Genesis: Rewired

Date: 06/06/2002
From: SL4ever

In my alternate universe, the powers that be took one look at Peckinballs' ideas for Exodus and fired him on the spot. Because I had pictures of them locked in a passionate embrace with a shaved monkey, two young men, three old women, a bowl of Wheaties, and a Quadsexual Giraffe, they turned to me, SL4ever, to rewrite that story into something that actually made sense, did not contain brain sucking mutants, and would be a fitting exiting two-parter for JRD. The rules for me were simple.

1) JRD had to die at some point in the two-parter.

2) Kari Wuher had to be written in such a way that she ended up being his replacement on the Sliders.

3) The sets and uniforms for Exodus had already been ordered by Peckinballs so I had to write the story to take advantage of them.

My Sliders Fan Fic “Exodus” was the result.

But what if Peckinballs hadn’t been fired at that point in the series? What if TPTB took one look at his Genesis ideas and fired him on the spot? I still had the dirt on them so they hired me to write Genesis. The rules were again simple:

1) Sabrina Lloyd was not available for even one second of screen time. Neither was anyone else banned from the series like JRD and Bennish.

2) Genesis had to pick up where “This Slide of Paradise” left off, Remmy and Wade Slid first, supposedly to Earth Prime, and Quinn and Maggie Slid second to “Future World.”

3) Charlie O’Connell is the new 4th Slider. He doesn’t have to be Quinn’s brother but he looks and sounds a LOT like Quinn so something has to be explained there.

4) Rickman is dead so there has to be a reason for Maggie to keep Sliding. Indeed, the reason for them to Slide each week has to be tweaked because three seasons of “we’re trying to get home” is getting a little old. After three years they’re reaching the point where they wouldn’t recognize home if they saw it.

5) A villain or villains who will recur throughout the season needs to be introduced. It doesn’t have to be the Kromaggs, but it better be good.

This is a tall order. SL4ever spent a couple days locked in a room with CRACK PIEs and Doritos and when he came out, “Genesis: Rewired” was the result.

Genesis: Rewired

Prelude: Earth Prime, Remmy’s House, 2:31am

The phone rang shrilly. Remmy moaned and slapped at it sleepily. On the fourth ring he finally sat up with a disgusted groan and picked it up. “WHAT?!”

The distorted, panicky female voice on the phone said, “Remmy! You have to run! You have to leave ... <incomprehensible gibberish> ... time!”

“What? Who is this? Wade?” He couldn’t be sure but it SOUNDED like her.

“He’s coming after you next, Remmy! Re-.” The voice was cut off by a loud blast and then the phone went dead.

Remmy dropped the phone and hurled himself out of bed. It had to have been Wade. It had sounded like her despite the distortion. He hurriedly pulled on a pair of jeans and socks and ran to the closet for a shirt. Then he rushed to the bedroom doorway, still pulling it over his head.

A tall man was in the doorway, blocking his path. Without a word the man seized Remmy and threw him against the wall with almost inhuman force.

When the man advanced on him again, Remmy lashed out with a kick. It connected in the middle of the intruder’s stomach. The man grunted. Remmy followed up with a leg sweep. The attacker jumped back to avoid that and fumbled with something.

A gun! Remmy knew the attacker was pulling out a gun so he got his feet under him and launched himself at the intruder. They went crashing against the floor and the man’s head cracked hard again one of the bed legs.

The man lay still after a slow grunt.

Remmy got up, turned on the overhead light, and grabbed a bowling pin from his closet. It had been a gift from some lunatic fan but it would be great right about now for bashing this home invader.

The man was laying flat on his back, his legs splayed. Remmy turned on a lamp to get a look at his attacker. “Quinn?” He murmured, noting the trace of blood coming from the scalp wound where his head had connected with the bedpost. But as he moved away from the lamp and the light fell fully on the man’s face, Remmy realized the man was not Quinn or one of his doubles. The man looked a lot like Quinn, but would only be mistaken for him in poor light and then only for a moment.

Remmy checked the man’s pulse, found it strong, and proceeded to tie up the home invader’s hands with a lamp cord. The scalp wound had stopped bleeding already so it was not serious at all. The man had no ID, indeed, nothing in his pockets except for a lightweight derringer size pistol that most people would have taken for a toy. It was certainly not a projectile weapon. But Remmy had seen a lot of things during the three years of Sliding that had come to an end three months ago. Too much to automatically discount energy weapons.

