Couldn`t have been a better "Road Taken"

Date: 04/16/1999
From: Cryin

Amazing, incredible, creative, emotional, dramatical...I am overcome by words describing how fantastic "Roads Taken" was. This was, by far, the best episode that SFC has put out yet! Remmie and Colin sacrificing their life to save their friends, Quinn and Maggie sharing a whole life together in so short of time and deciding to continue the relationship afterwards. I almost forgot about Kari`s stupidity on Howard Stern on Monday.

But "Roads Taken"...most incredible. It`s too bad JOC is leaving next season because what him and Maggie had experienced through their "bubble world" doubles could lead to an amazing relationship. I can`t believe I`m saying that...I` not even the romantic type!

Can`t wait til "Revelations" next week.


Date: 04/16/1999
From: 1013shan

I'm gonna have my prescription sent over to you man! I hated that ep... I hate Maggie... and what the hell were they taking about...just compare any of the 'classic" eps we've seen in the past few great was Love Gods ..remember..remember..
OK I'm rambling...and of course if you like it..well ok I can handle it


Sorry to Disagree

Date: 04/16/1999
From: TheBean

Although some people may've gotten the idea that I hate Maggie I don't. However, I think this episode has got to be the most boring one yet, not to mention one of the most confusing. I thought the western a few weeks ago was bad, but at least that had some redeeming qualities (two come to mind right away). This episode seemed a complete waste of time.


Date: 04/16/1999
From: Slider142

I think this episode was one of the good S4 episodes. I admit, when I first got what was happening, I was like euh... But really, the Mexican-Texan world was excellent as a background, and the emotions were all there, even if it was Maggie and not Wade.
Overall, it was a good episode, much better than some other S4 episodes I could mention. And I didn't read any of the spoilers before this one either, so the Thomas Mallory thing was all new to me and so was the split vortex and the ending. Great ep. :-)

"Surely you're joking, Mr. Lett!"
Visit RALproductions :

Refer to "wretching" post <end>

Date: 04/16/1999
From: spaz119


totally agree

Date: 04/16/1999
From: KaliJacobs

since Cryin' seems to be one of the few people who actually supported today's ep, i thought i'd surface just long enough to agree. frankly, i still haven't decided whether i like quinn better with maggie or wade, but you have to agree sliders generally sucks when it comes to developing _any_ romance.. anywhere. usually, everyone's all buddy-buddy and that's always been my one complaint. so i have to say i loved this episode. it's about damn time they got around to it. and i really liked the way it was done, too. less technical "lecturing", and more actual "drama". awesome. =)


to cryin

Date: 04/16/1999
From: Tery

it seems cryin and kali are the only 2 who liked this episode as of yet. I think they either are just kinda confused or they missed the early days of sliders.

Roads that should never have been Taken

Date: 04/17/1999
From: mouse333

I think whoever wrote the last two episodes of Sliders really needs a refresher course on the difference between Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Drama. Neither of these episodes gave convincing enough evidence to make its viewers believe that something like that actually could happen. When you ask your viewers to suspend their disbelief beyond what you have shown through plausible scientific explanations, you cease writing science fiction and dive head first into the realm of fantasy. On a similar note, when you concentrate on the characters' states of mind, emotions, etc...rather than the situation at hand & how that affects them you are writing drama.

I watch Sliders because (at first) it was an excellent scifi show. If I wanted fantasy I would watch Hercules or Highlander instead. Also, if I wanted to watch a dramatic show I would tune into something like Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven. I think that by drastically changing the format of a show by jumping between genres the way Sliders has been doing, you run the risk of alienating your viewers. They have certainly succeeded in alienating me. I am going to continue to watch Seasons 1-3, but that is it! Once Season 5 starts up...well I guess I'll just have to find a new show to watch.


Date: 04/17/1999
From: Kanyon_Raven

Yo, i agree that this was a good episode, i think most(note i said MOST< not all) of these saying it sucked are still in denile that Wade is gone (DEAL WITH IT PEOPLE) I myself am not devoted to 1 character but to the show, having seen most of the episodes (i continually miss the second ever episode, and missed last weeks)i say this was pretty good, As for WORST EVER...i'd say the jurassic Park world. That was just plain stupid. This episode had a great drama, si-fi, and fantasy elements. For all those who think it sucked i don't see how you can.

Fork in the "Road"

Date: 04/17/1999
From: Alpha95

I liked this episode good enough. AT least it didn't suck like some I've seen in the past, not to name any. I have watched since the begining and Sliders isn't good at any type of emotional topics(sure there was some love there with Wade and Quin but some people need to get the picture. WADE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!! She has been gone. Get over her. She was just a slow down for Quin anyway. I mean all she ever did was bitch and complain. Her name should have been WHINE. She was sooooo annoying. I don't know what everyones problem is with Maggie. At least she has some guts. At least she has some spirit. Okay, well back to the show. All the writers are trying to do is give their characters some emotion. SOME CHARACTER! Sure, they might have come up with a better way instead of just throwing it in there, but it worked. So just deal with it!!!!!!!!!!

thats what i thought

Date: 04/17/1999
From: mouthy

it was kind of sad that maggie and quinn didn't get to kiss though. But the best thing about their bubble world is that it started with them as kids, I think it was prom night. Then they got married and had a cute little kid, ugly teenager though.

I did think that the episode was confusing though the had a lot of mumbo-jumbo but that could have been because I watched it on tape at about 2 in the morning.


Date: 04/17/1999
From: Quinns4Me

Thanks for being the first to say what i was thinking...but oh so afraid to say lol

i can't believe that they used a storyline like that knowing that jerry was leaving...oh well

great story anyway



Date: 04/17/1999
From: QBall79

I'm sorry, but the chemistry wasn't there, and while I see what they were trying to do with it, they didn't explain things fully enough, like how a world can be created from wishful thinking, and when this world actually was created. And there was also time travel involved, whether you care to admit it or not, and Quinn had always said he didn't think time travel was possible. Would he not have commented on that? Overall, not a great ep at all, and no matter what you say, Kari is a SLUT, and will (most likely) always be one.
Nothing against you, just Kari.


Agreed, a quick way to introduce romance

Date: 04/18/1999
From: LShel

I agree entirely with you. The great thing about this quick "slide" into the Maggie-Quinn romance is that we don't have to wait for it to develop slowly and painfully over several episodes. Just a one episode shot in the arm. This way, there can be plenty of holes in the logic because face it dreams are not always logical.


Date: 04/18/1999
From: Cryin

To read up on my theory of the bubble universe creation, refer to Executive`s post on the following bboard page called "The Unlikely paths of Roads Taken."

By the way, there was no time travel involved, its just that the bubble universe existed in a different temporal zone. And even if there was, who cares?

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