United/Divided (2)

Date: 9/7/2000
From: SouthernSlider

United We Stand, Divided . . . We Disappear

Chapter Two

Kelly tip-toed into the living area of her small apartment, pulling her robe close to her body and tying the sash around her waist. On the sofa, she saw the same scene from the wee hours of the morning. The stranger lay there,
his tall frame not exactly fitting his make-shift bed. She shook her head and wondered what his story was.

Several minutes later the clanging of pots and pans, plus the opening and closing of doors and drawers brought Colin out of his stupor. His head pounded, his ears roared and someone had stuffed cotton in his mouth.

He tried to open his eyes but the light pouring in from the window in front of him assaulted them to the point that he had no choice but to keep them closed. Where was he? And where had he been?

Kelly put plates and silverware on the table then walked softly over to check on her guest, glass in hand. She saw him stir as she approached, and figured her movements in the kitchen had awakened him.

“Good morning,” she said. Although she kept her voice low, she had enough experience with hangovers to know that it probably sounded like someone with a bull horn. He whinced and groaned, proving her theory.

“Please, not so loud,” he moaned. He tried once more to open his eyes, but it was no use. The light blinded him. “Where am I, and who are you?”

Kelly couldn’t help but smile, and almost laughed. She wasn’t sure why; the situation was quite sad, actually. His drunken stupor wasn’t that of a college kid at an all-night frat party. Something was definitely wrong in his
life; his drunkeness was the result of his trying to take away the pain. She doubted very seriously that he had been successful.

“I am the singer from the bar. We talked between sets.”

Colin managed to get one lid halfway open to take a peak at the face behind the loud voice. He vaguely remembered music.

“You are dressed rather strangely to be at a bar.” He groaned as his head throbbed in cadence with his words.

Kelly sighed, reminding herself she needed to be patient. He would not be himself for several hours.

“We are in my apartment. You are on my sofa, and I think you need to try to sit up and drink this.” She picked up the Bloody Mary from the coffee table and pushed it toward him.

Colin looked at the red liquid with hooded eyes and slowly made his way to a sitting position. He wondered who had beat up on him last night and why. Maybe this woman would have the answers.

“I am not sure I should take this medicine. I feel sick to my stomach. It might not stay down. Can you tell me what happened? Why am I not in a hospital?”

Kelly smiled again, shook her head, then proceeded to explain his predicament.

“I am only drunk?” he said with surprise. “Are you sure it is nothing more? Then why would you offer me more spirits?”

“You act as if you’ve never been drunk before.”

“I have not. And I vow never to be again. I think I am going to die.”

Kelly laughed, causing him to grab the sides of his head. She took his hand and curled his fingers around the glass.

“Here. Drink this. I promise it will help. A little bit of the hair of the dog that bit you.”

He held the glass and frowned at her.

“I promise. Just sip on it slowly. In a few minutes, we’ll get some eggs and toast into you.”

“I do not think so.” He gingerly brought the glass to his lips and took a small swallow.

“Believe me, there is life after drunkeness. It just takes a while. Just sit here, sipping slowly. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Colin did as he was told, and wondered if she could possibly be telling the truth about continuing to live. At this point, he doubted it. Then he began to reflect on the reasons for his predicament.

When Kelly returned, dressed in black pants and a white T-shirt with a Giants baseball logo on the front, Colin had remembered enough to regret having awakened. Kelly could see a change in his expression, and guessed his memory was returning.

She eventually got him to the table, and managed to get a few bites of egg and toast into him. Although her continued assurance that he would live another day was given, he was miserably sick, physically and emotionally, and wasn’t at all sure he wanted to. The fight with his brother and the horrible words spoken were eating at his insides as much as the booze.

“She must have been quite a woman,” Kelly said softly. She had tried not to talk too much, wanting to let him adjust to his hung-over state, but she could see something was eating him up inside, and knew that talking would be
the best thing for him.

Colin frowned. “I am sorry. What woman?” He didn’t understand her words.

“The woman that put you in this state.”

His sad, crystal blue eyes looked into hers, causing her heart to lurch.

“It was not a woman . . . although I wish it had been. Then it would not hurt so much.” He paused. “It is my brother.”

Kelly was mildly shocked. She had just assumed that only a woman could have sent him on his first drunken spree. She tried not to let her surprise show.

“I see.” Her mind drifted momentarily. She wondered why she should be shocked. Siblings could cause as much heartache as anyone. What about his? Disappointment? Anger? Sadness? “Care to talk about it? It might

Colin took another small sip of Bloody Mary. “I do not think so. Nothing is going to help the situation now.” He lowered the glass to the table with more force than necessary. Definitely anger, she thought. “Sorry,” he
said quietly.

“Well, I won’t press, but talking does help. It may not remedy the situation, but it will help your frame of mind. I know you may not believe it now -- it sounds like your pain is quite fresh -- but, believe me, I know whereof
I speak. Talking does help, and I am all ears whenever the mood strikes.”

She rose from her chair and took both plates to the sink, hoping she had made her point.

“Thanks. Maybe sometime. I am just not ready at the moment.”

“I understand, but my offer stands for any time.”

He rose after her, and she could see gratitude in his eyes. She so wanted to tell him of her experience, but now was not the time. He didn't need that yet. She would be true to her word and not press.

Previous post #s: P)2277 1)2280


You're teasing us.

Date: 9/7/2000
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

That's OK. I like to be teased. (Oh, stop that! What kind of dirty mind do you have, anyway?)


Alright already!!!

Date: 9/13/2000
From: Foxtrottin

I wanna know what Quinn said or did that drove Colin to drink! Sorry for the delay in reading this ... gonna finally get caught up here.


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/1095/2821
Nominated by DieselMickeyDolenz


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