Note: Only Part One of each installment will be posted here, as the full story and the rest of the series can be found at The Otherworlds.

A Child's Game, Chapter 1

Date: 09/18/2000
From: ThomasMalthus

OK, y'all, here it is! The debut of my latest story, which is a continuation of the "Azure As the Sun Rises"/"It Also Sets" series. It would help immensely if you would read those stories first, but I believe you can follow the basic plot without having done so. Anyway, enjoy!

Marilyn Thompson had been working for the Imperial Hotel ever since it had been the Imperial Hotel, which actually was only five years, and before that the Hearst Hotel (after President Patty Hearst) and the Dewey Suites. She moved from floor to floor with a knowing grace, a knowledge that came from long, arduous hours putting her kids through college by sweeping floors and making beds. They were all grown and gone, now, though.

Mrs. Thompson had entered the main hallway on the seventh floor more times than she could count, and she had seen too many odd occurances to be too skeptical about anything, but nothing she had seen in all her years prepared her for a gaping blue hole that suddenly formed out of thin air. As a young man in shabby clothes was flung out of it, she felt her mind suddenly freeze up and her heart pulled tighter. She collapsed to the floor, unconscious, and the last thing she saw before the darkness was that blue light, exotic, beautiful and otherworldly, illuminating the room.


Quinn Mallory tumbled from the vortex, eager to explore this new world that would hopefully have a social system that would not lead to more bickering between Wade and Arturo. Pushing himself to his feet, he saw an elderly woman lying on the floor not far from where he was. "Ma'am??" he cried out, moving towards her. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Quinn queried, to no response from the woman. Moving his fingers to her neck, he realized to his horror she wasn't breathing. Acting on instinct, Quinn began CPR in the fervent hope of saving this poor woman's life.

Arturo flopped down face first on the carpeted floor. As he began the process of hauling himself into a standing position, Quinn immediately and emphatically instructed the Professor to get help. "Of course," Maximilian Arturo agreed, and rushed to the nearest door.

After pounding repeatedly on the entranceway, the Professor heard a male voice from inside ask confusedly, "What's going on?"

"Open up, man, we have a medical emergency!" Arturo bellowed. "Call an ambulance!"

The door opened. "Where've you been?" the voice sarcastically asked as Arturo's jaw dropped. "Haven't had ambulances in close to five years. What, have you been living in a cave or..." The sentence trailed off, as this world's Conrad Bennish, Jr. got his first glimpse at a vortex to another world. "Woah!"

Arturo had no time for this. "This woman needs medical attention, now if you can help us..."

Bennish interrupted in that distinctly rude Bennish way. "Calm down, grandpa. If anybody can get this lady some help, it's me. Gonna be hard getting her to a hospital, though."

Arturo seethed. "See what you can do then, hmm?"

Bennish nodded and moved back into his room. While this was going on, Wade had slid out and the vortex closed behind her. "It's not working," Quinn bemoaned, frustrated at his unsuccessful attempts to revive the woman.

Wade moved beside him and started to take over, without much success. Quinn then walked to where Arturo was, checking to see if he found help.

"Well, if we can trust this world's Bennish, then help should arrive anytime." Quinn looked at him blankly, and Arturo realized he had no idea who Bennish was. "A dubious hope at best," Arturo said sadly.

As if to prove him wrong, Bennish moved again from outside his room. "They're bringing my limo around. If we can carry her there, they might admit her to Feinstein Memorial, they're pretty liberal about who they let in." Quinn nodded and moved himself into position to pick up Mrs. Thompson. Before he left, however, Bennish said to Arturo, "I get back, we're going to have a long talk about that vortex. Capice?"

Arturo nodded somberly and Bennish and Quinn entered the elevator with the stricken old woman.

"Lord, the trouble we get ourselves into," Arturo unhappily muttered. Wade looked equally saddened.

A few moments of silence passed between them. "This world looks normal so far," Wade commented. "I don't know about you, but I could use a change of clothes, a shower and something to eat. Tunnel worlds may not lack excitement, but they're not big on room service."

"Agreed," Arturo half-chuckled. Pulling out his wallet, he grimaced, then forced the smile back. "Assuming my money is good here, we should have enough for at least a night's stay." Wade looked relieved. "Perhaps then we can engage in conversation. An exchange of notes on where we've been and where we're going, so to speak."

"That could take a while," Wade frowned. "How long do we have?"

Arturo looked at the timer that Quinn had handed him before he left. "A little over three days."

"That should be enough time," Wade smiled, although it was an uneasy one. Who was this Arturo, and what was his agenda? She would find out, one way or the other.

End Chapter 1

Sorry for the shortness, but I hope it serves well as the first chapter. Thanks for reading and the second chapter is due out soon!



Date: 09/18/2000
From: DoctorQuinn

YEEEEEAAAAA!!! Loved the first, 'sure I'll love the second, and third and fourth and all the rest too! ~:O)
Keep up the good work!

The good doctor


Date: 09/18/2000
From: Robin14334

TM's writing another fanfic! The world is good again.


Another chapter? Awesome.

Date: 09/19/2000
From: EustiSlider

You've really got me hooked with this whole storyline. Keep up the great work, TM.


Now THIS is fanfic! 7:-P~~~~~

Date: 09/19/2000
From: Blinker

You the MAN, TM. Can't wait for more!

- Blinker 7:-P


Date: 09/21/2000
From: sliderules

You've got me hooked already my man Malthus! Keep it coming before i go into withdrawal! :P


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