Space Time is a loser!

Date: 1/16/2000
From: mrbrown_1602

The day he becomes a nice person is the day i learn how to spell inmature right! He says he is a gental flower? A god?
Yeah right! And i can get a date! *Laughs his but off*

No no wait! i gota betar one! The day Space Time becomes god
is the day i wash me ass! *Rolling on the floor*

The day EPT become nice is the day people like me!



Date: 1/16/2000
From: jlbanker

I am not defending SpaceTime but I think you mr. Brown are the real looser and if anyone questions that go to his website and check out this link He probably spent hours on this complaint of C-Net because they won't add his programs. And even took the time to compile all the domains that C Net owns to prove what. To prove that mrbrown1602 needs a freakin life. Who cares how many domains C-Net has and why you would provide links to them is beyond me. Also I hate to tell you but the only reason why ppl like you on this board is for entertainment value. It is fun to get you mad and watch you go off on ppl. Also the reason why I write this letter is to keep you going. Why don't you get off that butt of yours and do something constructive. Go out into the world... get a paper route or something. You need something to do with your free time you will feel so much better.



Date: 1/16/2000
From: jlbanker

I know that isn't the real mrbrown but it is still fun to stir him up.

The real mrbrown speaks.

Date: 1/17/2000
From: mrbrown1602

Why don't you just get a life and leave me the hell alone ?
Ponder that for a while, mrbrown_1602 (or should I say EPT... the very mention of EPT in the message gives yourself away.)

Mr. Brown

Sorry mrbrown, wrong again!

Date: 1/17/2000
From: ElectricPeterTork

"Why don't you just get a life and leave me the hell alone ?
Ponder that for a while, mrbrown_1602 (or should I say EPT... the very mention of EPT in the message gives yourself away.)"

Boy, that's the stupidest bit of circular logic I've ever heard.
Do you also believe that since the sun is in the sky every time you wake up,that it is there only because you wake up, and that if you didn't wake up, the sun wouldn't be in the sky? After reading your last post, I would think you do believe that.

Sorry, but you're seeing boogeymen where there's nthing but empty space. You're cracking.

And they said I was paranoid, delusional, and a troll back in the day. Guess they hadn't seen mrbrown1602.

Oh, how the "mighty" have fallen.

and he responds, more proof.

Date: 1/17/2000
From: mrbrown1602

By responding, you just strengthened my theory. Its simple psychology.... something you couldn't begin to comprehend.

Mr. Brown

Amen to that, brother

Date: 1/17/2000
From: QBall43185

I feel the same way too. Especially since SpaceTime doesn't do anything, but insult other people. I hope he'll realize that he's not wanted on this board.

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Nominated by mrbrown1602


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