TTCoBS: Last 3 Entries

Date: 08/23/2001
From: Brand_S

The True Confessions of Brand_S

Dead Stuff

Half the stuff I wrote didn't even get that far.

After the Dominion War ended, I was going to redo the whole thing in HTML, do a list of who lived and died, and send it all to Vigeant. Unfortunately (and this is one of the things I feel worst about), it wasn't to be. I kept putting it off and putting it off. Now I can't really do it at all because I don't have the information. It's a huge shame, but the amount of work it would take now is something I just don't have the time for, especially since I don't even have a copy of it.

There were also the Silver Implant Awards of February 2000, an Oscar-style awards ceremony featuring Blinker's awesome web design. This ended up being put on the back burner one day and it just never got addressed. Blinker has almost no time and I have almost no time, and the few gaps we had just didn't line up. It's a damn shame too; Stoker_chick was more than helpful in her attempts to help. I swear, that chick... Well, we can address THAT some other time...

One of my more recent failures was Series S. This was the series in which I intended to take my contempt for certain people and really make it known! It was based on the movie, Series 7, a movie whose lack of availability has ruined my life! By the way, in case y'all were interested, CoolSlider was intended to be the winner. The reason I dropped this project had to do with the whole me/Mychand debacle. She got vilified so badly in Series S that I figured, having apologized to her, broadcasting that series would really negate my apology.

Oh, yeah, and ToFGaL.


Flaming for Sport

I won't bore you by rehashing the events you already know about from darkslider's Tournament of Pee. To be honest, I'm somewhat glad I didn't get farther than I did. Having defeated RandomsEdge pretty much did it for me. I didn't need to defeat DieselMickeyDolenz for any reason. Besides, I was at SO many disadvantages that day. My browser crashed, I was gone for most of the day, and I had one bad, bad, BAD headache. Of course, I was also at a disadvantage when I wrote this. I got two teeth pulled the day before yesterday, so I ended up writing about 20% of this without the ability to even talk.

But I was more than a little disappointed that the popularity of ToP had waned to almost nothing by the time it ended. Months later, I started its sequel, Tournament of Flamey Goodness and LOVE, in response to ToP's lack of popularity. I wanted to do a tournament that wouldn't suffer from the outside influences that made it such a pain in the ass for darkslider. I figured, I'd have the tournament done in a short time, and it'd be pretty popular.

Done laughing yet? I can wait.

Done yet?

Now? About fucking time.

I don't feel I need to mention what was wrong with ToFGaL... but I will anyway. There was only half the participation, I procrastinated too much, and only the competitors and judges cared. I kept getting shit about how childish I was acting by even hosting the tournament. I'm just glad Recall317 took it over when he did, or it'd still be going on today... although to be honest, I thought Ry Ry did the best job.

· Recall317
He may be relatively new, but he's one of the smartest people I've ever met online. I mean, DAMN! That he's a fan of my works doesn't hurt either. He's the reason I still write fanfic. He's also the reason it's still any good! This guy has some of the best Sliders fanfic ideas I've ever seen. Read his stuff! You will not regret it! What are you still reading this for? Go read HIS stuff, ya little fuh-fuh-FUCKER!

· SL4ever
The minute this guy dissuaded me from leaving by saying he's always been one of my "silent fans," that's when I knew I couldn't leave then. I know SL4ever didn't take ToFGaL very well, which is a shame, because I always liked him and appreciated the kind words. Now if he'd just go back to not using "gay" as an insult...

Anyhow, it will be a very, very long time before I ever do anything like that again.


Other Attempted Leaves

In my last two years, I have tried to leave this place at least five or six times. There have been various reasons. There were all the times that I realized that most everyone there at the time was a moron. There were trolls and other idiots I no longer felt like putting up with. I had a lot going on offline.

I just wish I could stop myself from coming back.

But I can't. Every time I have left, something has pulled me back. Maybe it's curiosity as to how much more of a train wreck this place can get. Maybe I had something to say that I hadn't gotten around to saying before I left. Maybe it's because I'm always tottering between euphoria and extreme dejectedness and I'm on the good side for once. Maybe I'm just too used to this place. I have no idea which one it is. It's probably all of the above.

