Boardnapped (BR-FF)

Date: 11/18/2000
From: JessieMallory

Hi all,

I’m back and writing again. And it is my turn to try my hand at board related fanfic. I’ve had this idea rolling around in my head for a while now, but unfortunately lacked a few scenes that could pull the whole thing together. But after a couple of interesting conversations that gave me some more inspiration I have now almost completed this. Yes that means it is not 100% completed it is approximately 3/4 done, but I am continuing to work on it daily along with other works in progress. I’ve had a writer’s block problem to deal with and now that I think I have overcome that problem. I will be writing a lot more, which includes Sliders related works.

As for the following Board Fanfic, the ladies portrayed as my conspirators did not have anything to do with the writing of it. If you have a grievance please direct it to me either here or you can email me. I hope you will all take this as the pun it is intended and not take it seriously.

Thanks I hope you enjoy,



JessieMallory sits alone in a room filled with technical equipment and computers lining 3 of the walls. She has a cordless receiver in her ear, and a connected microphone running down along her left cheek ending at the corner of her mouth. Behind her on the opposite wall is a door to one side leading to a padded room. Which is seen through the window that takes up most of the rest of the wall.

A light begins to flash on the circuit board in front of her. She reaches up to the button next to the blinking light and pushes it.

“Go ahead Yeontoo.” Jessie says.

“We’re in position outside of their apartment. Are we all set to go?” Yeontoo asks Jessie.

“Wait a few more minutes, I’m waiting for the rest of the ladies to check in. Stand ready to go with your guys, I’ll let you know when everyone is ready.” Jessie tells her.

Another light flashes Jessie reaches over and presses its corresponding button.

“Go ahead Tigs.” She says.

“I’m outside the first guys house, and I believe we’re outside the right bedroom. This should be easy. Are we ready to go?” Tigs asks.

“Hold for a few, I’m waiting for Sarah and Mychand to check in.” Another light flashes. “Hold on Tigs be right back to you, Sarah is checking in.”

Jessie quickly switches over to Sarah. “Go ahead Sarah” She says.

“We have him, Can I send him through?” Sarah asks.

“Hold him there for just a sec Sarah. Yeontoo’s guys aren’t here yet. Did he put up much of a fight?” Jessie asks her.

“Nah, didn’t give the guys a bit of trouble. Have the others all checked in?” Sarah asks.

As if on cue, another light flashes.

“Mychand is the last and her light just went off. Tigs and Yeontoo are already in position. Get ready to transport him here.” Jessie quickly switches over to Mychand.

“Go ahead Mychand.” Jessie says.

“We are in position. Can we go ahead?” Mychand asks.

“Yeontoo’s guys aren’t here yet wait 2 minutes and move in, but don’t transport until I give the OK.” Jessie tells her.

“OK 2 minutes and we move in. Mychand out.” Jessie hears her giggle as she switches back to Yeontoo.

“Yeon, everyone’s in position. Go ahead and get your guys. Let me know when they are secure and ready to transport.” Jessie tells her.

“OK Jess, talk to you in a few.” Yeontoo tells her.

Jessie switches over to Tigs. “Tigs wait 2 minutes, then move in. Let me know when he is secure and ready.”

“OK Jess.” Tigs answers her.

Jessie switches to Sarah. “Sarah go ahead and send him through. I think I can handle one guy until Yeontoo’s extra’s arrive.”

“OK Jessie sending him through. See you in America.” Sarah says to Jessie and to someone on her end. Jessie hears a male scream and then Sarah laughing. “Maybe the blindfold isn’t such a great idea Jessie.” Sarah laughs.

A portal opens in the room behind Jessie. A body comes flying through as Jessie hears a “Blooooooody Heeelll,” then a thud.

Jessie laughs a little. “Got him Sarah, move on over here to get your next one.”

“OK Jessie, see you soon.” Sarah says.

Jessie gets up after turning Sarah’s receiver off from her end, and walks over to a speaker on the wall between the door and the window. She watches a moment as the bound and blindfolded figure in the next room struggles to a sitting position. She flips on the speaker, and greets her guest.

“Morning BritSlider, welcome to the transition room. You won’t be alone long.” Jessie tells him.

“Who’s that? Do I know you? I know Sarah was the wanker who sent me here. Untie me now. Is this a continuation of the Beret Wars? Are you girls trying to get even with us guys?” She cuts him off.

