Fave lines

Date: 07/29/1999
From: KllyWlls

I just wanted to know some of your fave lines....

Here's mine, Quinn says in Eggheads (I'll probably spell it wrong):

Via corenus unundum.

Anyway tell me yours!

P.S. if anyone cares I changed my handle, I used to be rala.


Date: 07/29/1999
From: quinn24

Some that I liked were

Quinn: The Universe has no conscience so we have to, let it in you blew it. (to his double in worldkiller)

The hacker in genesis to Maggie: Marry me....be my love monkey.

wade to quinn during the pilot after he makes it through the vortex and asks her why she is crying, "did you hit your head or something": Yeah that's it or maybe I should just have it examined.

Maggie in Lipschitz Live: Somehow this has to be Quinn's fault.

thats all i can think of right off the top of my head


Date: 07/29/1999
From: Quaid_hauser

Most episodes: Prof: You blistering idiot!

The song, "Tears in my Fro" by Cryin' Man Brown

Gillian of the Spirits: Remmy to Quinn, when they think Quinn is stuck on the Astral Plane for good: I love ya man.

Eggheads: Wade to Remmy: You bet on a game you don't understand? You're an idiot.

I am sure there are more...


Date: 07/29/1999
From: s_the_great

The Arturoisms on Earthprime.com kick! Those are some of my favorites. Especially when he was chewing out Gomez Calhoun for thinking he was Pavarotti!


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/9814
Nominated by Blinker


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