Write your own "Sliders" adventure!

Date: 7/21/2000
From: ThomasMalthus

Here's your chance to be up there with the greats, like Josef Anderson, Dawn Prestwich or Doug Molitor! Just pick the letter of the story you'd most like to see and go from there.

Our story starts off with...

A. Quinn, the Professor, Remmy and Wade

B. Quinn, Maggie, Remmy and Wade

C. Quinn, Maggie, Remmy and Colin

D. Remmy, Maggie, Mallory and Diana

E. Two sliders and a bunch of stragglers they picked up

...landing on a world that is best described as...

A. a jungle world with strange beings inhabiting it

B. a futuristic world with flying cars and huge buildings

C. a world where some social institution is turned wackily upside down

D. an empty lot

E. a world inexplicably run by a biker gang

...the group starts to complain about...

A. how rough the slide was

B. how bad the food/music/culture of the last world was

C. how bad the food/music/culture of this world seems to be

D. female cast members who dye their hair

E. continuity errors between pages two and three of the script

...when suddenly they are interrupted by...

A. a cry for help from a woman or small child.

B. a rebel group hiding from government troops.

C. a Kromagg invasion.

D. the theme music and a commercial.

E. a bunch of Ancient Mayans who inexplicably speak English.

Deciding they have to act quickly, the sliders...

A. get involved without thinking about the possible consequences or knowing much about the world they're on.

B. get involved without thinking about the possible consequences or knowing much about the world they're on.

C. get involved without thinking about the possible consequences or knowing much about the world they're on.

D. get involved without thinking about the possible consequences or knowing much about the world they're on.

E. slide back to that Living Flame World.

However, the sliders soon realize that...

A. they only have a few minutes until the slide

B. it's a Kromagg/Humagg inhabited world

C. they might be fighting for the wrong side

D. Kari's acting abilities leave much to be desired

E. they don't care about anybody on this world, so why should they bother, it's not like they know anybody here personally or anything

and decide to...

A. fight it out with some local baddie

B. go to a local library and research this world's history

C. go to work for this world's president

D. join the Kromaggs

E. rent some bad movies in hopes of figuring out next week's plot

that is until they encounter...

A. Logan St. Clair.

B. Kromaggs.

C. more Kromaggs.

D. a royally brassed off Harlan Ellison.

E. all the people they have ever screwed over.

After barely escaping with their lives, the sliders continue on to...

A. some big fortified compound that they somehow easily break into

B. somebody who they just met's house

C. a hotel that inexplicably pops up in every world, at least for this season

D. a Kromagg delicatessan

E. a nude mudwrestling arena

...where they discover...

A. a magic jewel.

B. a sliding machine built by the Ancient Toltecs.

C. a singing Arturo double.

D. that it pays to discover with the Discover Card.

E. the secret of gummi berry juice.

Amazed by all this, our heroes...

A. use a slide wave to take the entire population of the world to Spider Wasp Earth

B. find some big laser/chemical solution/magic sword and save the day

C. sacrifice Wade to the volcano gods

D. invent the hula hoop and single-handedly thwart the Tahitian Revolution

E. wonder why ThomasMalthus didn't reference the Kromaggs in the last question

...and then happily...

A. skip and sing "Tralalalala" into the distance

B. leave half the cast members from last season behind

C. torch dozens of local dance clubs

D. leave a scientist there to die with the thing that they unleashed on this earth

E. shred William Bigelow scripts

So, how did your story come out?


HoF this one

Date: 7/21/2000
From: Stax_

Or Gate Haven it . Somebody just preserve it .stax

My Sliders Adventure

Date: 7/21/2000
From: humaggs

Our story starts off with...

A. Quinn, the Professor, Remmy and Wade (this episode takes place in season 6. Yes, season 6 with Quinn, the Professor, Remmy and Wade. If that doesn't make since blame David Peckinpah).

...landing on a world that is best described as...

B. a futuristic world with flying cars and huge buildings

...the group starts to complain about...

E. continuity errors between pages two and three of the script (then we figure out David Peckinpah wrote this episode, thats why there are so many continuity errors).

...when suddenly they are interrupted by...

