"Marriage should be banned"

Date: 04/30/2000
From: Tigs

I am appalled that a total of 40 messages went up on this very bboard supporting such a thing. Marriage is an evil, corrupt institution which more and more people are fleeing every year. The rate of divorce is sky rocketing as people see the fallacy of ownership--for that is the root of marriage. Men and women are forced into marriages through the idea that romantic love may only be expressed inside it's bond. They stay trapped due to abuse, debt, outmoded concepts of inequality and the government. This atrocity must be stopped and you have the power to stop it. Don't marry. Don't let the government and "church" control you any longer. Why go through the pain and heartache of shared debt, falling out of love, or divorce? You don't have to.

While many enjoy sex for it's pleasures, too many more feel trapped by the parochial idea that sex is sinful outside of the bond of marriage or they desire children. Sex is unnecessary for conception thanks to modern science. And those who are parochial might as well stay virgins for their entire lives.

Look around you at the influences of television, music and movies. They are the true reflections of society's moral structure and rarely are people married. In fact, the only reason the protagonists seem to desire marriage is due to an outdated concept society forces on the young. Those who discriminate will do so any way, but why not discriminate against the stodgy, parochial, repressed marrieds instead of the people who are enlightened and in touch with their and outer natures?

We should in fact take the pro-non-marriage stance a step further. Monogamy is a holdover from marriage. We should embrace the idea of free love. Aldous Huxley showed us the true nature of humanity and the direction our species should take in his utopian manifesto "Brave New World."

uh, actually Tigs

Date: 04/30/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

I won't get into marriage as an institution, not entirely sure if i will or wont sometimes.
but the post was about should gays be able to get married.
In essance should they have the same rights straights do.
Not about marriage as an institution, but more as a legal circumstance.


Date: 04/30/2000
From: Tigs

The debate was regarding more additions to the marriage packet and thus seems to support the institution of marriage. Why else would people want to be able to be married?



Date: 04/30/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

Most people DO want to get married.
marriage i nand of itself is not a bad thing.
Of course any institution created by man will be flawed and have its problems.
Love, and lust, itself is a problem.
The reason there are so many divorces today is because no one tries to make it work, the second one thinks light beer tastes great and the other thinks it's less filling they go and get a divorce.
it isn't marriages fault...its the people in its.
If you don't want the legal hangups just get a damn pre-nup.
Marriage is NOT a bad thing..it's the peopl in it who can be.

Huter, to this point...

Date: 04/30/2000
From: Tigs

Marriage seems to be legal only for tax purposes. It is after all a tax status complete with penalties. Without taxes and the government's attempt to keep and control marriages what is the purpose of keeping it "legal." In it's origional pure form marriage is more of a spiritual and personal commitment.

And I agree that the reason many people divorce is because instead of being parochials they are pansy-@$$ed wanna be's who can't handle a life long commitment.


we agree somewhat

Date: 04/30/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

I don't think the goverment should "Penalize" people for being or not being married in the taxes and all. It should be like it was, a spiritual and personal connection done to express love, not for the goverment, parents,religious authority or anyone but the 2 (or 3 4, or whatever)wanting to do it


Date: 04/30/2000
From: Tigs

Two or three or four. So what exactly do you see marriage as? Something between two people or as a many as wish to partake in it? What is the point for you? The spiritual connection? The commitment to "love"?

Why marry at all? How is it so much better than non marriage? Aren't people who "live together" just as committed as people who marry?

Just curious. (and you know what they say about the curious kitty)


Utopian? Hardly.

Date: 04/30/2000
From: FogBoy

Just for the record, you should know that Huxley intended 'Brave New World' to be a distopian view of the future -- one at which we were supposed to be horrified and appalled, not pleased. If you think it was utopian, well, that's fine, that's your opinion, but the fact of the matter is that it was never meant to be utopian. Quite the opposite.

you misspelled "its"

Date: 04/30/2000
From: relrelrelaboo

there's an apostrophe

shouldn't be an apostrophe

Date: 04/30/2000
From: relrelrelaboo

that's what I meant


Date: 04/30/2000
From: Tigs

ever heard of Jonathon Swift? He wrote an amazing little essay called "A Modest Proposal." People took that seriously too.


ps. I did so enjoy playing devil's advocate until someone noticed that last line. Nice job btw!


Date: 05/01/2000
From: SLiDeR2525

"Why go through the pain and heartache of shared debt, "falling out of love", or divorce?"

There is no such thing as falling out of love. If one day you decide you don't love someone anymore then you never did.

"While many enjoy sex for it's pleasures, too many more feel trapped by the parochial idea that sex is sinful outside of the bond of marriage or they desire children. Sex is unnecessary for conception thanks to modern science."

I have always been a scientist, always wanting facts and proof for things. But I have come to relize that you can't always turn to science for answers, you must go with your instincts and do what feels right. And I do plan on getting married and having children someday. Having children isn't a mirical of science, its something that you and the one you love want. And when alot of people want to have children they express the way they feel about eachother in a physical manner called sex or as some people like to call it, making love.


You're too late, Sliderbunch a numbers.

Date: 05/01/2000
From: SL4ever

She already used her "get out of post free" card. It was all a satire, see. Or a parody. Or the devil legal thingy. LOL Its a Zen thing. This post is not really here, you just think it is. It's an illus-shun.

Btw Tigs, it's nice to see that not everyone on the planet has lost their sense of humor. I was starting to wonder. :-)

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/20315
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