The time I remember most vividly was when I told this whole message board to fuck off. SpaceTime warned me that "[y]ou'd be surprised how little people care." He wasn't lying. The only person I ended up alienating was Stax_. It's a huge shame, too, since I always liked him a lot.

· Stax_
I don't really know a lot about S McD, except that he's from Ireland. I really don't know a lot about Ireland, except about leprechauns, specifically the one who tells me to burn things... No, wait, that's just Angus Young. At any rate, Stax_ has that raw perspicacity and that uniquely European sense of getting beaten at everything by Americans that has always made him one of my favorite posters. I just wish I got the chance to talk to him more often.

Basically, despite all of those attempts, I'm obviously still here. At least I can't say I'm alone in my attempts. Look at all the times buffyboy and SpaceTime tried to leave, only to come crawling back. It's probably happened to everyone who is still here. It'll happen to YOU!

Anyhow, since as you can see from the shrinking sections I don't have much more energy left, I'll just get to the questions that have been asked. I'll only address the ones that I haven't answered somewhere else.

FogBoy: Give us your feelings on pie.

First off, let me talk about you, FogBoy.
For whatever reason, there's been a huge stereotype that I'm this terrible, horrible, mean person. Even my online friends don't trust me further than they can throw me. At the risk of making it look like I'm pulling a "Muskie," it really hurts a person's feelings when people who are supposed to be my friends talk to me like I'm the Big Bad Wolf. I bust my ass trying to earn the trust of others, but for the most part (with the exceptions of TemporalFlux, SpaceTime, and darkslider) I've been guilty until proven innocent. I can't pretend I do or don't deserve it, but nevertheless I think that people forget that (as hard as I've tried at times to forget or make people forget this) I'm just as human as anyone else here.
When I welcomed FogBoy to this message board, it was meant as a genuine welcome. I knew nothing about this guy before, except from reading his posts, wherein I intuited that he was smart and could spell. Yet people kept asking if FogBoy was an alternate handle of mine, or if I'm playing some game with the message board. All I wanted to do was extend a welcome. I still haven't lived it down. I try to be nice and people think it's just some little trick of Brand_S'.
Well, to answer your question, FogBoy, I'm pretty much pro-pie. I like cherry. Apple is all right; if there's nothing else it's usually a reliable standby. Rhubarb I got no use for. The best pie I ever had was this one at Denny's; it had a paper-thin crust and peanut butter/chocolate filling. It completely changed my perspective on pie. Of course, being a minority in Denny's basically meant I had to wait an hour after I ate for it, (If there's one person who hates racism more than HunterD_Raven, it's most definitely me.) but it was worthwhile.

LiquidSunshine: How do you feel about AIM?

I'm just tired of all the asinine conversations. All it does is strengthen pre-existing tension, which then leads to betrayals and flame wars. You know what I'm talking about. It gets people pissed off at each other and gets people being even more political than they are here. I'm very guilty of a great deal of this, and I feel pretty fucking guilty too.

LiquidSunshine: Why would we expect you to be honest here? In this forum?

LS, I have no idea what has gotten into you, but I hope it's nothing too permanent against me.
I'm tired of playing politics all the time, and I'm tired of saying manipulative shit so I can stay on everyone's good side. This whole thing is meant as one burst of honesty and a comprehensive answer to all the questions people have about the Brand_S persona. What you expect of me is to be a liar and a coward. But LS, when have I ever lied to you or showed cowardice of any kind? I'm not a bad person. Really, I'm not.
But if you don't want to believe a word I say, then don't. I can't (and wouldn't) force you.

LiquidSunshine: Did you tell Vance what question to ask? [Vance454 asked me about my stance regarding TemporalFlux's and SpaceTime's fight, which I already answered.]

Up until my latest shameless promotion, it had been well over a year since I talked to Vance about anything; he didn't ask, either. I don't tell people what to say here.

LiquidSunshine: Why are you a bboard personality?

