The People at this board. (PLEASE READ)

Date: 2/21/2000
From: Slider8_

I got an idea from Space_Time's post. I will post what I think of many people at this board. Don't worry, they're good things.

Blinker: "The King of Sliders Comedy"
He has exceptional ideas and you can bet that they will always be funny. He is just one of the many great people on this board.

TemporalFlux: "The Undisputed Master Of All Things Sliders"
No one can contend with all of the information that he has. Flux is probably the most respectable person on this board.

QBall79: "Our Save Sliders Leader/ Connection to Cleavant"
Qball has great information on all of the tings involving Cleavant's CD and was the one who organized the fight to seave Sliders. An all around great person.

HunterD_Raven: "Mr. Rant"
Hunter is has had many great topics in the past. He is mostly known for his rants, and has been quick to jump into flame wars. Another great person at the board.

Informant: "Informer of Some Things Sliders"
He hasn't really lived to his name as much as I would have expected, but still another great person.

SpaceTime: "The Practical Joker"
I'm sure that everyone remembers ST's little joke about the movie awhile back, it wasn't all that funny though(I don't think). Still, he has had some other good topics on the board.

Vortex62: "The Supplier of Many Sliders Things"
He isn't usually around the board that much, but is still one of the greatest around. I'm sure that everyone knows his website, which is excellant, and he is a hufe fan.

Chaser9: "Inventor of Season 6"
Not only has Chaser done S6, but many other things as well. He controls The Otherworlds and is just all around awesome. Another one of the most respected on the board.

Slider_Sarah: "The Wonderful British Slider"
Sarah is another one of the great people on around in the Sliders community. She supplied us all with information about the final four eps and is also probably one of the biggest fans around.

HurriKain: "The King of Sliders Deathmatch"
He has written one of the greatest humor stories for Sliders ever. I'm sure everyone has read Sliders Celebrity Deathmatch. It's just great.

Donner: "The Other King of Sliders Comedy"
Donner is just simply hilarious. I mean, who doesn't think that Mr.T VS. The Sliders isn't just f***ing histarical?

CuffyBoy/CharmedClass2005: "King of NSR Topics"
No doubt about it, he has brought up the most NSR topics throughout the boards history. Not that it's bad, some of them are interesting and I can see why he would be curious about what other people think.

Vance454: "The Slider Next Door"
I don't know why, but he just seems like one of those "friend" people. I talk to him on AOL and he seems like someone's best bud. Funny and cool.

CaptMaggie: "The Keeper of the Keepers"
Maggie has been a very kind person and is also the inventor of The Keepers Of Sliders. Another very cool person.

SlidersCentral: "The King of the RPG"
He is probably the only person who controls a weekly RPG. He has been a great person to Role Play with, and a just a nice guy.

Sabre_Edge: "The Sliders Game Frontman"
Thanks to him we will probably have a great Sliders game to play by next year. He has been very kind in asking us what we wanted in the game, finally, someone who listens to the fans!

Space_Time: Let's just not even go there.

Sorry to all of the people I didn't put on this list. Feel free to add your own.

[:::]o]}= = = =(((o)))

Sorry, Slider8, but you're wrong

Date: 2/21/2000
From: CopyCat_

The only thing ToiletFlush is good at is perpetuating bad info, just like Exec. I haven't given much tought as to who in the world I'd take to a deserted Island, but if I could choose who I'd strand there, the two would no doubt never find their way out, not even in a TV movie reunion where they run a hotel!


I'll make it broad...

Date: 2/21/2000
From: Brand_S

Out of the people who don't lurk...

90% Idiots who would be better off in a circus act.
10% People who are too addicted to leave.


Thanks, Slider8! You forgot a few, too>>

Date: 2/21/2000
From: CaptMaggie

Here's a few that you forgot:

KllyWlls: "Lives Up to Her Name"
She sweet, she's nice, and though I've never actually *seen* a Kelly Welles ep, I'm sure that if she is anything like Wade, she is alot like Klly; both are sweet and fun to hang around. (Even if she doesn't come to the board much.)

Slider8: "Just an all around nice Slider"
This should be self explanitory. :-) I talk to Slider8 on AIM once in a while, and you're just a fun person to be around!

Yeontoo: "Southern Belle"
I know that Y is more of a chat person, but I talk to her alot at the other board, and she is a really sweet and kind-hearted person. I've never met a person that doesn't like her.

dellyone: "More than one show Fan"
She's a fan of Slider AND the X-Files: And not afraid to flaunt it! She's a good writer, a great party-goer, and fun to be around (even if she's married to Alex. ;-)

This was a nice thing to put up! I'm sure we all appreciate it! :-) And I'm glad to be known as the "Keeper of Keepers"!! *grin* I've worked very hard on what we have so far!

As for what you put 'bout everyone else, I'd say I have to agree. I think, by the most part, ya'll are a good bunch of people to be around... I mean, I've fought with a few of you, ignored a few others, but for the most part I think I get along with pretty much everyone here!


U forgot this here british fan too

Date: 2/21/2000
From: Slider_Paul

Slider_Paul - A great fan of Sliders who has many times brought up intersting scientific discusions on the theroy of sliding and the multiverse.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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And slippin slider is.......

Date: 2/21/2000
From: slippin_slider

The one no one cares about....

Leaving me as...

Date: 2/21/2000
From: FogBoy

"The new guy with that one OTHER S6"

Yeah, that seems suitably vague.


Date: 2/21/2000
From: Informant

Thanks for your kind words.

And do not for get yours truly,

Date: 2/21/2000
From: Hyperspace

I am the grand high ruler of Lurkerdom. All bow before me!!

I have been around longer than most and still 90% of you haven't a clue who I am. Thats probable because I where mask,right?

If you need me I'll be under my bridge.

ye olden Hyperspace

Thanks >>

Date: 2/21/2000
From: vortex62

I know I don't post much, but I visit the boards seems like
20 times a day :-).


Nice List S8, thanks Capt, me2 Tex (end)

Date: 2/22/2000
From: Yeontoo


Preciate it man!

Date: 2/22/2000
From: Vance454

sorry.....i dont know who you are on aol im!!!!! oops! i probably talk to you everyday though. thanks for the nice comment!!!


vance454 on aol im


Date: 2/21/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

In the top 5, mentioned right after the "Big 3" of the BBoard....i'm honored. :)
I will add a couple
Brand_S (the unintentional flame member)
How many wars has this poor guy been in he didn't mean too

and ElectricPeterTork/SexualChocolate69/Saint_of_killers_666
"The king of flamers"
I may be good, but he virtually taught me the way of flameing. Admittedly i have adapted it some to add my own humor to the mix. He is one who fought the good fight against idiots trying to take over the board.

HunterD "Mr Rant"

Original URL
Nominated by Slider8_


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