Sliders' Religious Beliefs... ?

Date: 02/06/2000
From: FogBoy

You know, it's obvious that Rembrandt is a man with a lot of faith in God/god (gotta be P.C., ya know), but I never was sure that I got a clear impression of the beliefs of all of the other Sliders.

I guess it's safe to assume that Colin, being from an Amish-esque world, probably had some faith.

Somehow, though, Mallory doesn't strike me as the type. I'm not sure about Wade or Quinn. Arturo seems questionable. Diana? Probably.

Just wondering... did anybody catch any revelations on this front that I missed during the series?


"The Unofficial Sixth Season of SLIDERS" -


Date: 02/06/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

Arturo didn't, when Remmy mentioned the thought "fire WOrld" was hell Arturo said "Like Hell it was" or somesuch.
The closest thing to a word of faith i ever heard was "I could have sworn i just saw God, and he was driving a cadillac"
Quinn didn't seem one for faith either.
Maggie might have had some of Remmy rub off on her towards the end.

My ideas on their beliefs

Date: 02/06/2000
From: Sabre_Edge

Remmy: definetly believed in a higher power

Wade: she was into the occult it turned out, so she had a spiritual side.

Quinn, Arturo, & Diana: People of science tend not to believe in a higher power. They usually strive for proof and facts. I'm not saying a scientist must be atheist, but the stereotype does suggest this. And stereotypes are created for some reason, right? I am well aware of the fact that their is a sizeable group of scientist that do believe in a diety, and Diana may fall into this category.

Maggie: I agree with the fact that Remmy probably rubbed off on her. Being a fighter pilot and surviving wars may have added to her belief of a god out there.

Colin: Yeah, I agree here too, that being raised on an Amish-type world would embed some type of religious thinking.

Mallory: I think he is agnostic. He is probably not sure what to believe or if there is even anything out there.

Ok, thats my thoughts on it. Love to hear yours.


Don't forget this :

Date: 02/06/2000
From: VirtualDimension

In DragonSlide, Arturo mentions to (I forgot her name), "you'd be willing to give up your immortal soul for a pretty face?" or something like that.

In New Gods for Old, Mallory, assimilated into the collective of people with nano-probes, mentions how he feels so close to God very often. However, in Dust, he says something about "converting to pagan beliefs" to conjure a rain storm. Apparently, he isn't too religious.

Just thought I'd throw in what I remember.


Sliders' religions....

Date: 02/06/2000
From: Slidemania

I agree with much of what Sabre_edge had to say.

Quinn and Arturo may have leaned toward atheism or secular humanism, but after Quinn's experience in "Gillian of the Spirits" his beliefs may have been questioned

Wade, definitely had Pagan leanings, remember how she argued to the Professor that the supernatural exists "even on our world" in "Gillian of the Spirits"

Remmy, probably a Christian denomination

Colin, maybe Puritan?

Maggie, probably didn't think about religion very much while serving under Rickman's command, Quinn and Remmy may have restored her faith

Mallory, could have been Agnostic

I think Diana tended to believe in the supernatural somewhat too, especially given her experience joining the multiverse in "Map of the Mind"


Date: 02/06/2000

I've only seen the ep once, I think it's Season's Greetings and I thought Wade led them into a church. I don't remember all the details but it would indicate some sort of belief beyond the occult.

In Map of the Mind

Date: 02/07/2000
From: ZachWZ

Rembrant is riling up the inmates. One of them asks how he could do this. He saids something to the effect. "Just one thing you learn in a Baptist church."


Re: Sliders' Religious Beliefs... ?

Date: 02/07/2000
From: season3survivor

Quinn in Gillian of the Spirits:
"Whoever, or whatever gave you this gift..."

In The Guardian he made it clear he beleived in the big bang theory.

In the Last of Eden:
Brock: Did the janeers create your world?
Quinn: Somebody sure did.

World Killer:
"The universe has no conscience."

Then as as someone said in a previous post:
Rembrandt: Maybe it was hell.
Arutruo: the hell it was
Rembrandt: Five more seconds you would have been a beleiver
Arturo: Five more seconds I would have been beef wellington.

Maggie said something in The Other Slide of Darkness that sounded athiest.

In A Thousand Deaths Dianna said there was an afterlife.

So I'd say Quinn is agnostic, Arturo is an atheist, Dianna beleives in some form of higher force, Rembrandt is religous, Wade beleives in mysticism, Mallory unknown, Maggie atheist in seasons 3 & 4, beleives in god in season 5, Colin unknown.

Wade is a witch

Date: 02/10/2000
From: QBall43185

I can tell Wade believes in the occult from This slide of Darkness, where she criticizes Rembrandt for criticizing the phony Adra. She says you don't know me, where I've been, so don't judge my beliefs. She also gives refernce to her friend "Sabrina" in into the mystic, which may mean the actress herself is into Wicca. Quinn and Arturo are non-religious, probably atheists or at least agnostics. as is Maggie. I have no idea about the other Sliders. Rembrandt I would say is from the Christian denomination, although not a born-again one, I would say.

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