Probably due to the Dominion War and the fact that everyone thinks I'm SpaceTime's sycophant. I try to be a likable guy, too, but Slider_Quinn21 tries even harder at that and gets a lot less attention than me, so that probably has nothing to do with it.

With that out of the way, I guess all I can do is finish this.

One of the questions I get most often is with whom my loyalties lie. Before this, I'm sure the first answer in everyone's head was "SpaceTime." I hope I've found a way to convince you all that my loyalties lie with myself. But there are others I would help in any way I can (with a clear conscience, at least). At the top of the list are darkslider, Tigs, SpaceTime, TemporalFlux, and Yeontoo. Everyone who has a sidenote here is pretty high up too. If I forgot someone, let me assure you that it was a mistake on my part; I don't intend to ignore anyone who considers me a friend.

I wish I could finish this off by saying, "I will never post here again." (I told myself that that would pretty much be the plan if "The Green Ranger" didn't get any attention.) But who am I kidding? I'll probably never find it in me to leave, but not for lack of trying. If I'm not here tomorrow, I just hope that now whoever reads this will understand my point of view, and why I did the things I did. Not that I can pretend I'm a saint. Hell, maybe I really am one of the worst people here. I've about reached the point where I can barely stand to look at the "Brand_S" handle whenever I see a new post, which is plain annoying since I hate my real name too. Seeing as how what I've always wanted most was to be a nice person (and to be seen that way), all I can do is classify this board as another failure.



Date: 08/23/2001
From: TimeFluxEMC2

That was totally cool. I really hope that you don't leave. As far as I'm concerned, you are the funniest person here. The only other time I spent so much here all at once was when I read The Dominion War. Best damn story I ever read. And I mean that exactly how I said it. I have read a shit load of stories in my life, both on & offline, and not one comes close to being as good as The Dominion War.


I'm guessing that most of what I post here means very little to you or anyone else here, but I gotta say something. Dude, sorry about my reply to your Green Ranger story. I really did like it.. not that you even care if I liked it or not. Anyway, at the time I had been pissed off about something for a awhile and I found this place to be an easy target to vent my anger. But being 19, still living with parents, no job, very few friends, been in High School for almost 5 years and still in 10th grade would piss anyone off.

Ok, I better go before I say something that will piss off anyone else here. Later!

Light up that rock!

Date: 08/23/2001
From: Recall317

Since S has been so candid (I've spent the last hour reading every missive) , I decided I will be candid about S.

When I walked onto this board for the first time, Brand_S was one of the first handles I took note of and remembered. He impressed the hell out of me. He was funny, articulate and seemed to have a sense of what the hell was going on. When I learned his age, I was floored as I had him pegged for 25-27.

I found his fanfiction hilarious. The S Way remains one of my all-time favorite series. Finally, a guy with as much useless pop music knowledge as myself! The S Way series is nothing short of brilliant parody and it has evolved into its own realm of dimentia. He has completely claimed every character as his own and rebuilt them as he saw fit. There's nothing like a foul-mouthed Arturo, a rasta Remmy, a mute Quinn, a cowardly Kromagg, and lesbians, lesbians, lesbians! Toss in an overrated actor with a corporal conscience with a speech imp...peh..peh...peh... problem, and you've got pure gold.

S, as for the infighting on this board and whatnot, I share your pain some days. But overall, the experience has remained positive. I'll miss you on AIM, buddy. Who else can I wax poetic with on the underling political message in Billy Ocean's "Get out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car" with?

But somehow I know you'll be coming back around on this board.


You BETTER be back, mister!

Date: 08/23/2001
From: SL4ever

The board will be that much emptier without you. :-( But I don't have to say "come back" because, as you say, the board CRACK will have your ass back here! :-D

Thank you for doing this, I wish more people were as straightforward and (dare I say it?) "real" as you. The thing about someone who is real is this: You're guaranteed not to like everything they do or say because no two people are clones but at least you're not getting the usual PC bullshit from them. I haven't liked everything you've done or said but I've always respected your courage in saying it. Some people think that being honest means being mean, saying the mean things that other people are too PC to say. But I'm more talking about saying the nice things that other people are too PC to say. The real things. The things that make you vunerable to ridicule behind your back. You are one of only a handful of people with the courage to do THAT, so really I respect that.

