· Everyone in Sliders production AND the episode itself states
it's "Time Again and World."
· An insignificant little gnat like yourself comes along, saying
it's what YOU think it is, that EVERY scriptwriter made an error, and
(in a poignant display of intellect and open-mindedness) all who don't
agree with you are "STUPIDS." Nobody has ever seen you post
before, so nobody has any reason to believe a word you say. That you
call people "STUPIDS" doesn't exactly boost your credibility
· In all your incredible intelligence, you add "Any comments?"
to the end, to contradict your arrogance and give people a chance to
get called "STUPIDS" again.
Zat about right?
Shrimp, you need to go find another place to act like a moron, because
here on the Dom, because of people like LiveLipschitz2000, that job
is TAKEN several times over.
By the way, here's a lesson for you if you DO plan to stay.
· Flux is right.
· You are wrong.
· I matter.
· You don't.
Enjoy your stay, Fucko. And try not to say anything else.