Why was Sliders Canceled?

Date: 08/03/1999
From: Cordelia99

Was a reason ever given?-was it because Jerry left or bad ratings?
I mean isn't this the show Sci-Fi advertises as their biggest hit?
I wonder how long they will show reruns before it totally disappears?:-(


The King of the Avocado People willed it

Date: 08/03/1999
From: relrelrelaboo


A combination of both, Cordelia

Date: 08/03/1999
From: Executive

A lot of fans gave up on the show because Jerry O' Connell left, and of those who were Nielsen viewers the ratings also suffered as a result. Last year SLIDERS was often pulling around a 1.8. This season it has yet to top a 1.4 (some weeks it even got as low as just less than 1 rating point).

But not to single out this show -- all of the Sci-Fi Channel's programming is doing poorly, even their highest-rated show FARSCAPE.

Although the channel didn't come out and say they ended production because of low ratings (they said they believed "...SLIDERS ran its course."), it's easy to see that's the reason the show was cancelled.

Couldn't Be Ratings

Date: 08/04/1999
From: If_Ics

It wasn't on long enough to be because of ratings.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/10079
Nominated by Blinker


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