I said above that the board would be more empty without you. What is more accurate is that it will be less real without you.


Solve the Mystery!

It's been a while...

Date: 08/23/2001
From: Vance454

since i've read a post as interesting as TTCoBS. S, to tell you the truth, according to your history, i'm suprised that we don't converse more/ we're not good friends. It's really, REALLY wierd that we have so much in common ("Sliders" oriented, anyway).

As for not getting that much attention, there have been many times when i've seen people post something very interesting worth my response (including you), but i'm to damn lazy to respond. I apologize to you and to anyone else who bothers to give a fuck and read my responses.

Thanks S, this whole string of posts has been VERY interesting and entertaining. :-)

vance454 on aol im


Date: 08/23/2001
From: Chaser9

I know it won't change your opinion of me based upon my past actions, but I want to apologize.

I never meant to be an arrogant, selfish, prick but it has come to my attention through recent discussions and soul searching that I'm nothing more than a glory-hound. I wanted the fame, the glory, I wanted to be important and in the process I alienated those who were only looking for something similar.

I know it doesn't mean anything but I'm sorry.


Well, crap.

Date: 08/23/2001
From: FogBoy

I didn't see this final post in the series until now. And I must admit I'd forgotten all about any old accusations of you being me, or vice versa.

Since I've already given you a pat on the back for this little postathon you just made, that probably only heightens suspicion. Another problem is that I, too, support cherry and apple pies (in that order).

However, let me take this time to say that I also support S4. That should successfully separate me from you, and also from every other poster on this board. It should also lead to my incarceration in a padded room.


Date: 08/23/2001
From: sliderseth


I was told you wouldn't know how to

Date: 08/23/2001
From: LiquidSunshine

take that reply.

I'm not mad at you despite my reply to some of your prior missives in this series. I'm simply replying as they strike me and boy did that *one* strike a nerve. I'm not going to apologize for the reply, but I will say I hope it didn't offend you too much. Eusti asked me how I would take something like that after I posted it. I've taken hits like that before and being the extremely thin-skinned person that I am, I take it in and obsess over it. Then, as long as the person isn't a blatant me-hater, I'll talk to them about it. Hash it out. Then I'll obsess some more and finally I'll either discard it as untrue or change my perspective until I can disgard it as untrue. To be honest, I kind of wish someone would've smacked me in the back of the head last fall when I totally made someone feel bad without meaning too. I could've used the reality check. Maybe you don't need one.

I don't expect you to be dishonest, but I thought that you needed to repsond to it. I think you are pretty likely to be honest and as far as I know you haven't lied to me yet. I'm sorry you think that I mistrust you. That wasn't the way the questions were intended.










I can't help myself, did you see Vance's cute little flame. I just about fell out of my chair laughing. I've been *warned* to expect retaliation when my guard is down.









What? This is an LS post. You didn't really expect it to be totally serious and totally without blatant amounts of white space. Did you?










In all seriousness, I hope you continue to stick around. It's always interesting to see what you'll have to say. Will it be a flame? Will it be funny? Will it make us think?










LiquidSunshine -- The drug that is a side affect of CRACK. Whooops. I'm not a drug; I'm a person.


Date: 08/23/2001
From: capaqu

Can't say I've read much of this. Can't say I ever will.

One line caught my eye though, and "I can't help myself."

The line:

>>LS, I have no idea what has gotten into you, but I hope it's nothing too permanent against me.<<

Don't worry about it, S. It's just that sweet and light side of the perfect Tigs that she exposed to me months ago. On numerous occasions. But somehow overlooked by her supporters. Doesn't feel too good, does it?



Date: 08/23/2001
From: Tigs

I don't what your problem is. I don't know how I offended you. Last summer I'm sure I bitched about your falling all over ST in your replies just like you bitched about me and my inability to spell even though I teach English. I don't know why you dislike me so much. I'm over a lot of things that were annoying last summer.

