The end of Fever

Date: 09/05/2000
From: Slider8_

I love that ending! How Quinn tells Wade that sliding made a difference. Great writing! Also, that has to be one of the funniest scenes ever in Sliders:

Rembrandt: How is she?

Quinn: Better.

Arturo: Did you tell her about the cannibals?

Quinn: No, I think she went through enough on the last world.

(They look out the tent.)
Remmy: Who you suppose they're gonna eat first?

Arturo: I suppose the young are more tender.

Quinn: Age before beauty, it's a universal tenant.

(Arturo looks at Remmy)
Remmy: Don't look at me, I'm just a chicken mcnugget, you're the quarter-pounder!

HEHE. Damn I find that funny. I love the look on Arturo's face when he asks Quinn if he told Wade about the cannibals. Not to mention that laughter inciting bandana on his head!

[:::]o]}= = = =(((o)))


Date: 09/05/2000
From: SouthernSlider

Remmy's line is one of my all-time favorite quotes. That was too funny.

Hey, do you suppose that bandana was the pre-quel to 'berets'?



Date: 09/05/2000
From: Jenneration_X

As I was watching this for the 1st time a couple months ago, I couldn't stop Laughing.. It was soooo Funny.. I couldn't Stop laughing as watching Virtual Slide as well!! That was sooo Funny when she walked in on Quinn and VR Maggie in that bed, I could have died!!! That was SOOOOOOOOOO Hilarious!!!
Until Next time!

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Nominated by Blinker


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