fanfic PLEASE READ everyone

Date: 8/30/99
From: HunterD_Raven

Alright this was my origional finale of Sliders. part 1 of the fanfic i entitled Doom World (As in comic book villian Dr. Doom it is in about 4 parts i will post seperately

NOTE: This Fanfic takes place in another alternate version of the sliders. They reformed usual Quinn, Mallory is gone, and Diana is still around. Why? Cause I don’t know enough about Mallory yet to write him, and I like Diana enough to write her. So for the record the Sliders are Quinn, Remmy, Maggie & Diana.(this was mostly written sometime before New Gods For Old…I just finished it up today If the Requiem spoilers I read are true then just say they found out it was a double or these are an alternate group

The vortex opens above a lake and the sliders fall out. Maggie openly gripes "Great, new world and we are wet. Just fantastic." Remmy laughs "Hey at least we didn’t land on a bunch of rocks." Diana laughs
Small favors huh?" The sliders climb out of the lake. Maggie let’s a small smile escape and says "Let’s go get some new clothes, OK?" Remmy laughs "So long as my ATM card works."

Elsewhere… We see a single man dressed in armor, green cloak covering most of the armor. We hear a loud beeping as the man gets off his throne and goes over to some machinery. HE talks, apparently to himself; he has an accent sounding European. "An inter-dimensional wormhole has opened. Good I have been waiting for this to happen again. Soon my rule shall be unchallenged." HE goes back to the throne and pushes a button. After a few short seconds the door opens and a large man enters, he would be considered handsome tall and muscled with dark hair. He bows to the armored man and asks, "What can I do for you my lord?" The armored man speaks flatly "An inter-dimensional wormhole just opened above the lake in San Francisco, I want you to go and find whoever came through, my scanners indicate 4 people. Since they are not from this world they should be easy to find if they are like the MAGGs, if not they should still stand out not knowing of our history. Capture them with as minimal harm as necessary. I want them alive." The Tall man stands "Yes my lord." As the tall man exits the armored man speaks again "I just remembered something. Check out the local hotels, start at the Chandler." The tall man smiles "Chandler hotel, yes lord" He bows again and leaves.

At the Chandler… The sliders are wearing their new clothes in a fancy room. "This is nice, wonder what the expensive suites are like?" Remmy says. Quinn answers "Who knows, who cares this is perfect. Especially after being on the run for the last few worlds. Diana laughs a little "So far we are on the run on about every world." Maggie grins, "We DO have a habit of getting into trouble." There is a knock at the door. Quinn opens it to see the large man from earlier. "Hello, I am Peter Rasputin, I am looking for a man named Mallory." Quinn looks a little scared. " I am Quinn Mallory." Peter smiles a little and says "Quinn that’s it. Sir Doom wishes an audience with you." Remmy whispers to Maggie "Sir Doom?" Peter turns to Remmy "Yes Sir Doom, that proves you are either not from this world as he said, or have been under a rock for the last few years. Now you and your group have to choices, come peacefully and kindly with no problems, or run and make my job harder on me to have to follow you all, and I don’t like having to follow people." Maggie walks up and touches his chest lightly "Well big man, hate to disappoint but…" she punches him in the face. Then grabs her hand. "OUCH!!" Peter smiles "That was pointless. Now can you please come peacefully, I do detest fighting." Quinn checks on Maggie. "Are you OK?" Maggie looks pissed, more so than usual. "Yeah, but it felt like punching a tank." Peter laughs. "Come along and I can show you how it’s done." Quinn looks around and says "No way! We aren’t going anywhere, this is a free country" Peter laughs loudly. "You really are from another world." He moves to the side of the door. "I am a sporting man, I’ll give you a head start. 1 minute to get as far as you can." The sliders look at one another "59 seconds" They run.
They make it out of the Chandler and turn the corner. Then turn the next one and run straight. We see Peter coming around the corner with some type of tracking device. He looks up and sees the sliders almost out of view. He sighs and speaks under his breath "you can run, but you can’t hide. Sad really" He looks back at the tracker and walks, normal speed, forward.

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Nominated by HunterD_Raven


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