June 11th set in cement... (more...)

Date: 05/15/1999
From: ThomasMalthus

...as the premiere of Season Five. Talk about confusing, there's only been about a month and a half between seasons (not that I'm complaining, mind you, Sci-Fi!). I mean, Entertainment Weekly already thought that the last six episodes were the new season (but then again, they called it a Gen-X time travel show, so they're just generally confused anyway, but I digress again, as usual).

Anyway, Sci-Fi has the first three new episodes up on their ScheduleBot, which are for June 11, 18, and 25th. According to Sci-Fi, the eps are called "The Unstruck Man" (possibly a typo, could be 'The Unstuck Man'), "Applied Physics", and "Strangers & Comrades". Just thought you all might like to know that.


Question, Thomas...

Date: 05/15/1999
From: stuslide

...do you happen to know if they're going to show the 18 espiodes all the way through or will we fans be having a return engagement to "Rerun Hell" after the first three?

Gotta slide


At least into the first of July...

Date: 05/15/1999
From: TemporalFlux

We'll at least have new Sliders eps into the first or second week of July. I recently talked with David Gerrold, and he says that his episode (New Gods for Old) will be premiering either the first or second week of July. Hopefully Sci-Fi won't repeat what it did in season four...they only showed the first 9 episodes (through the end of July) and then began into reruns - and stayed in reruns with only sparatic new episodes up until they finished recently...almost a year later.


Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/6368
Nominated by Blinker


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