30 Signs you are a “Sliders” Addict
Date: 11/2/99
From: dellyone


30 Signs you are a "Sliders" Addict

1. You look at your TV remote to check the time.

2. Whenever you travel, you always look for a Chandler or Dominion Hotel.

3. You have an urge to plan your vacation around a visit to the Universal Studios backlot.

4. You believe that your or your neighbor’s swimming pool would look cool if you can figure out how to make a giant whirlpool.

5. Every time you see a whirlpool in your toilet or in a sink, you have an urge to jump in.

6. You are reading this list.

7. You have the urge to yell, “Go, go, go” every time someone counts down to zero.

8. You jump through a hula-hoop to simulate jumping into a vortex.

9. You coax your friends to throw you into bushes, concrete, trees, sides of buildings and grass to simulate exiting a vortex.

10. You bought one of those clocks that count down to the year 2000 and you reset it to count down to the final four season five episodes.

11. You have another reason to fear hypodermic needles.

12. You get really nervous if you are more than 400 miles away from your home.

13. You try all the ATMs wherever you go just to see if your bank account increased.

14. You constantly nag your parents, siblings and relatives to make sure there aren’t any relatives you don’t know about.

15. You are on the constant lookout for Wade, Colin, the professor, Logan and Colonel Rickman.

16. You can name an episode in the first 5 seconds it comes on. For the severely addicted, you can name that episode when you see the vortex.

17. You never go to see the fish in a pet store because it’s too emotional for you.

18. You base your decisions on what Quinn and company would do. Majority rules. For the severely addicted, you break it down by seasons.

19. You attempt to steer all conversations to “Sliders.”

20. Every time you hear the words wade and professor, you get emotional.

21. When someone asks you where you are from you respond by saying Earth Prime, PTSS world, Azure Golden Gate Bridge World or Earth (insert number here).

22. When you get angry you say “Blistering idiot.”

23. You call every person you dislike: Kromagg, Magg, Kromaggot or Humags.

24. You have an urge to add to this list after you finish reading it.

25. You pick a character to be that day and stay in character no matter the circumstances.

26. When you watch an episode, you turn off the volume because you know all the words.

27. You hold up cue cards to the TV so that the actors can read their lines.

28. You write down all the dialogue because your VCR tape is almost worn out.

29. Even if you have seen that episode (even one that you thought was bad) a dozen times, you still watch it.

30. You check your front gate or front door every time you come home. If it squeaks, you are home. If it doesn’t, it’s not your house.

I hope this makes your day. Do you have anything else to add?

A “Sliders” fan on withdrawl.


Date: 11/2/99
From: slider409


On #21, I always tell people I'm from Canada, by accident. LOL

Slide ON!


Thanks. Oops, I fogot that. (end)
Date: 11/2/99
From: dellyone



Date: 11/2/99
From: CaptMaggie


Hey, I haven't been a fan that long, but I already fit in alot of those!!!!!!!!! LOL


Date: 11/2/99
From: HunterD_Raven


You name your pets after thesliders (Smallest is Wade, largest is Arturo)
You actually think those are the sliders when you see them on other shows (What the Heck is Wade doing on Sports night, and why is Quinn talking to roaches?)
Oh, and a sign you are a sliders fanatic with no life whatsoever.
Your name is RDwebster or DOcProc

LOL! I am an addict!!! (end)
Date: 11/2/99
From: SliderT



Thanks. Now I know there are other
Date: 11/2/99
From: dellyone


fans addicted to this show.

This is too real
Date: 11/2/99
From: jlbanker


I have a habit of bringing up Sliders where ever I go. I usually get reactions like "I used to watch that show... what it's still on the air after all these years?"

I was thinking that it was more of a recent thing but thinking back I have been doing it since I wanted to get home to watch the very first ep of Sliders. Back in the old days during seasons one and two I don't think I ever got that excited about coming home to watch tv. Well I take it back... when I was little I got pretty excited about the smurfs.

