Sliders on VCD

Date: 04/10/2000
From: TemporalFlux

Well...this one crept up out of absolutely nowhere. While surfing around last night, I happened upon a new piece of licensed Sliders merchandise (or at least, this merchant claims it is licensed). It's a VCD set of the two part "Exodus" from season three of Sliders. For more information on this, check out the new "Exodus" VCD page in the Artifacts section of my site (which includes a picture of the VCD packaging...a Sliders image that combines the unseen advertisement along with some other graphics never seen before). The VCD is selling at Absolute Music for $5.99 plus $3.50 shipping and handling.



Date: 04/10/2000
From: humaggs

My Dad was looking fot a site that sold some movies on VCD onetime and he seen a VCD of The Exodus part One and Two. I don't think it was the Abosolute Music site he seen it on though, but it might have been.

I think the site he seen it on was made by some one that is making alot of VCD's and selling them.

Thanks TF!

Whoever made that VCD...

Date: 04/10/2000
From: QBall79

...couldn't have been much of a Sliders fan. I mean, THE EXODUS??? UGH!

At least give us the pilot episode!


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Nominated by EustiSlider


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