Time in a Bottle (24)

Date: 08/21/2001
From: SouthernSlider

Good morning all. One workday down, four to go. But just think, tomorrow's hump day. You'll make it.


Chapter Twenty-four

Remmy blinked and jerked his head around to examine his surroundings. What happened? Maggie came running toward him.

“You big oaf! What did you do that for?” She pounded him on the arm, then caught him in a bear hug, her anger overcome by relief.

Remmy returned the sentiment. “Maggie, I had to try.”

“Oh, Remmy I’m so sorry. It was all my fault I never know when to keep my mouth shut.”

“It’s all right, girl. Really. It’s all right.”

“Well, I hope you two are happy,” said Quinn as he approached the pair. His knees had regained their strength when he saw Remmy was alive and well in his own time. They both gazed at him with guilty eyes. “You really know how to scare the wits out of someone.”

Maggie straightened. “Well, we have to keep it interesting around here. Wouldn’t want anyone to get bored.”

He glared at her then turned to Remmy. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“You know what I was thinking, Q-ball. The same thing as you. I just beat you to it."

Quinn sighed and put his hand out to pull Remmy out of the chair. “Remmy, I think there are some things you should know before you try to go traipsing around in time.”

“I do know Quinn, but I was willing to try anyway. She’s worth it.”

Quinn grabbed his friend in understanding. “We’re going to get her back some day, Remmy, and we’re not going to lose anyone else in the process. You’ll see.”

As the others looked on, Jim Austin came forward. “Will someone please tell me what the devil is going on around here? I have someone trying to go back in time for a
few minutes; Quinn Mallory shows up from the past; someone else tries to go back in time without authorization; and you, Arturo, take it all in with disinterested calm.”

“My good man, we definitely have a lot of explaining to do, but let’s get out of this room first.”

They all wandered down to Jim’s office where a round of answers from Quinn, Maggie, Remmy, and the professor came forth almost simultaneously. Jim’s mind reeled with confusion until he silenced them all and commanded that only Max give him the details.

When he realized his world’s Quinn Mallory had not returned from the past, his show of disappointment could not be contained. He had envisioned all sorts of business
when the general population discovered they could come and go at will from past to present. His dreams disintegrated into thin air. But a ray of hope presented itself.

“Well, Quinn, we’ll just get you down to Max’s lab, and between the two of you, maybe you can come up with a solution. If you’re genius enough to figure out how to
travel between worlds, then surely you can conjure up how to travel between times.”

“I don’t know, Jim. It would take a lot of time -- time I don’t think I have.”

“Heavens, where have you been, boy? We’ve got all the time in the world around here.”

“All the time in your world, sir. But not mine.” He turned to his companions. “Who’s got the timer?”

“It is right here, brother.” Colin retrieved the device from his jacket pocket. “One hour, ten minutes.”

“I don’t think we could come up with a solution in that small amount of time, Professor,” said Quinn. “We’ll be leaving when the timer hits zero.”

Jim’s eyes lit up at the object in Colin’s hand. So that was the device that carried them from world to world. A hand-held control panel. Thoughts swirled around in his
mind. If Arturo could figure out how it worked, he could make one for time travel, then go and return just by using the remote. Jim turned to observe his cohort. It didn’t look like Max was as eager as he. Maybe he didn’t realize the potential. But Max was a scientist. How could
he not? Dollar signs got the best of Jim.

“Gentlemen -- and lady. I think you will be staying with us a bit longer.” Jim retrieved a gun from his desk drawer and aimed it at Quinn.

“You blistering idiot! What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m assuring our future, Max, my good man. Someone has to. It certainly doesn’t look like you’re going to take the initiative. We will put this young look-alike to
work and discover a way to come and go as we please in time. We’ll make billions!”

Quinn jumped up. “That could take years!”

“Which we’ll have if we don’t make the window. 29.7 to be exact,” Remmy said aside to Maggie.

“Don’t worry, Remmy, we’ve never missed a window yet. This time won’t be any different.”

Remmy didn’t feel the same confidence. “Before you came along, we did. But I don’t think this world is going to conveniently have another timer laying around like
'Egyptian world' did.”

Maggie frowned. An explanation would have to wait. The horrible abductor was at it again. His goons had been summoned, and were taking them away again. But this
time, she wasn’t alone. With Remmy, Quinn, and Colin along, she was sure the four of them could overtake the others. It was just a matter of timing. <Time. Why does that word keep popping up? If -- when,> she corrected herself -- <we get out of this I’m never going to be time-conscious again. We’ll just go with the flow.> A rough hand clamped to her forearm pulled her from her thoughts.

As they were forcefully moved down the corridor, she saw the timer in the hands of Jim Austin. Anger roiled inside. Now they were going to have to fight to get it back. Why did it always come down to this? Why couldn’t Colin have kept that thing hidden? <Mental note -- someone with more sense is going to be in charge of the timer from now on. Preferably, me.>

The four of them were roughly pushed into another room, then Max along with them. The door slammed shut; a lock clicked.

Jim observed the descending numbers on the remote device. What would happen when it hit zero? Would they automatically go to the next world whether they had the
timer with them or not? Would it carry him away if he were holding it? He should have asked a few more questions before sequestering them away. <Well, I’m not going to wait
around to find out.> He handed the device to one of his goons.

“Take this thing to Mr. Randolph. Tell him to take it apart, piece by piece. I’ll come around with an explanation later.” The man nodded in obedience. Austin grabbed his arm as he started down the hall. “Don’t tell him anything else -- no matter how much he questions you.” Another nod of understanding.


Tomorrw, maybe. But it might be Thursday. Just check by to see.


Great Story

Date: 08/21/2001
From: sliderlynn

Very interesting. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.
Waiting patiently for the next chapter. I read
Chapter 23 yesterday. I couldn't get onto the board.
It kept coming up error found. I was using the handle
and password, but couldn't get on the board.Does Colin
have more to do in this story???? Oh,he is such a doll!!!

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/1095/3549
Nominated by DieselMickeyDolenz


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