A. a cry for help from a woman or small child. (because of)

C. a Kromagg invasion. (then we go to)

D. the theme music and a commercial.

Deciding they have to act quickly, the sliders...

E. slide back to that Living Flame World.

but then the professor remembers that they can't because that was before they had the ability to go back to worlds they have been to before. So they are forced to do

A, B, C, and D. get involved without thinking about the possible consequences or knowing much about the world they're on.

However, the sliders soon realize that...

B. it's a Kromagg/Humagg inhabited world (even though the kromaggs just started an invasion here they already rule the world)

and decide to...

A. fight it out with some local baddie (the kromaggs)

that is until they encounter...

E. all the people they have ever screwed over.

After barely escaping with their lives, the sliders continue on to...

C. a hotel that inexplicably pops up in every world, at least for this season (lets call it the Dominler Hotel. Thats the Dominion and Chandler Hotels put together. No one will tell the difference)

...where they discover...

B. a sliding machine built by the Ancient Toltecs.

Amazed by all this, our heroes... (Well actually Quinn)

C. sacrifice Wade to the volcano gods

but then Remmy stops him so instead they

A. use a slide wave to take the entire population of the world to Spider Wasp Earth (since all the people they have ever screwed over are here)

...and then happily...

D. leave a scientist there to die with the thing that they unleashed on this earth

and because they unleased it, it kills Quinn, the professor, and Wade, then out of no where comes Maggie, Mallory, and Diana. Remmy says "Where have you guys been?"

so they are forced to

B. leave half the cast members from last season behind

So, how did your story come out?

It sounds like a David Peckinpah story to me.


My story

Date: 7/21/2000
From: nole9

starts with Quinn, Arturo, Wade and Remmy

landing on an empty lot where some social institution has been turned wackily upside down by a biker gang.

where they complain about how rough the last slide was until they are interrupted by a cry for help from a woman with two small children.

Quinn takes one look at the woman and screams "two chiildren, not while I'm the star of this show" so the group slides back to living flame world, where they soon discover that Kari's acting is good... compared to the flames.

So they decide to rent some bad movies, figuring that they can kill two birds with one stone. Kari can receive acting lessons and the rest of the group can check out next year's plots. Until they encoutner A ROYALLY BRASSED OFF HARLAN ELLISON.

He takes our heroes captive, except for Kari who he sells to local mud wrestling gypsies, and retreats to his fortified compound.

Luckily, Kari finds a magic jewel while mud wrestling and uses it to unbrass Harlan and saves the day.

After all of that Wade still had time to invent the hula hoop, which prevents a massive Tahitian revolution by providing much needed jobs in Kathie Lee's hula hoop sweatshops.

And then Kari happily torches dozens of local gyspie dance clubs.

roll closing and credits.

A couple of quick thoughts(oops maybe I should have put these in the front, when people were actually still reading this)

I don't know who Harlan Ellison is, but anyone who is described as "royally brassed off" has a place in my story.
I noticed about halfway through that Kari was a pretty large part of my story for someone whom I didn't pick as one of my four sliders. Oh well, that's my tribute to Peck.

Great job,
I hope you had as much fun coming up with that as I did responding to it.


Date: 7/22/2000
From: Chaser9


Oh yes, that'd be a GREAT Episode!


Lemme' see here...

Date: 7/22/2000
From: DoctorQuinn

Wouldn't this be interesting?

A- Woohoo!

D- Empty lots are fascinating!

D! D! D!- Well...~;OP

E- It's Halloween!

D- Those were some tough choices too.

D- Although they might not know who she is. And if they did, it should've dawned on them before.

E- Doesn't everbody? Or didn't they?

A- *Ahem* And she's got a gun. She's out for blood. Remmy's blood. Because him and Wade are taking turns being hunted.

C- Of course.

C- Definitely C!

D- Hula hoop! LOL!

A- And then they finish the rest of "Say My Name".

The good doctor

TOO funny!!

Date: 7/23/2000
From: Wrong_Arturo

Almost flawless. The only thing you got wrong, Malthus, was the part where they go into a library to research a world's history. It's the most sensible thing to do--but I don't think they ever did it ONCE on the show. ;-)


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/22252
Nominated by Stax_


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