Despite the hour, the thing to do now was call Wade back. He had no doubt now that it had been her calling. Her phone was answered on the second ring but only silence followed the sound of it being picked up. “Wade? Are you there?” He said anxiously.

The only answer was a click and then a dial tone. Remmy cursed and slammed the phone down. He left without another thought about the man tied up on the floor. He had to get over there now. Obviously Wade had received her night time visitor a little earlier than he had and she had felt he was in similar danger. Most likely the two intruders had planned to call one another when both of them had completed their missions, explaining the answering of her phone. However, the person answering the phone couldn’t be sure it wasn’t someone else calling Wade, unlikely as that would be at this hour, so he would not speak first and raise all sorts of questions. It was up to the caller to initiate the conversation.

Very smart. Very organized. And he had just revealed to Wade’s attacker that he had defeated his own.

What had been their aim? Murder? Remmy’s attacker had not immediately gone for his weapon, so it seemed unlikely. Kiddnaping then. Or perhaps forceful questioning. Perhaps one of the greedy corporations that had taken an immediate interest in Sliding when their story was released wanted to find out as much inside info as they could to further their research projects. Not likely, though, since Remmy and Wade knew nothing that would be helpful.

The futuristic gun, assuming it was not a bluff prop, pointed towards sliders from a more technologically developed world.

Remmy debated calling the police from his car phone, but they wouldn’t reach Wade before he did, and he might not want to involve them if she had been kidnapped through a wormhole to another world. He and Wade had agreed to not reveal they had a timer. They would never be allowed to keep it, if nothing else the government would seize it. They would have felt naked without it. The countdown had passed 5 weeks ago (they had spent the entire night alone with each other, drinking wine and watching the last minutes tick away. When it reached zero their eyes had met and his hand had involuntarily reached for it, but he moved his hand instead to open a bottle of 63 year old French wine) so it was useless now but they still didn’t want to give it up.

The police would not and could not follow kidnappers to another world, but they MIGHT find the timer hidden in Wade’s bedroom. If he had it, he might be able to get Quinn’s egghead college friends to do something with it. Better not to involve the authorities until he had the timer hidden somewhere else.

Remmy made it to Wade’s house in record time, putting an end to his speculation and debate. His car screamed to a stop and he raced across her yard while digging his key chain out of his pocket. It had been only ten minutes since he hung up the phone. If the goal had been kidnapping they probably hadn’t had time to get her out of here yet.

Unless they used a timer, his pessimistic side whispered in his mind.

Such had been his panic that he didn’t smell the smoke until he had her key in her lock, didn’t see the flames burning behind the curtains until he darted to the side of the door to the nearest window and peered inside.

The interior of Wade’s house was an inferno.

He still would have charged inside, looking for Wade, if he hadn’t heard something behind him.

Two doubles of the man presumably still lying tied up on the floor of his bedroom were standing six feet from the porch. Both of them were pointing the same weapons at him that he had recovered from the first attacker and which now resided in his right jacket pocket.

“Rembrandt Brown.” One of the men said, in a voice that was strongly reminiscent of Quinn’s but was not his voice. “You’re coming with us.”

Remmy went for his captured gun. Both attackers fired, spearing him with green energy bursts. Remmy was hurled against Wade’s front door (it was already so hot it was warping) and rebounded to the porch with a dazed grunt. There was no pain yet but his chest, where the bursts had hit him, felt numb from neck to belly button so shock could be masking pain for now.

He heard more firing before he lost consciousness completely.

What? No bikers?

Date: 06/06/2002
From: ThomasMalthus

S4-S5 biker worlds must be destroyed! And BT as well!

Excellent reimagining so far, SL! You'll show Tim Burton a thing or two. I somehow doubt the Kromagg rape camp angle will surface and the story focuses on Remmy immediately and not Quinn and Maggie! Woohoo!


<If he had it, he might be able to get Quinn’s egghead college friends to do something with it. Better not to involve the authorities until he had the timer hidden somewhere else.>

I think Remmy should...

Date: 06/06/2002
From: MissingSliderLogan

have brought that lead pipe. :-D



Great beginning to this story. Waiting for the next part. Still gotta reply to your WOW MSTing. ;-)

Does Logan show up? 0:-D




Date: 06/09/2002
From: Yeonto

cheesy "youre coming with us"

but I loved that:)


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