Are you a child of the 60's? (NSR)

Date: 04/20/2000
From: SouthernSlider

Probably most of the things mentioned below you guys only read about in history books.


*You were told in class at school that Pres. Kennedy had been shot, and was dead.

*You watched Lee Harvey Oswald be shot to death on national television as you ate your Sunday lunch.

*You made paper chains out of chewing gum wrappers.

*You ripped the loop off of the back of boys' oxford shirts to add to your collection.

*You saw the Beatles in person on their first US tour.

*You wore mini-skirts, or stared at the girls who did.

*You wore hot-pants, or stared at the girls who did.

*You wore peace signs on your t-shirts.

*Flower power and peace signs were everywhere.

*You were entertained at your nightly meals with scenes from Viet Nam.

*You found out some of your class mates were killed in Viet Nam or were POW's or MIA's.

*You saw Bobby Kennedy shot and killed on national television.

*You watched as the nation mourned the assassination of Martin Luther King.

*You watched man walk on the moon for the first time.


Now, aren't you glad your a child of.....any decade but the 60's. Rough times, boys and girls. But yet, so many things took place back then that changed a nation, hopefully for the better, although a high price was paid.


I did watch the 1st man on the moon, but

Date: 04/20/2000
From: EustiSlider

I don't remember it too well. I was less than 7 months old at the time, but my parents have pictures of me propped up in front of the TV. Maybe that's why I grew up to (formerly) work at Kennedy Space Center.

--Eusti 8^)

The 60's sound Great!

Date: 04/20/2000
From: Slider_Paul

ALthough I was born in 1975, I wish I was a teenager in the 60's. Peace, Love and some really cool mellow tunes hitting the charts. Although I was happy being a 80's teen It would of been a great experience being in the 60's.

Going to Stones Concerts and dressing like and being a tree hugging hippie while taking mind bending drugs.




Date: 04/20/2000
From: capaqu

I was an adolescent/young teen, but I do remember those things. I also remember writing to my future brother-in-law while he was a soldier in Viet Nam.

Very turbulent and wonderful times, the '60s.


Sixties Surviveor <end>

Date: 04/20/2000
From: RAX



Date: 04/20/2000
From: Informant

Woodstock... hippies... drugs... sounds like 1999.

You're right :-)

Date: 04/20/2000
From: Slider_Sarah

We DO learn about those things in history. Seriously :-)


Remember most of those

Date: 04/20/2000
From: Slider_Dee

But through the eyes of a young child not a participant. And my high school class hit the draft-age the year the draft was abolished (can you hear the cheers from the guys in my high school graduating class and from the gals who loved those guys?)

I remember the assassinations, they were scary to a young child.

But watching VietNam on television ... as a young child I thought it was Hollywood, it wasn't until I was older that I realized those jungles and bullets were real.


uh, question...

Date: 04/21/2000
From: kipper2222

...watching the moon landing as a rerun on tv 20 years later doesn't count, does it?

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Nominated by EustiSlider


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