The Way It Wuzz, Haikued About!!

Date: 05/12/2001
From: ThomasMalthus

Reknab_lj says
He's surprised he got first post
It's a common theme (20568)

Sliders, Quantum Leap
Air together on Fridays
Says cheery TF (20569)

Heated debate was
"Paper or plastic" -Miss Inf
Heat was in her head (20570)

cc_deville asks
When will Scifi kill our posts
He asks himself alone (20571)

Bob Weiss chats it up
JorgeCis brings us his comments
Ten replied "Yeeha!" (20572)

dellyone queries
"Quinn's glasses- where'd they go?" He
Has too much free time (20573)

Claims someone knows his password
Then says he's a liar (20574)

Vance thanks holy lord
That you can change passwords, but
His twin stays silent (20575)

Chaser9 points out
"X-Men" stuff was all a lie
Does Prof X know this? (20576)

Vance complains about
Too many Earth Primes online
Better than too few (20577)

Afl brings up
Religious issues so that
Board fights like Irish (20578)

SliderSarah says
BBC's showing "Sliders"
In a strange manner (20579)

Sarah then decides
To dis Kari Wuhrer cause
It's the Bboard's hobby (20580)

JorgeCis' Sliders poem
Sings of Sliders' history
Tragic motif, no? (20581)

Says fic "Sliders: The Second
Phase" will be up soon (20582)

TIP likes that
That idiot TIP's gone
I agree with me (20583)

Dee's "Buffy" boys zipped?
No, but one question remains...
Micholas Brendon??? (20584)

slider7 5
Talks about Wades Journey with
Well...himself mostly (20585 and 20586)

QBall7 9
Tells of Millionaire law suit
A: sour grapes (20587)

Grizzlor declares that
The Wrong Arturo slid to
Which we all say "Duh!" (20588)

Slidemania tries
To follow Old Testament
Good luck burning goats! (20589)

Sheridan banner
Sparks "they're" "their" debate, Grammar
Smackdown on FogBoy (20590)

Charmed07 asks
If anyone is in they're tweens
ST cuts her down (20591)

Hunter's secular
Rant about artwork is not
A rousing success (20592)

Hakavonn has ten-
part Sliders Finale, don't you
Think the swan song's long? (20593)

If you think that I
Made mistakes when I haikued
Go hang yourselves now (66666)


LOL! Damn, TM. Slow night? <end>

Date: 05/12/2001
From: EustiSlider


You mean "JorgeCis" is monosyllabic?

Date: 05/12/2001
From: Brand_S

I'll go get the rope...

Seriously, it was cool.


Of course Jorge_Cis is two syllables...

Date: 05/13/2001
From: ThomasMalthus's "poem" that's just one. Remember, I'm from West Virginia. It's pronounced "pome".

Thanks for finding it cool, S. And thanks also to Eusti, for reading both my objects of boredom from last night.


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