Time in a Bottle (13)

Date: 06/14/2001
From: SouthernSlider

Stupid construction people. Someone working on waterlines yesterday cut the phone lines and we were without for over 24 hours. It's bad enough that I was gone forever and just when I return, this happens. I was about to go under for the 3rd time when they finally reconnected our service.

Soooooooo, on with the story.

Chapter Thirteen

“I’m sure that was hard to admit, Professor, but, believe me, you have nothing to feel ashamed about,” Quinn said. “I only wished I had been so apprehensive about
sliding a few years ago.”

Quinn bit the side of his mouth as soon as the words escaped. He glanced at Colin for only a second before hanging his head.

“It is all right, brother. You do not have to feel bad for your words or your feelings,” Colin assured him. “I know finding each other was a wonderful thing for both of us, but at such a great cost to others. I understand your regret.”

“Colin, you have to know, I don’t regret finding you at all.”

“No reason to explain. I understand. It is just that you wished you had not lost the others in the process. I do not feel as though I am being placed at the bottom of your
list. I know family means a lot to you. That is why we continue on this journey -- to find the rest of our family. And it is why this dilemma is such a torture to you. Believe me, I am not hurt by your mixed feelings.”

Quinn gave his brother a half-smile and said nothing. Words lodged in his throat, and it probably was a good thing. He wasn’t really sure what those words would be;
better to leave things unsaid for the moment. Professor Arturo decided to interrupt the awkward moment instead.

“Mr. Mallory, I think now would be a good time to inform your friends of all that I have told you before they go and do something stupid. Leaving them alone without any
knowledge of how time travel works has me a little edgy.”

“I guess you’re right, Professor,” said Quinn. “Sometimes those two can go off half-cocked. I think we should get back to the hotel right now.”

The trio left the office and the building with Quinn still in a jumble of thoughts. As much as he tried to push his dilemma to the back of his mind for the time being, it
refused to be put away. It kept rushing forward like the tide rolling in on a sandy beach. There was no way to stem the flow of thoughts. He moved in a fog most of the way,
vaguely remembering Colin giving him instructions about turning this way or that.

When they arrived back at the suite, it was void of its occupants, which caused the hair on the back of Quinn’s neck to rise. He tried to tell himself they just went out to get some fresh air or food -- or maybe to satisfy Maggie’s shopping appetite -- but something just wouldn’t let him be convinced.

“I am sure they will be back soon,” Colin said, pulling Quinn out of his thoughts. “If we are patient, they will show up before we know it. Professor, maybe you could
entertain us with some more of your knowledge of time travel.”

They sat; the professor began to talk; but his voice was just a drone as Quinn’s inner feelings swirled around like gale-force winds. He didn’t know why, but he knew
there was a problem. Wasn’t there always?

After only a short while, but what seemed interminable to Quinn, Remmy came bursting through the doors of the suite in a snit. They all turned in a jump at his abrupt
entrance, with Quinn rising with a jerk and heading straight for the man.

“What gives, Remmy? Where’s Maggie?”

Remmy looked at him with a scowl, warring with himself on trying to decide how much to say. It took several seconds for his first words to escape his lips.

“It’s Maggie,” was all he would allow to surface.

“Maggie? What? Where is she? Please tell me she didn’t decide to go back in time. Please tell me that Remmy!”

He grabbed his friend by the shoulders and shook him violently. Remmy’s face formed a puzzled frown as reached up and flung Quinn’s arms away from him. The professor and Colin were by their sides immediately with the same question on their faces that Quinn had so rudely uttered aloud.

“I don’t know where she is, guys, and frankly, I don’t care. She can go back to the time of Methuselah for all I care.”

He turned away from the trio and headed for the window. Quinn rushed to him, turning him around with a jerk, and grabbing his shoulders once more.

“No, Remmy! Tell me. What happened? Where is she and why are you so angry?”

Remmy frowned again. Why was Quinn acting so agitated just because Maggie had gone out for a while? “I told you, I don’t know where she is. She left to get some fresh air.” He conveniently left out why. He didn’t even want to think about what she had said, much less say the words.

“But why, Remmy? Again, why are you so mad?”

Remmy closed his eyes and let out a disgusted breath of air. There was no way around it. He was going to have to tell Quinn about their previous conversation. The boy
wasn’t going to like it, but neither did he care for the silence Remmy was giving him.

“We had a disagreement.”

“About what?” Quinn interjected, before Remmy could say more.

“About time travel.” He was still trying to avoid specifics. “We were talking about ‘what ifs’, you know, sort of what if we could go back and change something in our
lives, what would it be. We, uh, didn’t exactly think the same way; the conversation got out of hand, and before we knew it, we, uh, said things. Maggie got irritated, and left in a huff.”

Remmy held his breath, hoping that would satisfy Quinn, but he should have known it wouldn’t.

“What things, Remmy? What were you talking about?” Quinn, too, held his breath, hoping Remmy wasn’t going to tell him something that would make him think she had gone out to find a time travel place.

Remmy released his breath, staring at his friend. Seconds ticked off. They glared at each other. Out of the corner of his eye, Remmy saw Colin step forward. Taking a
glance his way, Remmy could see the same question on his face too. There was nothing to do but say it.


Quinn pried his fingers loose from the shoulders he had held onto all this time to run his fingers through his hair. He dropped his head and closed his eyes. He heard
Remmy’s deep intake of air, knowing the man felt as badly as he did at the moment.

“You do not think she would really try to go back in time and do something, do you?” Colin asked.

Quinn raised his head, trying to think. “I don’t know, Colin. I don’t know anything at this point.” He then directed his words at Remmy. “You have to tell me,
man. Exactly what words were said between you two?”

Remmy sighed, then forced himself to give it up. He saw the color drain from Quinn’s face as he replayed the scene.

It just never ends for the poor boy.


Decided to drop on by...

Date: 06/14/2001
From: Foxtrottin

and look what I find!! This is great SS ... shady characters, plot twists (with many more to come, I'm sure), and LOTS of angst for poor Quinn. Now I'll just HAVE to drop in again to see how it all turns out!


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/1095/3449
Nominated by DieselMickeyDolenz


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