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Electric Peter Tork is dead...

Date: 7/13/99
From: ElectricPeterTork

"ElectricPeterTork has died.His head exploded because he once again heard a so called sliders "fan" say that the show wasn't worth watching because Jerry O'Connell has left,and that they would stop watching and start devoting more of their viewing hours to more "quality" sci-fi programming.
A memorial service will be held tomorrow night in the Sliders chat room."

Wade 1013...You dare name yourself after a beloved character like Wade and don't even have the intelligence to support the show.
BAH!!!I say good riddance.

ElectricPeterTork aka angry jailbait.

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/8829/2
Nominated by Brand_S


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