United/Divided (20)

Date: 10/9/2000
From: SouthernSlider

Good morning, all. Hope your weekend was fabulous. Mine certainly was. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAWGS!!!!!! SIC 'EM, WOOF, WOOF, WOOF, WOOF. Sorry, I didn't get here yesterday like I said I would. Long story. I'll explain later.

Okay, MUSHY ALERT. All you ladies get your fans ready. Sorry, guys, but you knew this was coming. You'll just have to endure it.
United We Slide, Divided . . . We Disappear


Chapter Twenty

As the wind picked up, Colin moved Kelly
deeper into the trees. The heavy foliage provided some
cover from the pelting rain but not enough. Kelly held
fast to him as they moved through the underbrush,
exhausted from her outburst -- plus, she was still weak
from almost drowning.

When Colin spotted an opening in the side of the
hill they were climbing, he pulled Kelly in that direction.
They crawled inside the entrance to a small cave and lay
back against the wall.

“We probably should not venture too far inside,”
he said. “Just far enough to stay out of the wind and
rain.” She barely nodded in agreement. “Here. Lay
your head against my shoulder.”

He put his arm around her and she did as she was
told. In seconds the warm, safe feeling that had crept
into her earlier when he carried her back to this side of
the island began to seep into her bones. She snuggled a
little closer and held her arm around his waist. He
instinctively drew her to him and held on tight.

While the storm roared outside and did it’s best
wreak havoc on the small island, Colin and Kelly sat
safe and warm in each other’s arms inside the shelter. It
didn’t take long for the nasty weather and absent siblings
to be forgotten for the moment. They both lost
themselves individually in silent daydreams of each
other, trying desperately to hang on to some semblance
of their sanity.

Kelly absent-mindedly ran her hand over Colin’s
chest as he lightly moved his fingers up and down her
bare arm. She closed her eyes and let her fantasy run
wild. They were no longer lost, but found - found in
each other, running down the beach with not a care in
the world.

The sun was warm on their naked bodies; the
breeze cool. Colin caught up to her and swept her up in
his arms, then twirled her around. She squealed in mock
fear, but it was sheer delight she felt. He carried her
back to the make-shift hut they had built, and lay her
down on the floor. He covered her body with his and
begin to rain kisses all over her.

She jerked as a loud clap of thunder and crack of
lightening shattered her dreams. Her eyes opened,
revealing her close proximity to the man in her mind.
She was snugly cocooned in his firm embrace.

“Colin? Maybe we should . . .” She stopped
short as she raised up and saw the look in his eyes -- a
look that mirrored her own feelings. Her words caught
in her throat.

He moved his hand from her bare shoulder to her
face, tracing along her jaw-line with his finger. Her
words had interrupted his thoughts, but his body seemed
to continue the dream on its own accord. She was soft
and warm . . . and vulnerable. He had no one else; he
needed her. And she needed him.

As his thumb reached her chin, it moved to her
lips. The quiver in them was ever so slight. When he
brushed his thumb over them, she closed her eyes; he
knew it wasn’t his imagination -- wasn’t his daydream --
that she moved closer. He brought his lips to hers and
touched them lightly. Her arm came around him, and he
was lost. He held her close and deepened the kiss,
feeling his despair melt and wash away from his soul.

Kelly shivered under his touch. He wasn’t the
enemy she had tried to make him out to be -- only the
bearer of bad news. She couldn’t fault him for that.
And now she needed him more than ever.

Her sister was gone, Conie was gone, her family
and her world lost to her forever. And Colin was in the
same boat as she. Quinn had disappeared from his life,
and he was stranded on a world not his own. Their paths
had crossed for a reason. They were meant to be
together, she surmised. They were the only ones that
could understand each other. They would each be the
anchor for the other in this, their new and permanent
home. She pulled herself closer to him and lost herself
in his embrace and his kiss.

The storm finally began to ease up, but their
passion could not. They both knew in their hearts where
this all would lead before the sun rose tomorrow. There
would be no denying their feelings.

Kelly ran her fingers lightly over his chest, then
finally spoke. “I’m sorry about taking everything out on
you,” she whispered. “It wasn’t fair, but . . ..”

“It is all right, Kelly. I understand completely,”
he said before she could finish. “I know what you were
going through. It is all forgotten. And I want you to
know I will be here for you. Whenever you want to talk
about it or cry about it, I will be right here.”

She raised up to look into his eyes, tears filling
hers -- not for Wade, but for the compassion and
understanding this man had for her. She brought her
hand to his face, then lightly kissed him.

“And I for you. It’s just the two of us now. And
we will be enough for each other.” The kiss that
followed produced more thunder and lightening than a
thousand storms ever could.

Their passion carried them out of the cramped
cave and onto the beach as the storm clouds headed east
and allowed the sun to shine for a short time before
settling into the sea. The rain-soaked sand was cool
beneath their feet and the air was refreshing.

They both stood for only seconds staring at each
other, not sure what to say. When he realized words
would be inadequate, Colin took her face in his hands
and kissed her once again. She responded with a
passion she never knew she had.

They fell to their knees, then Colin lay back and
took her in his arms. Fingers began to grasp for buttons
and zippers. Their clothing was gone in a matter of
seconds. Colin glanced at the sun sinking into the
horizon as his heart sunk into the depths of passion for
the woman beneath him. The night was spent in heaven
and in each others arms.

'Nuff said. I'll give you until tomorrow to recover.

Previous post #s: P)2277 1)2280 2)2283 3)2285 4)2292 5)2295 6)2298 7)2303 8)2306 9)2312 10)2313 11)2322 12)2325 13)2331 14)2333 15)2337 16)2338 17)2341 18)2343 19)2346


Oh, my!

Date: 10/9/2000
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

<blushes> That was quite a chapter. Looking forward to the next one.


A fan.......

Date: 10/9/2000
From: Longagoslider

wasn't enough. A cold shower is what's called for after this passionate chapter. Can hardly wait for the next installment.

You go Colin!!!!

Date: 10/9/2000
From: dellyone

You always give us ladies what we want. :-) Please don't let Colin and Kelly go their separate ways at the end. ;-) I can't wait for the next one.

who's finally stopped laughing after reading Morte de SpaceTime. :-) Too tired of laughing now.

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/1095/2888
Nominated by DieselMickeyDolenz


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