Rest assured my "legions" of "supporters" know my flaws all too well. They know my pettiness, my bitchiness, my prediliction to feel sorry for myself, and my tendancy to get annoyed, vent, and get over it. If anyone who claims to be friend things I'm perfect, well, they obviously don't know me very well then.

Either email me with your specific problem, bring it up, and allow me to deal with it and apologize if I need to or drop it. Please. It's not a demand by any strech of the imagination--it's a plea.


Dammit. "thing" = "think"

Date: 08/23/2001
From: Tigs



Date: 08/23/2001
From: SpaceTime

I've covered the one word post title and the overused-into-extinction ™ symbol, so now I can just get to the meat of the message.

I've already bookmarked this entire series of posts because a month or a year down the road, I will want to open them up again and read these words. S, if there's one thing you've done on this boards it's that you've defied convention. You re-interpreted the storytelling medium by letting everyone giggle at the prospect of seeing Buffyboy killed, you re-invented the ailing Sixth Season phenomenon, and now, with Board interaction at a low, you re-invent the POST. Sure, people have talked unceasingly about their lives (remember Timer54321 and his Israeli-boppin' girlfriend Yael?), but they've never found a way to turn it into something epic. You've got the credibility to post something like this and not get snickered at (I do not - think back to my "Phil Hartman" post; Dark's personal revelations usually come in combat). As a result, the BBoard is changed. Again.

Personally, don't be surprised if you see a horde of imitators bungee-ing off this idea in the near future. It's been done before, it'll probably happen again. I'd like to see the True Confessions of Blinker, Tf, hell, even Exec. Knowing the hows and whys people are here aside from general platitudes and one-sentence answers seem like the logical progression of a bulletin board that is more of a community now than a fan base. That's what we'll need to keep this place around, not web updates.

Classify this Board as a success, chief. You've done nothing but show time and time again that you are one of the good guys.



Date: 08/23/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21

No words come to mind right now to describe this other than "excellent".

Thank you for writing this. Excellent job...


Boy can I relate

Date: 08/23/2001
From: HunterD_Raven

In addition to my insanely slow computer, and the fact that my stupid computer messed up and wouldn't let me online for around a week, there is a 3rd reason I more or less disappeared for a month.

I was kinda pissed NO ONE made the SLIGHTEST mention of my birthday. my dumb computer at the time took 10 minutes to load up this board...and thats lowballing it.
and I was trying to redo Stoker & finish it, which took around half an hour out of the small time I'm awake & able to get on the computer.
(My Vampire nature I joke about on here is partially true, I sleep most of the day, and go to bed around dawn. Sadly other people in this house don't follow this schedual and their bedroom is right next to the room the computer is in.
Therfore lights on & typeing is a BIG distraction to their sleeping, so I don't get online as much as i did when I slept at night)
and then comes my Birthday and not one freaking word about it. I got kinda pissed.

But I know how you feel, I swore I wasn't gonna come back, most everyone I like is either gone or lurking.
Most everyone I respect either has a low opinion of me (ST & DS) or doesn't post much on their own (You & TF)

But I remember something I said back during the JOCnatic invasion.
The only ways I'll leave this board are if I'm dead, I loose my computer, or if I'm the last person left.
Looks like you & me will live up to that last one, TRY was we MIGHT to get the hell out of this place...we can't.

it's like that damn Uncle Cracker song
"I don't know why I come here, but I know I'll never leave"


Date: 08/23/2001
From: SpaceTime

Hey dude,

I don't have a low opinion of you, man. Neither does Dark. (weren't you some kind of mythical warrior in MdS?) Just because we goof on your atrocious spelling doesn't mean we don't appreciate what you bring to the table - topics that provoke discussion and a general love for the show.

Sure, we've had some disagreements but my opinion of you is fundamentally higher than most. I just wanted to let you know that, especially since you think otherwise. :)

Re: birthdays. What can you do? No one mentioned mine and I share it with Tigs. No biggie. Aside from her and the Dec-10 Boyz' birthdays, I don't know anyone's, not even Dark's (it's sometime in January). Don't worry about it. The Love™ is felt even if the post isn't typed.


