John Rhys Davies Fansite Launched

Date: 05/01/2001
From: SonOfSlider

What I belive is the first and only site dedicated primarily to the best actor (imho) ever. John Rhys Davies.
Check it out and let me know what you guys think.

Awesome work!

Date: 05/01/2001
From: Blinker

It's great to finally have a comprehensive fan site for the greatest actor alive. Love the title, too! 7:-P

- Blinker 7:-/


Date: 05/02/2001
From: Recall317

That's great! It's about time JRD got a site honoring him. I look forward to seeing your Sound page fill up with great Arturo quotes.

"I favor the good things in life, and oppose the bad things."- Arturo, Weaker Sex

Some Arturo sounds up

Date: 05/03/2001
From: SonOfSlider

Thank for your replies guys,
It is much appreciatted,
Hey Recall,
I have got some Arturo sounds up now, only from the first couple episodes but more will follow.

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker


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