ToFGaL™: SpaceTime vs. QandD

Date: 01/20/2001
From: Brand_S


Good luck, sucker! You're gonna need it!


Here's your appetizer! Just remember to keep psyching out RM, so we can look forward to a final match royale between you two.

Let's be honest here: unless Space attacks a judge or just doesn't show, he's gonna win, but it should still be fun to watch. All posts dated 1/21/2001 are valid!



Date: 01/21/2001
From: SpaceTime

I, like many people, am the oldest of two children.

For years I wondered if the old adage was true: that the youngest child is the spoiled child. I didn't really see it until I was a senior in college, because that was when started as a freshman.

Now, my brother is a smart kid. I guess if you wanted to boil it down to a vague generalities, my brother is left-brained and I'm right-brained. Granted, we both took Calculus and Economics and excelled, but my tastes run towards writing and design while his gravitated to architecture. Something that's far too analytical for me. Plus, I don't think my back could take the strain of 24 hours on a stool.

So, while I applaud my brother on his decisions in life, I deride his sponge-like ability to SUCK MONEY from my parents like a woman walking the mean streets. Family credit card, new card, fraternity dues paid, etc. The Sponge, as he is now know known by even my parents, has lived up to the stereotype of the pampered child.

However, QandD, I believe you are a middle child. Why? Because whereas the oldest and youngest have intellect, just radically different interests, the middle child is a brainless vacuum of idiocy, walking around PICKING THEIR NOSE while complaining about the fact that they are overlooked by their parents because they they had the misfortune of being born BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE.

Now, I don't know much about you, QandD, but since you're part of the New Wave of Sliders BBoard posters I can state with relative certainty that you're a moron. Most people here are, reposting questions that have been asked 1000 times in the vain hope of sounding relevant, offering opinions that have already been given and trying to drum interest where none is desired. Scratch that. You aren't a moron. You're simply redundant.

Now, I could steal Dellyone's idea of a Flame School much like SL4ever has and try and teach you about etiquette, but what's the point? If you aren't aware of simple shit like spelling off the computer, nothing I say or do here can help you.

If fact, nothing I can do here can help you. I have been mitigated to the position of one-dimensional flamer whose whole identity is wrapped up in his handle. Fortunately for you, my recently posted List™ contained all of my passé referential assaults. Just imagine them being formed into a killer attack aimed solely at you. If Sabre_Edge can do it, I think you can eek out the five extra grams of gray matter to do it, too. I ENCOURAGE YOU TO THINK, since, Lord knows, no one else does.

I am better at flaming than you. However, I get the suspicion that you will be like 80% of my Tournament of Pee combatants and simply never appear, thus leaving the world ONCE AGAIN WONDERING: could this nebbish have taken on a God?

The answer, of course, is no.

Reply. Enter the fray. Or fuck off.

- ST

Hey jackass

Date: 01/21/2001
From: QandD

Aren't you a little young to be using words like those? Maybe I should mention to your mom that you're a potty-mouth. WHILE I'M SCREWING HER!
Note that you were just plaing fucking WRONG! I am actually the last child, BITCH! Amazingly, alot of what you said about a last child was right. I AM into math and science. But the only way a shitbrain like you could have come up with something like that is if you saw it in a book. Scratch that. A shitbrain like you CAN'T READ! You probably just did a search on 'What makes I sound like smart?' and just copied and pasted the results.
Wait, scratch that. You can't type, so you probably got your slightly-less-shitbrained little brother. Of course in order to get him to do that, you had to suck his dick. He really likes that, doesn't he?

Fuck off,

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