Re: Birthdays and Space

Date: 08/23/2001
From: Tigs

"Re: birthdays. What can you do? No one mentioned mine and I share it with Tigs. No biggie"

Gee, now I feel bad. I thought you didn't want your birthday mentioned, Space.

Hunter, sorry man. I didn't know when your birthday was.


ps. S, sorry this isn't about you.

You rock, Tigsy! (end)

Date: 08/23/2001
From: SL4ever

"ps. S, sorry this isn't about you."

just a little reply

Date: 08/23/2001
From: HunterD_Raven

Sorry this isn't about you S ;)

ST, I gotta admit I don't know anyones BDs really either, I generally rely on someone else posting the "Happy Birthday" thread & then jumping in with my well-wishes when I notice it.
Well for all those whose BDays I missed, Happy belated one.

as for the misunderstanding of your opinion of me, glad to know it was just that, a misunderstanding.
and yes, I was one of the mythical gods on MdS, Thor as I recall.




By the way is my spelling really THAT horrible, I mean I think it's gotten a little better over the years.
And when you take in the "Sliderz Sux Witout Jerri" crowd I can't be THAT horrible!!!
I mean ATLEAST I don't use that damn shorthand with the U and the R and that stuff!
Sorry, I'm obsessing.

Space and S

Date: 08/24/2001
From: TemptressInfinity

Technically, you received an early "Happy Birthday" post from Vance, and no one bothered to correct him. It was an "I'm bored post", but at least it was a birthday greeting and only a week before your birthday.

But of course you were too busy trying to find ways of making yourself seem like the innocent little demi-god you think you are. I know that the flaming and putting down those of whom you believe are not of the same intellect as yourself is so completely time consuming that you would overlook a post of that caliber.

So we will keep that in mind when your birthday comes around next year, and remember to post a grandiose flame for your birthday so that you will know it is not forgotten.



I shall post my views on what you said and my own meanderings at a later date. After I decide whether or not to actually speak my peace. Don't worry though you have said some things that I had been thinking or have thought at one time or another. Where some in their replies have disagreed with you I agree wholeheartedly.

Until later,


I know, Tigs

Date: 08/24/2001
From: SpaceTime

That's why it was no big deal. ;)

- ST

oh my :(

Date: 08/24/2001
From: Yeontoo

Dear S,

Wow, this must have been laying against your heart to post for awhile. I can only hope that this soul cleaning helps everyone as much as it has me. I could so much see how all of us intertwine, like the mini strands of a great rope. How easy it is to lift someone up with a few words and to tear someone down with a few different words, or even no words at all.

I will confess to not spending as much time here as I used to. There were reasons, but they just don't seem so important any more. Just realizing I left friends in the lurch is a bitter pill, but mine to swallow.

I love the "other" board too, and I'm grateful that Tex agreed to host it. Committment: make more time for my friends of both boards.

You gave me a wonderful mention several times, thank you so very much. You've demonstrated to me that the domino theory is actually a domino fact.

Please reinstall AIM, your friends and I would love to chat with you. Use the privacy on the preferences tab if you'd like, but do use AIM. Reinstall ICQ too. You don't have to use the same name. You have more friends than you realize.


ST is right, a lot of self-examination is going on (not sure if everyone will post theirs tho).

Welcome back :)

EustiSlider has the Dominion War on the Hall of Fame ;-)

Just wondering how many can be use.

