United/Divided (4)

Date: 9/11/2000
From: SouthernSlider

A little light reading to start your Monday. Enjoy.

United We Stand, Divided . . . We Disappear

Chapter Four

Kelly awoke to the smell of bacon wafting through
the air. She frowned until she remembered her guest. He
must have awakened and been too hungry to wait for her to
arise. She grabbed her robe as she remembered coming
home to find him sound asleep on the sofa, thankful that
her initial fear that he had decided to take off was

When she opened the bedroom door, there he stood
over the stove, stirring a pan of eggs, then placing them on
the plates. Kelly stood in observance of the domestic
scene, then mentally chatised herself for almost wishing it
would last.

"Good morning. I hope you are hungry." His words
pulled her back to reality. She left the doorway and went to help.

"Definitely. Always, after a late-night gig." She
smiled and took the plate of bacon and eggs to the table.
She heard the toast pop up from the toaster.

They ate in silence for a few minutes, then Kelly
decided to nonchalantly dig for information.

"So what's next on your agenda?"

"I am not sure. I tried to think through things last
night, but nothing came to mind. One decision was made
for me this morning, and so now there is no turning back."
Colin pushed the last bite of eggs around on his plate.

Kelly frowned, wondering what that meant. He was
suddenly quiet again.

"Care to elaborate on that?"

Colin looked up from his plate, and she saw the
cloud of sadness in his eyes. The anger had melted away.
"My brother left this morning about sunrise. We will never
see each other again -- which is for the best, I guess. We
were very angry with each other."

"Forever is a long time, Colin." She thought of the
same possibility between her and her own sister. "Perhaps
he will return someday and you can straighten out your
differences. It's not good to harbor ill feelings for too
long." She sighed. "I keep hoping for the same with my

Colin looked at Kelly intently, and saw, for the first
time, that she had her own story and troubles. Maybe at
some point he would be able to really talk to her and she
would understand. Maybe someday.

"I do not think so Kelly. Too much was said that
can not be taken back. He will never return."

"Maybe you can go to him. Someone has to take the first step."

"No, that most assuredly is an impossibility. I am
on my own, once again. I have to make my way in this
world alone." He pushed the chair back from the table and
walked to the window. His own words hit him like a punch
to the stomach.

Kelly stood and followed him, laying her hand on his shoulder.

"You are not alone, Colin." was all she could say.
There was more she wanted to tell him, but her throat
closed. The words stuck and were choked back.

Their lives seem to mirror each other. She had
come here because of her sister, and nothing had been
accomplished. It was a lonely journey for her as well. She
found herself wanting to help this man with his troubles,
and maybe one day, he could help her too.

He reached up and laid his hand atop Kelly’s and squeezed it gently.

“Thank you, Kelly.” He turned to look at her. “I
am going to need a friend in this town. Thank you for
offering that friendship.”

“Of course.” Again her words caught in her throat.
They spent another awkward moment of silence, then she
found a way to continue by changing the subject.

“Look, it sounds as if you are at loose ends. First,
things first. You are going to need a job. Friendly as this town is, it’s not going to let you freeload. How about you sign on with the band.” Before she could say more he cut in.

“Kelly, I do not sing or play an instrument. Thanks,
but you have a successful group. I would kill it in the first set of songs.”

“Well there is more to being a part of the band than
just singing and playing,” she said, smiling. It spread to her eyes. “There’s sound technician, loading and unloading
equipment . . .

“Do you think the rest of the guys would mind?” he
cut in. The idea did intrigue him, and he wanted to
continue the link to his only acquaintance on this world.

“Of course. Conie is always complaining about having to do double duty. He’s a great guy -- a little weird,
and not too much in favor of common labor -- but a great
guy. Music is his baby. We’ll drop by his place this
afternoon, and pitch the idea. I’m sure he’ll go for it.”

“That would be great. I can not thank you enough
for all you have already done for this stranger. I will not let you down, I promise,” he said.

“Colin. I’m a very good judge of character. I know
you will be a great asset to the group.” Another awkward
moment creeped in, but she recovered with news of their
coming gig. “And, boy, are you joining in at a great time.
We leave for Hawaii day after tomorrow for a two-week
stint. Can you imagine getting paid to go to Hawaii?”

Colin wasn’t familiar with the place she spoke of; it
had never come up in any of the geography classes on his
world. But she looked and sounded really excited about it,
so it must be a great place. Any place would be better than
here right now. Every thing about the place reminded him
of his brother.

“It sounds wonderful, but I will not get too excited
until I am officially with the group.”


Quinn left the hotel, frightened and alone. He had
experienced some fear on many of his slides with his
companions -- getting into trouble with the local
authorities, almost getting killed, running for his life from carnivorous animals -- but the fear that had taken over his very soul in the last few hours was much more far-reaching than any he had felt to date.

First of all, there was the distinct possibility that he
would never see Remmy and Maggie again, regardless of
whether or not he could find Colin and make amends. And
then, of course, making up with his brother was not
guaranteed either. How could he have let himself get so off
base? Yes, losing Wade and the professor had certainly
taken it’s toll, and he knew he wasn’t the same as when he
had started on this journey, but he thought he had a handle
on things. How he could lash out so at his brother about
Wade was beyond him now. Colin didn’t even know Wade, didn’t know their relationship at all, or his feelings
about her or how her loss had really affected him. It wasn’t fair to him.

Quinn knew above all else, he had to spend the rest
of his life making up for his cruel words if he ever found
Colin. And that was a challenge in itself. The boy could
disappear in a city this size, or leave it all together, for parts unknown. Talk about your needle in a haystack. Where on earth should he even begin?

Quinn squared his shoulders and took off down the street, hands in his pockets. He would walk every one of them if that’s what it took. Giving up wasn’t going to be an
option this time. He had learned his lesson with Wade.
Colin would not be lost to him forever.

Colin in Hawaii? WooHoooo! Where's my little grass skirt?


Colin in Hawaii?

Date: 9/11/2000
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

I'll bet he gets 'lei'd ;) Great stuff, SS. Keep it up.


You're really serious...

Date: 9/13/2000
From: Foxtrottin

about this "divided" theme, aren't you! Doesn't really surprise me though ... you do so love your plot twists ... as do we all! Once again, another great story SS :o)


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/1095/2830
Nominated by DieselMickeyDolenz


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