only watched about half of it though... and had to shut it off because I was so grossed out. guess it really is a matter of acquired taste...

anyways, thanks for letting us know about the ep... it's been a long time since I last saw "Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome," but it's always been considered by me (and many other fans) to be one of the most intruiging, well-executed episodes ever to come out of the series. I would have liked to have seen the South Park version. maybe Sliders has *finally* started to get noticed... even if it's by the South Park guys. :)


keep sliding!



Date: 11/16/98
From: SliderNum5

It wouldn't surprise me. South Park did a funny re-make of an old Star Trek episode. ( I foreget the name, It was the panetarium episode)

Oh, and I think you mean that vortex looked much like the 3rd season wormhoole...


SP sound etc...

Date: 11/17/98
From: Osmosis

You're dead on about the vortex sound effect. Very observant. The episode met with such favor that it would not be imprudent to keep watch for an occasional reference to other Sliders' singularities.

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Nominated by Blinker


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