Hope you read This S

Date: 08/24/2001
From: Joey_Starr

Thought the opinion of a "newbie" might be interesting. First of, I have learned a hard thing in life way back, and thats it doesn't matter if the whole world appreciates what you've or not. What matters is that you do something because you wanted to. When you write a fanfic the person you should look to satisfy first is yourself. It is definitely great to receive feedback especially good ones but ultimately you write to express yourself, or face your demons or whatever. I know this now but like yourself when I was younger in times of peril this sort of thing had me angry/sad too.
Just to show you something look at the responses you have had to this chain of threads. You have more fans here then you even realize. These are just the people who had the time/caring to post about this. There are others who didn't post that appreciate you. Look at the things that youk have accomplished just on this board! Look at your own academic acheivements! You are awesome and don't even know it. You have a lot to be happy about, so snap out of it because you seem like such a great guy and deserve better than to torture yourself!
Here is an interesting quote that I spotted in HoF:

"S is only in his teens, but with his intelligent posts, intellectual and logical thinking skills, and hilarious spontaneity, you'd never know it. S vehemently hates this Board and most of its residents, (He considers himself intellectually superior.) and yet, he's stolen just about everyone's heart! He even had the dubious honor of 2-3 posters dedicated entirely against him, but nobody has ever been in his way for long!"

How many posters here can really stand up to this feat? Also you are the only fan fic writer of whom I have read a whole story of(Dominion War). Believe me, That's a major feat!!
After reading these threads and seeing the gathering of the community towards its "fallen" brother I have finally seen why "I" come to this board. Its the whole family loves, fights, moves on, thing. I definitely see what the board sees in you because I now see it too.
I would be proud for you to one day address me as friend. So I invite you and all interested to email me or AIM me at joeystarr1 anytime! If you do actually leave it would be a loss to the board and to you as well. You obviously have a lot of friends here that DO care about you!

Peace Out!


LiquidSunshine=Tigs? WOW! I'm in love for sure now!!!


Diamond Rose

Date: 08/24/2001
From: darkslider


I wish I had the ability to state the awe and the feeling that was induced in me by the truths stated here.

I cannot.

I'm not a tailor of great prose, by any stretch of the imagination. I, am a destroyer of it. Purposefully and non intentionally.

Friendships are very fragile entities. They shatter at the merest sign of strain, shatter in adversity at times, and need to be looked at from afar to be truly appreciated. We suffer the shards in our hands, the pain of losing something more beautiful than description, and the having our greatest fears actualized when the entity dies. The proverbial Glass Rose, if you will...beautiful beyond knowledge...and more fragile than anything in life.

Sometimes, though...the entity two people as friends share becomes something more. Something that will not shatter, die, or even fade. It surpasses the individuals...long after they are gone. These withstand every obstacle imaginable...and reflect the souls of the that they do not get corrupted, and so that the individuals do not forget themselves.

I have been lucky enough to discover this within you, my friend Brand_S(Salah_The_Great, Salah). And I am honored, and eternally grateful for it. Rarely has someone actually gotten me to laugh, talk, and geniunely feel as at ease as I do with you. Someone I have never seen...face to face!

Many a time, I felt as if we could have easily had those AIM chats on my back porch of my new place, drinking beers...and watching the sun go down. No need for words, sometimes...just...being there.


Because of that entity...and it's purity. There's nothing we seek to gain from one another, save that of having someone we could count as a true friend at our a time of need...and to have someone completely real...and completely honest.

That's what I have always liked about you. There's no hidden agenda. You sought to be seen and liked for who you are, nothing more...nothing less. You were willing to take humilation in the hopes that friendship could come about with just about anyone...provided they were open and with you. Seeking the Higher Level in all things...and desiring to bring the rest of us with you.

And for that, my shall always be mine...and everyone else's....superior.

I am not half the creative, intelligent genius that you are, my friend. And your honor of me, with truth not only makes me happy...but humbles me as well.

Thank you is an understatement of gross magnitude.

Thank you, also for your decision to share what you have with us...the populus. I have read every tale you have written...and I have to say that you have progressed moreso than many others here have, myself included.

You have taken so many leaps and bounds in the Literary Realm, that you have surpassed many a genre...and by extension, it's fans.

Is this a bad thing? Not in the least.

Sometimes, the Art takes the artist beyond mainstream appreciation. Sometimes, Art takes the gifted into new realms that cannot be appreciated by the ignorant masses who have not yet transcended unto the next level...or even the one beyond that. Very few survive that trek. It's perilous, thankless...and more often than not...humiliating. It is lonely on this path, as you're making the path as you go...Art only calls from afar, leaving the masses decades behind.

