Until We Meet Again (7)

Date: 01/06/2001
From: SouthernSlider

Ahhhhh, Saturday mornings are soooooo relaxing. Hope you're enjoying yours. Thanks for all your comments so far. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Here's more.


Chapter 7

Remmy fidgeted around outside the restaurant waiting for Wade to show up. He paced one way and then the other, wiped his brow, then fiddled with the change in his pocket.
He sighed as he looked up the street, then down, for a sign of her. He checked his watch, and grumbled at himself for being so impatient. It was still ten minutes away from the
time they said they would meet.

He turned and looked down the street once more, smiling from ear to ear when her faced emerged through the crowd. He cleared his throat and felt himself tremble inside.
He almost laughed at the way he was acting like a school boy on his first date.

Wade produced a nervous smile as Remmy’s face came into view. She chastised herself for being such a doubting Thomas last night. Surely a harmless little lunch would
not turn her world upside down. She pushed onward through the crowd to meet up with the double of her long-lost friend.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Remmy said as she approached. She flinched at the endearment, and remembered it from another lifetime. A lump formed in her throat. She struggled to remain nonchalant, and made the effort to keep smiling.

Remmy guided her to the sidewalk cafe, a lightness in his step. They sat, ordered, and began talking. The conversation went from light chatter about singing and beautiful days, to more personal topics of the past and present.

Wade mostly spoke of her life before sliding, but she couldn’t help but tell Remmy about some of her more tame experiences on other worlds, being careful not to
speak of her Quinn, professor and Remmy.

Remmy listened intently, feeling as if she had had the same life as his Wade, but knowing his mind was playing tricks on him. He then regaled her with many of his sliding memories, also being careful to leave out any mention of his Wade. When he spoke of the professor on occasion, Wade felt a twinge of . . . something. It was as if this
were her Remmy. She mentally shook off the feeling.

“It sounds like you’ve had a very adventurous life, Rembrandt.”

“You have no idea, girl. It’s almost been more of an adventure than I could handle. Certainly something I never envisioned for my life,” he answered.

Wade shook her head in disbelief, then took a sip of her drink before responding. “I didn’t know the world of music had all that in store. I guess I’ve really got a lot to look forward to.”

Remmy cleared his throat. He clearly looked uncomfortable at Wade’s remark. She couldn’t help her frown and curiosity about that discomfort. She spoke without first
thinking about her words.

“Did I say something wrong?”

Remmy cleared his throat again, squirmed momentarily in his seat, then repositioned himself from sitting back to leaning forward, putting his elbows on the table.
He took a quick swallow from his drink, and stammered a response.

“No, of course not.”

“Somehow, I think I did. You’re suddenly . . . nervous.”

“Not really. It’s . . . it’s, just . . .well, I really didn’t have all of those adventures because of my music.”

Remmy blurted out a correction before he realized it. Now what could he say? How could he explain why those adventures took place?

“I think there’s more to your story than you let on.” Wade felt a sudden twinge of guilt at what she had said, knowing the same applied to her. “I wouldn’t mind if you
shared the rest. I might surprise you at how little surprises me these days.”

Remmy looked down at his drink, twirling the glass slightly, watching the liquid swirl around while he contemplated her words. When he looked up into her eyes, he was lost. He saw Wade, and wanted to say everything.

Before he knew it, Remmy had spilled his guts about all of it -- about his Wade, sliding, Kromaggs . . . and even Wade’s fate. His feelings, fears, and guilt poured out
like water gushing from a broken pipe. He couldn’t staunch the flow.

At first, he was so wrapped up in the release of his own feelings, he noticed nothing around him. But as his story wound down, the pale face of the girl in front of
him shone like a beacon in the night.

“Well, it looks like there is something that can still surprise you,” he said at the end of his tale.

Wade knew her shock was obvious. She could feel her rapid heartbeat, heard it pounding in her ears, and was aware of her own shallow breathing. It was him! It was
really her Remmy . . . and Quinn!

My God! I was right there in the room with him -- her shoulders slumped -- and Maggie.

Jealousy suddenly reared its ugly head and crept into her veins. What had they become to each other since her disappearance?

Remmy’s touch made her flinch, bringing her thoughts back to him. She looked down at the strong, warm, brown fingers on top of hers, struggling to push down the tears
that were trying to rise and flood her eyes.

“I guess you’re right,” she answered shakily. “That . . . is quite a tale.” Then she whispered, not realizing she said it aloud, “Can it possibly be true?”

Remmy assured her, misunderstanding her question, that, yes indeed, it was all very true.


Wade walked down the street, the knocking of her knees ringing in her ears. What were the odds that she would have been deposited on the same world as her friends? Was it just coincidental, or . . . did he know? Had he done this on purpose?

She contemplated the last few minutes of their conversation. Should she have said something? Was it best to keep her identity from Remmy?

A thousand questions pummeled her mind, and had her reeling as she made her way back to the planned afternoon rehearsal. Those that witnessed her progress down the
street surely thought her drunk.

Wade let loose a sour laugh. She had earlier questioned the harm one little lunch could do. Now she knew. Before the dust settled she knew her heart would hurt worse
than ever.

Meanwhile, Remmy was leaving the cafe, strolling in the opposite direction. He felt more peaceful than he had for sometime. It was amazing what a little confession
could do for the soul.

But then he began to wonder what this Wade truly thought of his wild story. She had grown much quieter after he had spilled the beans. Did she think him a lunatic? She
was probably glad the meal was over so she could get away from him.

What had prompted him to pour out his heart? It was foolhardy to tell an outsider the truth, but she was so much like his Wade, he just couldn’t help himself.

How would the others react to his admission? Quinn and Maggie would be furious, he knew. Kelly and Colin would understand. Funny how the ones he had spent the least amount of time with, would better understand what he was going through.

He shoved his hands in his pockets as he shook his head. The decision quickly formed in his mind to keep his little rendezvous to himself. It was really none of their
business who he met up with and talked to on each world. They might travel together, but he didn’t have to answer to them for his every move. He wandered into the hotel
satisfied to keep his meeting today a secret.

There probably won't be a chapter tomorrow, boys and girls. Church in the morning, company tomorrow afternoon. You'll just have to wait for Monday morning.

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Date: 01/06/2001
From: dellyone

Poor Wade. She should have told him who she was. Hmmm... catfight between Maggie and Wade? lol


More, More Please

Date: 01/06/2001
From: sliderlynn

I can't wait for Monday to get here.This story is great.
Now are Quinn and Remmy going to have a fight, when the
truth comes out??? Oh, I can't wait !!!!
Oh, by the way this is my weekend to work.Can't wait
for it to get over with.


Date: 01/06/2001
From: Missye

I know how hard it is to work on sundays. However I've really got to stop speculating what the next chapter is going to have instore.
Awaiting Monday patently.

Awesome as usual, SS!

Date: 01/06/2001
From: Robin14334

I certainly did not enjoy my Saturday morning - I had to get up at 5 am to go to physics olympics. But we won 1st place so it's okay. :-)
Anyway, I've been immensely behind on the board, but I caught up on this one, and dangit girl, you're wonderful! I haven't said it recently, so SS: You are a fabulous writer, don't ever stop!

"Why would a haddock kill itself? Why am I even asking that question?"

Oh my!

Date: 01/07/2001
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

How gut wrenching was that? And now to have to wait until Monday? ;) It'll be worth it.


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/1095/3090
Nominated by DieselMickeyDolenz


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