Last slide of Darkness ruled!

Date: 09/09/1999
From: Jster

This ep kicked! With Smarter Quinn from the pilot being the one who gave the Maggs the Equation, and showing how Sliding can be. And then When he helped Rickman! It was full of Great twists! And I'd hate to say this, but I just have to. Maggie was DAMN good looking in those Jungle outfits! :D

Thats my $.2 on this ep.

The ep was terrible

Date: 09/09/1999
From: QBall79

It was full of inconsistencies and continuity errors. That Quinn couldn't have given them the sliding equation, because the Kromaggs had been sliding for years!


I agree

Date: 09/10/1999
From: mallory_83

that episode sucked!!!!!

the only good thing was seeing maggie in just her underwear. oh momma!

The episode introduced another race

Date: 09/10/1999
From: SlidersRocks

A race of krommaggs that got sliding from that Quinn. I hope one day they meet and fight each other. and kill each other off:)

Quinn #2

Date: 09/10/1999
From: Wormhole2

This was a bad episode up until we meet Quinn #2 from the pilot. This was a great twist and I had never seen this episode before, so I was always wondering what happened to him. Another way to think about it is that this means first of all, Quinn's double is responsible for not only the destruction of the multiverse, but Wade's abduction as well, which must be killing him on the inside (in the event Quinn is not dead already). Also, keep in mind that Quinn #2 had said in the pilot that in the other seven slides, other Quinns had discovered sliding, and if they left without the friends that Quinn had, who knows what they turned into. Just kind of an off-topic continuation of the thought.

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Nominated by Blinker


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