The First Comming Of Joey Starr........

Date: 01/10/2001
From: Joey_Starr

I am a newbie to this board and I want to say "hello" to everyone and a quick few notes about why I am here.
I am a Sliders fan of course. Unfortunately I had only started watching sliders last year. I had seen some of it when it was on Fox but it came on on one of my(many) drinking nights.
I one day caught the pilot part 2 on the Sci Fi channel and remembered the show and watched the rest and of course it was too cool!! I then watched an episode here or there and after watching invasion and seeing the potential great continuity I decided to try and catch it more often.
But I don't just get into a show like that, I started to look into it on the web and got hooked there. Now I am a sliders fanatic and just wish things were I had been there sooner. I hope we do see a movie and soon!
Anyway, is what informed me about Sliders eps and general history, and Matt himself pointed me to the HoF, which pointed me to here.
I am glad to see a lot of good people still frequent here and hope to get to know some of you! So for now, I will end this long post and just say "Hi!!!"

For the past 10 or 12 months SLiders and a occasional movie is ALL I watch on TV(now just the occasional movie thanks to Hercules taking over the sliders slot!!!)


Date: 01/10/2001
From: Joey_Starr

I have no relation to the French Rap artist Joey Starr nor to the HWC wrestler Joey Starr.

nor Ringo nor Michael!!!!!


Date: 01/11/2001
From: EustiSlider

And thanks for the nomination for the HoF. It's not up yet, but should be soon. Look forward to seeing you around the board.


Hi Joey!

Date: 01/14/2001
From: SweetOne

Welcome to the board. Sorry I'm late. But I'm always late.


"The threads of friendship embroider
our lives with patterns of joy."

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Nominated by Joey_Starr


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