Reality Question/poll

Date: 07/30/1999
From: Slider_Quinn21

This seemed too hard to resist when I thought about it. First of all, I realize that there are many polls, but I like this one.

The background of my poll-In Pilot pt.2, at the end, our beloved sliders had a conversation. What to do with the timer, with Wade electing to keep it for themselves, while the professor wanted to research more on it.

Now the poll!(Finally) There are many parts, so be patient.

1.If the sliders got home at the end of pilot pt 2, what would you do if you were Quinn or another slider? Keep sliding for the adventure or research more? Or both?

2.Assuming that at the end of This Slide of Paradise, Rickman wasn't an issue, or the 'Maggs, what would you decide then? Research or adventure?

3.What will happen if the current cast makes it back to the REAL Earth Prime? Will Remmy try to jump start his singing career? Will Mallory stay on Earth Prime for Quinn's sake? With the others stay or leave? Basically, who will stay and who will leave?

4.If the cast is reunited, what will they decide? They've searched so hard for home, but won't life be boring on Earth Prime? Would Wade find excitement in working in a COMPUTER STORE? Would Remmy sing(already asked so not required)? What would Quinn and Arturo do?

Basically,barring a sudden ending with no closure, the show has to end on Earth Prime or some Earth. But in reality, could these people abandon sliding?

Thanks for reading and I would appreciate your answers,comments. I will answer in a reply.



Date: 07/30/1999
From: buffyboy

1.They would have researched it for sure!!!!
2.Same as 1.
3.remmy would publish his memoirs with Maggie, Diana would keep trying to separate Mallory.
4.They would all go back to their normal lives...until they realized it was impossible to go back. They would continue Sliding with home coordinates. OOHHH!!! Spin-off idea, must go...Toodles.

Here they are, as promised.

Date: 07/30/1999
From: Slider_Quinn21

1.I would do both if I were Quinn, but I were another slider, I would adventure as a hobby.

2.After all these worlds, I would keep the same opinion as #1, but I would rest for a few months, and slide less.

3.I think Remmy would sing a little to earn money, but try to catch a couple slides. Maggie and Remmy are friends so they'll stay together, with Maggie sliding more. I think that Mallory would stay for Quinn, or he would travel with Diana to find her world.

4.I think that the characters would try to make their lives enjoyable, but slide on their spare time.

In general, I believe that the sliders have had too many experiences in their slides to forget about it. THINK ABOUT IT! What would life be like for these people. Arturo might not slide as much, but he would research and give lectures on dimensional travel. But the others would do occasional sliding for fun. Alternate Quinn from the pilot slid because he wanted to find paradise again. He wanted adventure, which is what I believe the others would want.


That's a good one...

Date: 07/30/1999
From: KllyWlls

1) I think already knowing the dangers of sliding, I would try for figuring the thhing out first. Although I'd like to say I would go sliding, in real life I know I wouldn't.

2) Adventure, they now could keep the coordinates so why not?

3) Hmmm... that's a toughie. (toughee? I don't know!) Let's see now that thwy were not sliding I think Diana would be able to seperate the Quinns. They would stay. I am not sure about Maggie, I think Remmy would wwant to try to fiind Wade again, and Maggie would want to be with Remmy so....

4)I think a lot of what happened in PTSS would really occur, after all it was Remmy's dream and I think Wade would want time off. The Prof. would work with quinn and they would figure it all out, when they did, I'm sure they would go adventuring again.

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Nominated by Slider_Quinn21


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