Tf, han, & Anyone else

Date: 08/23/1999
From: JessieMallory

I don’t want to get involved in your little spat. Both of you have helped me out and been kind and caring towards me. That’s the reason I won’t get involved. But I do have something to say to both of you.


Diversion and disruption of friends, fans, and the focus of real issues, You’re letting them win by going at each other.

Please find a way to make Peace!

It’s bad enough having bashers and flamers in the chat room, but the arguments are making me not want to come around. And… It’s not just this particular argument either. It’s the not listening to others and bashing on others for their opinions. Some of you are so close-minded. You won’t even listen to other people’s views. And I know you guys think you are being cute by bashing Jerry, but it ain’t. You are driving away a lot of the female fans. We cannot afford that. Yes, I am a Jerry fan, so bash away at me drive me away also.
Like Blinker said instead of uniting you’re alienating.

Well the straw is on my back now. You tell me does it stay there and break me also, or does peace start now and I throw the straw away.

Recently, Blinker and myself have posted with our concerns. Blinker got a great response from the last one. Mine on the other hand have gone for the most part unnoticed. For those of you that did respond, Thank you! Not a single old-timer (except Blinker) bothered to take the time and respond.

Well, I got the mother of responses from some jerk out there. It was signed “The Dude”. I figured I might get flamed or bashed, but I didn’t expect this.

Well to ‘The Dude” – GO TO HELL!

Your addy is now blocked on all my email addresses, and your messages have been deleted. I wouldn’t have been so upset, but my 7-year-old daughter was on my lap at the time. So I had to explain to her some people are so mean and nasty to others.

I was going to just blow up and walk away from here. But something that Blinker said to me kept me from doing that. He told me to be patient give it time, they’ll come around.

Well Blinker I’m trying to be patient. I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m taking some time off to calm down. I’ll keep my eye on OUR SIY board, but otherwise I won’t be around for awhile. I stick to my writers’ sites and the Jerry club where I always know I’m welcome and liked.
I have enough stress in my life without having to deal with it here also.


Date: 08/23/1999
From: informant

He goes to the chat room a lot. He says the sickest things. He's a perv.

Hi Jessie

Date: 08/23/1999
From: emzee

I know how you feel. I think Blinker gives great advice. Don't let a few rotten apples spoil the rest of the board for you. There are some great people here, even if sometimes they are hard to find. Personally, I usually avoid chat because there is always some jerk who comes into the chat room and pisses everyone else off!

I, too, hate having to explain to my daughter why some people are so nasty. I just end up telling her not everyone in the world is nice like Mommy and Daddy and our friends. I suppose she will eventually have to realize there are bad people out there to avoid.

I am sorry I missed your original post. I will watch for your posts from now on.

Take a deep breath :>)

Huh? SciFi?!

Date: 08/24/1999
From: SpaceTime

I'm so tired of reading how the people fighting here is the fault of the Sci-Fi Channel. Oh, please. How ridiculous is that?

> But I do have something to say to both of you.


> Diversion and disruption of friends, fans, and the focus
> of real issues, You’re letting them win by going at each
> other.

Are you kidding me?! Are you KIDDING? I can't believe you even printed this! Because we all know that the Sci-Fi Channel is trying really hard to alienate and disrupt friendships. Because then they WIN.

And they're also really going to look at all of the fighting on the bulletin board and decide DEFINITIVELY that the bickering among all of you nebbishes is reason enough to cancel the show, even though the show is NOT returning and that the money invested in making another episode of Sliders has been redirected to new programming. But hey! Maybe the USA network or Majel Roddenberry will be our new savior. Or UPN. UPN?!

I'm sorry your little kid was sitting on your lap while you read some naughty email, but maybe you should be a little less ignorant and a lot less accusatory. Life ain't peaches and cream, and while I like the BBoard and do my best to contribute to the Sliders community, I get absolutely DISGUSTED by Utopia-speak, especially when a bandwago gets started and people pledge to be nice to each other and not reply to negative messages? Okay, puppets. Have fun.



Date: 08/24/1999
From: SliderT

Stick around this will all blow over. The cancelation and the change in cast has everyone stired up. I think everyone needs to regroup and find a way to save the show and none of the bashers or flamers are going to stop me from that mission. Sorry I missed your other posting....

Oh no!! Don't leave...

Date: 08/24/1999
From: buffyboy

It is obvious what Sci-Fi is doing though. Don't listen to SpaceTIme. He's just some pissy little college student who thinks hes better than everyone else. I'd like to see him live YOUR life for a day instead of sitting in his dorm room fiddling with his computer.

Oh, Buffy! Please don't emote!

Date: 08/24/1999
From: SpaceTime

> It is obvious what Sci-Fi is doing though. Don't
> listen to SpaceTIme. He's just some pissy little
> college student who thinks hes better than everyone
> else. I'd like to see him live YOUR life for a day
> instead of sitting in his dorm room fiddling with
> his computer.

Oh, yes. Way to figure out my life story, Buffster. You know, if you're going to insult, at least show you have a little intelligence when you do it.

And to Jessie Mallory, and to everyone else: please, please ignore my posts. Because God Forbid I shake up the monotony and make Sliders fans realize that the only reason people here are fighting is because of OTHER PEOPLE. Don't blame Sci-Fi, because that's easy. Blame yourselves.

Despite what people think, Sci-Fi Channel really couldn't care less what we think of each other, just what we think of the show. And we've made *that* abundantly clear.


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Nominated by Blinker


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