LOL!!! Can I put these on my site? -n/t
Date: 11/2/99
From: Blinker



HA! #9 sign is the funniest!
Date: 11/2/99
From: Sabre_Edge


Did you make these up yourself? They are great!


out... he he

Very, VERY funny!!! =:^)
Date: 11/2/99
From: SlideRite


Tee-Hee that was great!

Thanks for the chuckle!!!


To Blinker, Sabre_Edge & all
Date: 11/2/99
From: dellyone


To Blinker: You have my permission to put it on your site. Thanks.

To Sabre_Edge: Yes, I made these up. But there are so many I didn't put up.

To everyone: I'm glad you liked this. I also put in on the
JOC Fanatics board also. So come on guys, don't you have any other signs?

Of course I'm an addict!!
Date: 11/2/99
From: Slider_Sarah


I already knew that. And since you ask, here's another few that do apply to me at any rate (I shouldn't let this out :-)

# You watch Sliders in a foreign language and still understand it, despite a lack of knowledge of the language

# You refer to the Earth as 'THIS Earth'

# If you live somewhere that doesn't get the episodes first, you have someone send them to you.

that's all I can think of right now :-)


Woo hoo! A whole lotta more!! 7:-D
Date: 11/2/99
From: Blinker


- You check the board each day before you check your e-mail.

- Once a year, half your friends and relatives disappear only to be replaced by new ones.

- The Vice-President of Programming at SFC has you on call block.

- You believe that Mel Torme faked his own death.

- You have an unnatural fear of hopscotch.

- You ask your friends for favours but never follow up.

- Your license plate reads 'CRYNMAN.'

- You feed your toddler by flying a 'manta ship' spoon into her 'vortex' mouth.

- You write the government asking for a job as a re-populator.

- Your handle has the word 'Slider' in it... on EVERY board.

- You blame subliminal messages for your overspending.

- You now believe that zombies, hybrids, and vampires are real.

- You conduct PTSS re-enactments in which you chain up one of your friends in a basement for a week.

- Your life is constantly getting more complicated and less realistic.

- You remember who Michelle was.

- You think that Kromaggs, even the Nazi variety, are scarier than anything in 'The Blair Witch Project.'

- You would buy GeoMash.

- You would buy Maggie's toothbrush.

- You know the jokes behind the titles "Electric Twister Acid Test" and "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou."

- You are very, very careful to pay all medical bills.

- You call Court TV, asking them why they won't let you vote on each case.

- You sing a '20s-style jazz number whenever you have half an hour to burn.

- You think Nancy Reagan must've gotten it backwards.

- You're afraid to dig in your backyard lest you unleash a plague of blue-skinned cannibal monsters.

- You mail R.K. Weiss twice a day... asking to be IN the movie.

- You look up Daelin Richards in every city you pass through.

- You blame everything on right-wingers.

- You drive a humvee.

- You point out to the manager that his Motel 6 has the wrong number.

- Things that should take 60 seconds invariably take you over 2 1/2 minutes.

- You have a strange mental handicap which makes you unable to distinguish the words "Chancellor" and "Chandler."

- You believe the ancient Egyptian dynasties spoke English.

- When walking through a door with a group of friends, you manage to emerge in a different order than you entered.

- You gave up your pet dog after one week.

- You sat through "Slither."

- Blinker 7:-D

(And yes, I just listed myself...)

Date: 11/2/99
From: Slider_8


I guess I'm a Sliders addict! Here are some more for the list.

You call everyone you know Mister or Miss.

You mutilate your cell phone from trying to make it into a timer.

You piss off people and then go back and blame it on your double from a parallel world.

You call you your friends by wierd nicknames like "Q-ball".

You are thinking about writing Sliders ending fanfic.

You plan nothing for Wensdays so that you can watch Sliders for four hours.

You grow up, get married, have kids, and name them Quinn, Max, Wade, Rembrandt, Maggie, Colin, and Diana.

Thats all that I have time to write for now.

[:::]o]}= = = =(((o)))

More ...
Date: 11/2/99
From: VirtualDimension


You know all of the Sliders "rules" (ex. #2A).

