The Annoucement!- Sliders:The PC Game

Date: 10/29/99
From: Sabre_Edge

My partners and I have finally decided we are ready to go public with this information. I have been using this board since February '99 as a way to monitor the pulse of the online Sliders Fans.

Ok, imagine you and three of your friends are playing an online PC video game set in the Sliders multiverse. Now imagine you are not the only team exploring the multiverse!

My team is in the middle of alpha development of a Sliders persistent online massive role playing/adventure game. The concept is that players play the game online with other real people in teams to explore the Sliders multiverse and interact with other teams as they cross paths while sliding from world to world. The game could be compared with the existing games like 989's "Everquest" and Microsoft's "Asheron's Call".

What I need to know from you guys here is this something you would be interested in purchasing and playing?

My team hasn't spent any "real" money yet, but the time is fast approaching where we will have to start dishing the cash. I want to find out before that happens if it is a sound business idea or something my team should halt because of lack of consumer interest. We realize that this game must appeal to a wide variety of gamers but consider yourselves (the devout fans, which you converted me to) as the laser beam target market for this product.

I also would like to get any or all your opinions on the game. What do you want to see? What do you not want to see?

To Brand_S: Twice I saw your posts about a Sliders video game but I was unable to respond because of the project and our position at the time, sorry!

Reply here to this post or to my email directly and feel free to give any opinions, feelings, ideas, etc.

Thank you greatly for your time!

PS. Any one in the San Diego area with applicable skills in this area feel free to contact me also via email!


I think it is a great idea.

Date: 10/29/99
From: Dathmus

Things that should be include is a wolrd generator so that players cna create there own worlds and post them on the internet so other can use it.

Also the players should be able to create their own characters instead of just being one of the Sliders. That way when they meet others they aren't always doubles.


It's okay, and I'm interested!

Date: 10/29/99
From: Brand_S

I don't have any suggestions right now, though. Sorry. ;-)


Count me in

Date: 10/29/99
From: HunterD_Raven

but if this is a joke (Which i think it is) i may have to hurt you.
I would definately have different chooseable characters.
Quinn,Mallory,Maggie,Wade,Diana,Arturo,Remmy, as well as,Bennish and Logan, and maybe the kid from Sherlock world(i suck with ep names)
Oh, and maybe a create your own slider option, so you could literally be a slider by making one look like yourself and name it after you.

I would like to but I'm a Mac user

Date: 10/29/99
From: jlbanker

will this game work for Macintosh

Sounds Cool! Would love a Sliders game!

Date: 10/29/99
From: Afl

Is there a possibility that it could also be a CD-ROM game???

AfL :)

I am >>

Date: 10/29/99
From: vortex62

very interested. I was just thinking the other day about
a Sliders PC game. Will it support 3DFX video?? Maybe you
could use some beta testers :-)

Steve's Parallel World!! (Earth62)

Yes, me me me! this sounds great

Date: 10/29/99
From: slider409

I almost bought Everquest before, but never got around to it. This would be 100 times better, and would definitely buy it. Later

Slide ON!


Date: 10/29/99
From: CaptMaggie

I have only been watching Sliders for a few months but I would totally be interested in something like that! It sounds really good, and even people who are not Sliders fans might be interested in it! Go for it!


How about a bonus round.

Date: 10/29/99
From: Thatdarncat

Where you play "monkey in the middle." You could have an image of Charlie O' on a monkeys body, and you could throw bannans back and forth. If you could keep Charlie from eating your bannas, you win.

Otherwise, the game sounds interesting.

LMAO thatdarncat <end>

Date: 10/29/99
From: slider409

Slide ON!

Although I like the idea, please read...

Date: 10/29/99
From: Maximilli0n

I love the idea, however what proff do you have to support your statement? I do not want to sound mean, or for me and you to become mad at each other. If you have any proof send it to me at
please. It is just that, I do not want to get my hopes up high, then have them plumet to a deadly 100feet drop (if you know what I mean)
well thanx a milli0n from your friend Maximilli0n
"RIGHT ON RIGHT ON!!!!" no hard feelings....

Oh yes it would be great!!!!! ,<end>

Date: 10/29/99
From: RugbyRider



Date: 10/29/99
From: Slidersfreak

I would love a Sliders PC game! It would be the best thing since Final Fantasy VIII for Playstation! Too cool! When can we hear more about this? If you want to send more info to me, send it to

That is the email for my eGroup and the 17 members. We are all the greatest Sliders fans you will ever see, so that would be a good place to post!


Awesome IDEA man

Date: 10/29/99
From: Colin_Mallory



Date: 10/29/99
From: VirtualDimension

I've been hoping that Sliders might one day move to the virtual universe of computer gaming. Personally, I think the game would be much more successful if it's not exclusively for multi-player online gaming, but also for those who just wnat to play a normal adventure game on their PC.