“Slow down BritSlider dear, take a deep breath and relax.” Jessie pauses, then continues, “Now answers, no I don’t think we have ever been formally introduced. I’m JessieMallory. Yes it was Sarah who sent you here. No I can’t untie you, and no this is not a continuation of the Beret Wars or us getting even. Sorry I can’t tell you more just that all will be revealed when all the guys have been rounded up. Then after all of you have been forwarded to another world, we shall explain.” Jessie tells him.

She hears some cussing; at least she believes it is cussing. And before she turns off the speaker, part of what she has said finally sinks in.

She hears, “Forwarding to another world, what NO…” As she turns it off. She laughs a little and returns to the command panel to await the next arrivals.


Meanwhile somewhere in LA, Yeontoo quietly opens the door to an apartment thinking to herself. “He should never have told me about that hidden key, or that he was having company tonight.”

The five figures, Yeontoo and some of MSR’s bodyguards, 2 pairs of Alex and Duncan doubles, enter the dark living room, Yeontoo notices two doors on the other side of the room.

She whispers to the 2 men on her right, “You two take the right door.” She then turns to her left and whispers to them, “You two take the left door.” Then to all four, “Remember take them both at once, bind their hands and feet and blindfold them, no gags unless necessary.”

The five of them quickly and quietly cross the room, and the men in pairs enter the two bedrooms. Yeontoo stays in the living room waiting for the doubles to bring out their guys.

When Yeontoo hears, “Poppa save me.”

The two men from the right room emerge with their man bound, blindfolded and still groggy from sleep.

“Well he was easy.” Yeontoo says.

The Yeontoo laughs as the men from the left bedroom emerge struggling to keep a hold on the wiggling form. Yeontoo walks over and bends down to him and softly tries to calm him. “Settle down, everything is going to be all right, dear darkslider.”

Instead of calming down he fights even harder, “darkslider how do you know me? Who are you? Are you one of Ex’s stooges or hakavonn’s wimpy ass friends. SpaceTime is a god, and he will kill you.”

“No Zachie dear, SpaceTime can not help you. He is in the same position as you.” Yeontoo says laughing. “Now if you can’t quiet down I’ll have to gag you.”

“No, SpaceTime is a god, you can’t hurt him.” Darkslider screams at her. “Ex drinks his own pee, Ex drinks his own pee.” Darkslider begins chanting over and over again.

“OK guys gag him.” Yeontoo laughs.

She hears a muffled scream and then she presses a tiny button on the receiver in her ear. “Jessie.”

She hears on the other end. “Go ahead Yeon.”

“We have them and they are ready for transport.” Yeontoo tells her.

“OK Yeontoo go ahead and open the portal. Send your extra guys through first, then SpaceTime and darkslider.” She hears Jessie’s instructions and using the Mini-Macro opens a portal.

“OK, MSR’s Alex and Duncan go through first then we will send the guys through.” Yeontoo tells the guys.

Alex and Duncan jump into the vortex. A few seconds later Yeontoo hears Jessie say, “OK Yeon the guys are here and clear of the portal opening, send the guys through.”

“OK Jess.” Yeontoo turns to the remaining men and points to SpaceTime. “Him first.” They pick up a still groggy SpaceTime and toss him in the vortex.

“Now him.” Yeontoo points to darkslider who is still struggling on the floor and mumbling behind his gag. The men pick him up and toss him in also.

“They’re on their way Jess. BTW Zach thinks we are Ex’s people.” Yeontoo laughs.

“Oh that is priceless Yeon.” Jessie laughs. “They’re coming through now, go ahead and move to your next guy.”

“OK Jess, Yeontoo out.” Yeontoo presses the button on her receiver again. Then she taps a few buttons on the Mini-Macro and opens a new portal, and the three of them jump in. A few minutes later the portal closes leaving a dark and empty apartment.

********** End part 1 **********

Whoo Hoo!!

Date: 11/18/2000
From: MissingSliderRyan

Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to see what happens next. I know it's been a long time since you started work on this.



Date: 11/18/2000
From: Mychand

I loved the BritSlider part! LOL I can't wait to see who I get!

My :o)


Date: 11/19/2000
From: SpaceTime

Interesting... interesting...

Just so you know, Dark and I don't live together. I live in opulence and grandeur. Dark lives in a hellish closet-sized room on the bad side of San Jose. I know, I know... dramatic license... :-)

- ST

Wow Jess!

Date: 11/20/2000
From: Yeontoo

Dear Jess,

Bye bye Writers Block!

What an opening :) Excellent!

The other guys are all wondering if they're included... so they've read it, even if they're not commenting ;) LOL!

Whens part two? and part 20? this is good!

oh! and glad to see you get back in the groove with a bang :)


ps. Wish I could claim full conspirator status ;) but alas, Jess deserves all the kudos.

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