Look at VanGogh, Poe, Salinger, and many others. They were so far ahead that only the descendants of the masses of their time could come within the lowest part of the spectrum that these artists were delved into.

Such is the case with you, my friend. You have evolved beyond...all of this. As is evident by the superbly done string of posts here, and the replies that it sired. You opened a door to your inner core...for all to see.

It is...amazing.

To say that you are a visionary of epic proporations is as redundant as saying that life contains mysteries.

From your tales to your candid talks by the virtual fire, I have no doubt that you are from a breed of true elites that few really know, and even fewer can truly appreciate.

I would go on if I could, but as I have said...I'm not used to talking this much...nor, am I very eloquent in my speech.

Just know that I feel the same way. Trust you above all others? Of course.

Friendship beyond that of normal glass enitities? Undoubtedly.

Wherever you go, man...know that I support all that you do....and am honored to be considered a friend by you..



Date: 08/24/2001
From: darkslider

We have spoken very little in our life-spans here...something I regret. However,I would like you to know that I do not hate you...nor even dislike you.

I see you as someone with an inexhaustable well of potential...someone whose intellect is far greater than he shows...and someone who just needs a nudge. Not in any particular direction, philosophically speaking...but needs a nudge, nonetheless.

You are someone I see as an intellectual adversary that I would, if I could, challenge see what would come about from the battles. Not only to enhance you...but myself as well.

Morte de SpaceTime's depiction of you was an homage. Call it a nod from afar, that I think you deserved...a sign that while I may not agree with all that you state...I respect you...and view you with a high regard. I do not give musings on my thoughts to just anyone. Only to those that I think will respond in a manner that shows intellect...and skill beyond the ordinary.

As for us not being close? e-mails always open, man. I never do work nowadays any damn way, so...



Date: 08/24/2001
From: RMScream

I think it's great that, just when I thought this board was near-death, someone posts something truly great and single-handedly brings it back to life. Salah, this was one of the best things I've read in a while. Spilling your guts the way you have shows courage. I'm thankful you did it, though. And, as I stated in the e-mail I sent you, I consider you a friend. I hope you feel the same about me. You are one of the best posters here, and by the looks of it, I'm not the only one who thinks that. Thank you for posting this, and thank you for being here.

This is beautiful...

Date: 08/24/2001
From: Vance454

Never have I seen a post with replys with so much love. Seriously! This is wonderful. It's great to know that you are a part of a community of this magnatude.

As Cartman would say: "You guys are my best friends, through thick and thin... I love you guys."

vance454 on aol im

Another little reply

Date: 08/24/2001
From: HunterD_Raven

Mostly to DS

"I see you as someone with an inexhaustable well of potential...someone whose intellect is far greater than he shows...and someone who just needs a nudge. Not in any particular direction, philosophically speaking...but needs a nudge, nonetheless."

Excuse me while I check the mirror to make sure my head hasn't swelled too much ;)

It is nice to know you think so highly of me.
There are precious few people I have anything resmbleing a sense of respect for and you're one of them so it's nice to know you see me in a positive light too.

I can see what you mean about a bit of nudgeing, I occasionally wish I was a better hmmm, what's the word, I don't exactly want to say debate, but sadly I don't have a thesarus handy.
I am very, VERY, good at expressing my opinion when I am marching forward, but I royally suck at talking to those who I agree with, or when I am being a bit overwhelmed on the attack from 'the opposition.

I realize that as headstrong as I am, and as perfect as I like to joke I am,there is always room for change.
There's a saying I once heard I use quite often
"In this world, it's change or die...either way, I'm satisfied"

I do realize that "change or die' reflects myself as well.

You know, the group of us quasi-political and quasi-warlords of the board really should meet someday.
You,Me,S,ST,Info, and EPT & Stochi if we can get ahold of them.

Assumeing we can make it out without killing each other, I think it'd be a good experiance for all of us.
Somehow I get the idea if Reincarnation is true, in previous lives we where all warlords over some area of earth
(Well, except Info, he was a monk or such)

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