I'd readily buy a Sliders game if it came out, and I think it could also help the TV show. Maybe it will make audiences realize what a great show it is and it could help Sliders revive into a series of movies ... just a thought.

I hope this is true, because I really like the idea. I look forward to hearing news about it!

---V I R T U A L - D I M E N S I O N---


Date: 10/29/99
From: Blinker

One request: please keep all Kromagg involvement to a minimum. I'd much rather this be about exploring parallel societies than yet another 'blast aliens to pieces' shoot-em-up.

Hope to hear more!

- Blinker 7:-/

The people have spoken for me

Date: 10/29/99
From: Fish_Bone

Go with it.

Fish Bone

That's a great idea!!!!

Date: 10/29/99
From: vortex_slider

I'd love to see a Sliders computer game! It would be great having a computer game that generates a lot of different worlds, each with a perfect science fiction theme or as some people prefer, an alternate history.

Love It But I Have a Suggestion . . .

Date: 10/29/99

I love the overall idea, but I would strongly prefer the ability to play the game via CD-ROM on my PC. I'm not into interactive games over the Internet personally, although I can see how that idea would also have great potential. I'd love to see it made like many other games -- where you can play it by yourself at home, but there's also an option to play it over the Internet.

As for the game itself, I think you should be able to pick any of the major Sliders characters that you want to be, maybe a few "sidebar" characters, and also, you should be able to pick your sliding PARTNERS! Who do you want to go sliding WITH? (You might not want to include Colin in this part ... he might never get chosen!)

As far as plots, the MOST IMPORTANT THING (and you'll see this in everyone's posts of recent months) is STAY CLOSE TO the HEART AND SOUL of the series from the early years, which is ALTERNATE HISTORY. Let the plot be that the Sliders have to determine what's different about the history in the earth they've slid into. Make the alternates interesting! Examples:

1) The Carter/Reagan debate in 1980 never happens, Carter wins 2nd term as President and continues same military policies as before. As a result, the US never wins the Cold War. In fact, the Soviets win.

2) Bill Gates sells DOS to IBM instead of licensing it, so when IBM loses control of the PC market, DOS goes with it. Windows is never developed, and Mac becomes the dominant PC.

3) The Gulf War becomes messier than expected back in 1991, and the war drags on throughout the 90's.

The possibilites are endless! Anyway I rambled on, but its a great idea!

I disagree, Colin would be great

Date: 10/29/99
From: Thatdarncat

Just think, you could choose him in Dino World and have the T-Rex chew him up for a snack. Heck, even that giant man eating bunny in Exidus would be fun to watch ripping Colin to shreds.

One strong suggestion!

Date: 10/29/99
From: Brand_S

I highly think you should make the earths randomly generated, absolutely NOT linear. IMO the player shouldn't know what to expect next. After all, that's what Sliding's all about. ;-) And, maybe, just for the sake of sadism, add a world with no oxygen or a world that is still a mass of molten lava. ;-) It's a little something that would make a player nervous about the slide. ;-)


Great Idea!

Date: 10/30/99
From: Temporalenergy

That's a very good idea! As for my ideas, I would like to run across a couple of Kromagg worlds, and a couple of advanced worlds. I also think, when you go to a world you should be able to pick up items on the way to help you through the game. Remember, items from the advanced world should have some all cool function to it.

Sounds Great!

Date: 11/2/99
From: SlidersCentral

I would most certainly buy a copy or more. Tell me if you need any help. Also, I am going to Scifi Headquarters, so if you want me to ask them for rights, etc. tell me.

SlidersCentral (Garrett Weaver)

What a great idea! My boss likes it.

Date: 11/3/99
From: CaptainGalaxy

Thanks, dude!

My boss likes this idea. Actually he put me in charge.

I hope we could buy the exclusive right of Sliders PC game from Paramount before this weekend. And the game could be on the shelf before first week of Decemember.

Thanks again, man, what a great idea!

"I'll buy that for a dollar"

Date: 11/10/99
From: Yeontoo

Dear Sabre Edge,

Actually, I'd pay more. This is a great idea, I'm so glad you pointed this out for me (several times in fact)!

Make it user FRIENDLY please! Good Luck, and keep us posted.


oh hell yeah......

Date: 2/8/2000
From: quinn24

This is the best idea I've seen. I would love a sliders pc game. I agree that you should be able to choose your partners, randomly generated worlds and a single player function. Also I would like to be able to choose your timer......original, egyptin, Logan's or Rickman's. It would also be cool if during the game you were presented with options that would alter the outcome of the game. Like Maggie says "I want to go with you" and you say either okay let's go, not in this lifetime or maybe you should stay here and we will come back for you.

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Nominated by Sabre_Edge


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