Date: 10/18/2001
From: eber3

When, if ever is Scifi going to start showing Sliders again? Sliders is the only reason I wanted Scifi in the first place. When I finally got it they were only showing episodes once or twice a month on their all day slots. Then it was pulled altogether. It's been about half a year now and I really miss it.

Informant is missing?

Date: 10/19/2001
From: SpiderMonkeeDolenz


There's no news on when Sliders will be back. So far we don't even have an offical explanation on why it's off the schedule, tho' TemporalFlux has some theories. You can read about those in his "Observations on SciFi" post above.


I have Info in a can

Date: 10/23/2001
From: TheIrrelevantPoster

TIP:And I’m not letting him out!!!!

I DO!!!! Good news on sliders

Date: 06/05/2002
From: Sadie10111

GOOD NEWS!!! Sliders will be on air at 7:00 pm on science fiction channel!!!! I am waiting for long time for sliders be on air again..



Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/26852
Nominated by Blinker


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