The one thing that would save "Exodus"

Date: 2/2/2000
From: Informant

As it was, "The Exodus" pretty much sucked. But if there was one thing that you could add to the episode... one thing that would make it more watchable, but not change the outcome, what would it be?

My suggestion... Go-go dancers. You know, every few seconds someone yells "WAIT!!", everyone freezes out come the go-go dancers a mini pary ensues, then in a few seconds they return to the story.

Any other suggestions?


Date: 2/2/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21

Why not?

There's M-aggie


Why not M-onkeys!

Eyery once in a while, they could cut to shots of monkeys with the voices of the sliders.

Monkeys + Sliders=Ratings-From the office of David Peckinpah

Until the 4th,

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Nominated by HunterD_Raven


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