You have the book "Everything I say is Right" by Maximillian Arturo.

You want to work at Doppler Electronics.

You have a copy of Wade's diary.

You've been searching for the first album Rembrandt made when he split up from the Topps.

You've read some of Arturo's theories ... and consider them light reading.

You have artifacts you claim to be from different earths (like one from a world not colonized by Europe, or currency from a world where the Russians rule America)

Date: 11/2/99
From: JSLeaper


*When ever you get off of a plane or any other mode of transportation,and you arrive somewhere you've never been,you look around and turn to the person next to you(weather you know them or not) and ask,"How long until we slide?"

*You find it strange that your digital clock is counting up

*When at bars(this one is for guys),you look for a girl who is like Wade.

*Whenever changing channels with your remote,you stick it up at eye level and press the button.

I'll have to think of more,but I gotta go


Some Other Signs
Date: 11/2/99
From: Season_5_Liker


1.Whenever you hear a word that even remotely sounds like pulsar,you scream and burst into tears.
2.You can't look at a fish tank without bursting into tears.
3.You try to get the same facial impressions of (insert favorite Slider here.)
4.When you see a computer,you think of Wade.
5.You sliced opened your mother's arm to find YOUR microdot.
6.You always manage to say "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!I'M NOT ONE OF YOUR STUDENTS" to everbody,even if they aren't even remotely teachers.
7.You've never been to the East Coast and don't even know what it is.

Forgot Some
Date: 11/2/99
From: Season_5_Liker


1.You don't go to concerts because you are afraid that the band members will cast a spell on you.
2.You are afraid to play the piano because a vampire will approach you.
3.You dyed your dark brown hair red and no has mentioned it.
4.When your father shaved off his mustache,it took you 2 TV seasons to believe that he wasn't a double.
5.You don't remember anything that happened before March 24,1995.
6.Your headstone reads January 28,2000,even though that isn't the date you died.
7.You refuse to play the Lottery.
8.When you watch Sports Night,you get angry because Wade doesn't act dreamy anymore.
9.You want to enroll at North Shore

More Clues
Date: 11/2/99
From: Nobuyuki


-You recognize Robert Englund from "State of the A.R.T." and scream at the teens in the Nightmare on Elmstreet movies to kill Freddy by pulling his electronic spine out.

-When you hear two different versions of the same story, you freak out thinking your continuity just got screwed up.

-You know the words to "Tears in My 'Fro" and sing it in the shower.

-You change the channel from Sports Night when Sabrina's scenes aren't on.

-You have a dartboard with Peckinpah's picture on it and ritualistically throw large, sharp objects at it.

-You scream periodic table elements when you play Othello.

-You try to get a fellow student to start smoking pot.

-Upon succeeding in the above, you begin referring to him as Bennish.

-You bought all of Roger Daltry's CDs after watching Invasion with the intent to burn them.

-You started college an innocent student and eventually became an action hero.

-You attempt to build a timer with the purpose to find Gaurdian World and beat up the doubles of the punks that harrassed you as a kid.

-When a large man goes down a waterslide ahead of you, you immediately follow behind him and try to land on him at the bottom.

-You plan to fly to New Zealand to be a JRD "Gimli Groupee."

LOL! Here's Mine ...
Date: 11/2/99


1. You hang around a girl you like a lot in hopes that you will both be snatched into a bubble universe.

2. You nervously watch your parents each day, in fear that they will pull a gun on you and tell you that you aren't from this earth.

3. Each time you walk through the park, YOU hear Wade calling you to rescue her from the Kromaggs.

4. You are convinced that one of your long lost friends that you can't track down is, in fact, unstuck in a vortex somewhere.

That was fun! :)

i thought of more
Date: 11/3/99
From: JSLeaper


* You avoid the ape house at zoo in your town.

*(In relation to the last one)You have been banned from the zoo because one time you tried to get into the ape house with a gun.

*Ever since seeing "Dream Masters" you are overly kind to nerds or other social outcasts

*You look up character's names in the phone book


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/14351
Nominated by dellyone


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