JOC still talks Sliders movies

Date: 04/15/2003
From: FogBoy

...despite the fact that it'll be a cold day in hell when it happens.

Dark Horizons posted this, originating from a Sea-FM interview in which he was promoting the joys of Kangaroo Jack, again. Most of the interview apparently related to "Jack" and the fact that he screen tested for both the new "Superman" and "The Amazing Spider-Man," the upcoming Spidey sequel. However, the piece ended on this note.

*Finally, would he be up for a "Sliders" movie? "Every year I get asked whether we will do a movie of it, and I'm more and more interested. If we can get everyone back together and get a good story, why not?"*


Date: 04/15/2003
From: Donner

Ah, you beat me by a few seconds posting this! you dick! =)

Stewie voice: "Victory is mine!"

Date: 04/15/2003
From: FogBoy


Well, I'm glad the fan community is still keeping on its toes after all these years.

"Everyone" = "JOC's extended family"? nt

Date: 04/15/2003
From: Blinker


2 things...

Date: 04/15/2003
From: Grizzlor

1. Jerry seems to finally come back to Earth and realized he isn't George Clooney or Vin Diesel or Jim Carrey. That said, nice to see he is interested. Remember, Jerry has ALWAYS been interested in the movie, provided it is done with old gang and producers of course, as we are. i'll give him that, he clearly hasn't forgotten Sliders or his obvious enjoyment in doing it.

2. I agree its not news per se. But it reinforces that Jerry, Sabrina, Cleavant and John, and Weiss have all said they are interested if the old gang gets back together. Torme of course is too, he's just too much of I gotta keep em guessing to say it.


But JOC'll only do it if Charlie's in it

Date: 04/16/2003
From: OlSkoolSlider

Well, that's what he said in an old interview...

Sure Charlie can be in it

Date: 04/17/2003
From: The_Seer

Only if BT can be as well.

He can recreate the role that made him famous on "Sliders". Of course I'm talking about his role as the floating dead body of Quinn's double.


Date: 04/17/2003
From: OlSkoolSlider

Seer knows what's up!! n/t

Yes, ha ha, Seer

Date: 04/17/2003
From: Grizzlor

I know what Jerry said about Charlie's involvement, but honestly I could see him playing a minor role. Let's remember, Jerry talked to Weiss, he must have realized that a movie plot COULD NOT follow the Show's progress post Season 3ish. So he must realize also that Colin Mallory is not a character we would see. Maybe. I could see the Sliders landing on a world and Colin (COC) is one of the locals, along with Bennish or something. But not as a central character.

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Nominated by Blinker


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