Cancellations (FFP) Chs. 5-726

Date: 09/20/2000
From: ThomasMalthus

FFP= Fan Fic Parody (With all due apologies to Crambam)

Haiku is my game
Writing it's my stock and trade
Since rhyming's hard

What's with this fan fic?
Writers now are all messed up
Why is it this way?

Season One had Wade
Quinn, Arturo, Rembrandt, and
Three brought us Maggie

Four: is Quinn the same
Person we knew from Earth Prime?
Or Clark Kent disguised?

Colin runs funny
Acting's wooden, too, some think
He's Pinocchio

Mallory, Diana
Were additions from S5
I need a program

Now fic writers dazed
How to make these all fit well
In one Sliders story

Some, they say go back
To the original four
I am one of them

Others, they find ways
To have Diana, Arturo
As hot new couple

Some write from S5
Some with Quinn, Rem, Mag, and Colin
Some with S3's folks

Some are stranger still
Coming up with dumb idea:
All new slidermen!

All this strife we have
With so many Sliders is
Easily explained...

And now for the big musical finish!!!



It's the cause of our frustration!
Sliders fans are in a huff
Cause networks on our show was tough
But we fans just couldn't get enough...

Fan-fic started out so great
Until our cast grew out to eight
And Exec couldn't get a date
So he came on the board and was iraaaate!

So when you...feel the need
To a Sli...ders fic read
Just remember we've got tons of plot
To sort through, so just please do not
E-mail us on some continuity issue you've caught...

'Cause we really don't wanna hear about it right now!

Cancellation!!! It's baaaaaaad!!!


<Cricket chirp> <Cricket chirp>

Oh, well. Killed some time, anyway.

All: And our eardrums!

TM: Sorry! (People throw tomatoes.)



Date: 09/20/2000
From: Blinker

It's so true... so very, very true.

- Blinker 7:-P

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