TO Robert Floyd...please read

Date: 08/03/1999
From: nycslider

I just want to let you know that even though I was not sure I was going to like season 5 I knew I would watch. (What can I say even Jerry fans are curious.) I am pleasently surprised by this season. I really do like it alot. I enjoy your role as Mallory I think you are doing a wonderful job. As an actor myself I see your character development in each episode. Making the part yours and making us want a season 6 even more. We want to know your charater and Tembi's as well. I hope that as the season goes on we see more interesting plot points and charcter analysis.

If in case Sliders is gone and we can not revive it this time. Good luck to you, I know we will hear alot from you in the future.

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