Tigger Fic, Tap Water Style. 7:-P

Date: 05/30/2000
From: Tigs

Who cares what some fop in armor thinks
Staggering around and sniffing up my
Friends were mortified when I left
Him bloodied and bruised. The brute.

In this light she looks like an angel
Sent to take away all my pain
She turns away in tears at my glance
I can't help it if I'm not who they want.

He found us with his little friends
Holed up in a barn, helped by his own
People too afraid to fight or hope
They took something from our flight.

When we left they were intent
On rebellion. An old one took me
Aside and whispered words that
Made me more than a fragment of him.

Quinn must relearn everything. Wade, Rembrandt and Maggie struggle to get him up to speed on a world where reading is allowed only by the nobility. Serfs still belong to the nobles and the foursome must try to fit in until the slide. Quinn's learning curve doesn't bode well for the group when he gets them into a bit of trouble.

This one's especially for Blinker. <<<<massive amounts of hugs>>>> Oh and tee hee to your latest video.

Thank you to Kitten, Blinky Blink, Twainy and delly for all the love on the last one. I really appreciate all of the support I've gotten! You are wonderful people.


ps. Wind dammit wind! ;-D

Woo Hoo!!! LOL

Date: 05/31/2000
From: sleepingblinker

I think our the line between our identities is blurring... ;-D

Superb as always. Ahh, why has no-one thought of this before...

- sleepingblinker 7:-P

Shouldn't that be faucet water to you?

Date: 05/31/2000
From: Slider_Sarah

hehehehehehehe... still haven't stopped laughing over that. And the fish and chips ;-)

You're a beautiful writer Tigs, I'm loving these.



the theme

Date: 05/31/2000
From: Stoker_chick

was really unique. I love how you're able to come up with such creative explanations for their relations, through concretes. I don't know, this one was my cup of tea, at least it seems to be. Thanks for sharing again, it's well appreciated by all (I'm sorry I didn't get to respond before, I honestly couldn't get to the city to get on a computer, but it was great). I hope your writing block is subsiding, because it certainly appears so.

Peace out.


I wanna see a Tigs fanfic ala Kool-Aid!

Date: 05/31/2000
From: sliderules

It'll be a nice lil homage to the Studio USA Party if ya do Tigs. Puhleeeze!! :P



Date: 06/01/2000
From: dellyone

what happened to the white knight and the fair maiden? LOL. They both fell off the tower right? BWHAHAHAHAHA!!! They didn't die though cuz... well you know. Sorry couldn't resist that one.

Amazing once again. Keep on writing.


Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/20988
Nominated by DMD


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