The first post of the new day! <END>

Date: 9/7/99
From: s_the_great


Just to make this post worthwhile...

Date: 9/7/99
From: s_the_great

How about a poll? Now, as most of you know, Rembrandt is the only original slider left (LOS). What do you think the Sliders TV series would be like if:

a) Peckinpah never Pecked it up? (Let's pretend that series on the Earth Prime website doesn't exist for the purposes of this poll.)
b) Someone else was the LOS? Wade? Quinn? Arturo?
c) Both happened?
d) Quinn was written out, but Colin wasn't?
e) ...Hell, make up your own departure for Colin. I'd like to see people express their distaste for him.


here are my answers....

Date: 9/8/99
From: slider409

a> they would have ran out of original ideas, and it would have probably been Torme that "pecked" it.

b>what is LOS?
c>what is LOS?

d>atleast if he were there, there would be another purpose, trying to get him home and to get quinn out of mallory.

<e> I didn't hate him.

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Nominated by Blinker


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