Title Date Description
Another Net Worthy observation 1/12/99 Inadvertently setting the stage for the first Beret War. (use browser's Back button to return)
vents 4/7/99 Executive displays the attention to detail that made him (in)famous.
The unlikely paths of "Roads Taken" 4/17/99 A second look at 'Roads Taken'
OBSESSION was too off-format 4/29/99 Leading others to wonder if he ever actually watched the episode
TO TEMPORALFLUX 6/4/99 Executive meets Hera2
Some comments on "New Gods for Old" 7/17/99 "Magic water!!! So THAT explains it!!!" - Blinker
Two reasons for the poll's edge 7/26/99 Exec attempts to defend his vote to cancel Sliders on a Sci-Fi Wire poll.
To die A THOUSAND DEATHS in the ratings 9/25/99 Starsky and Hutch meets Sliders
Review of the new ANGEL series (OT) 10/6/99 "...apparently one of Exec's many accomplishments is the invention of the 'stake knife'." - ThomasMalthus
Tonight's OUTER LIMITS episodes (OT) 10/18/99 Can an off-topic post go off topic?
A Diamond is a Slider's Best Friend 1/15/00 scar·ab [n.] 1. A scarabaeid beetle, especially Scarabaeus sacer, regarded as sacred by the ancient Egyptians.
Rembrandt Brown: Rebel with a Cause 2/5/00 "or maybe they were from the very recent future." -Executive
darkslider drinks his own pee | Actually, RandomsEdge 5/23/00 What does Executive admit to drinking?
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