
Date: 01/22/2001
From: onestrwydd

Oh, do let me join in…

You don’t know me, I know, but unfortunately (for me) I’ve been lurking for some time. Since this competition is moot I’ll take this opportunity to make a brief appearance.

First, let me say: Gee, REALLY fair contest. But that’s to be expected with this bunch of cowards called the Sliders community.

Second: RMScream, that was a very lame attempt at a flame. Quite predictable. Awww… and your poetry: how shall I say it… there are no words… sound effects might work… <Was that a toilet flush? Thank God!>

Third: Blinky-poo, it’s always easy to ignore your posts. They’re always a drill; it’s like going to the dentist. Oh, and Blanker (no, not a typo), you too are shooting blanks. You call those flames? When will you finally come up with your own style? You don’t seem to have the ability to be funny (why do people here think that you are?) without stealing the foundation of your shtick from some other source. MSTIED? That’s gotten old.

It’s not Executive who is the coward, but those of you who choose to attack a person from behind. Shoot ‘em in the back; it’s easier that way.

Oh, and before you attack Executive – he has no idea who I am. I’m doing this because I want to. No other reason.

Your self-built pedestals, from which you so arrogantly preside, have simply grown too tall for my silence to remain intact.


Okay, lemme get this straight...

Date: 01/22/2001
From: Brand_S

You come here under a veil of anonymity and condescend to unpretentious people who haven't put on Air 1 since they signed up, and you say THEY'RE the cowards?




Date: 01/22/2001
From: SL4ever

My humor’s derivative??? LOL! Where have you been??? That’s been a well known fact around here for years. I take what I need from others and move on. :-P I've plundered the MST3K so many times they have a wanted poster over there with my piccie on it! (I stole the word "piccie" from Sarah)

And I’m sorry, but Blinker is fucking funny, man. And I’m not saying that to suck up to a judge because Dove_Slider resigned so it doesn’t matter. Blinky-Poo is one funny dude, but ... they say that humor is relative. Maybe you don't "get" him.

hhhHH! <---I stole this idea from Brand_S!!! >:-D


Date: 01/22/2001
From: SpaceTime

> hhhHH! <---I stole this idea from Brand_S!!! >:-D

A term created by yours truly and darkslider.

If we keep following it, does Kevin Bacon appear in the loop somewhere?

- ST

Tell You What...

Date: 01/22/2001
From: RMScream

If you think you can handle it, I'll personally kick YOUR ass after I win the ToP, onestrwydd. I can tell by that one post that you can't flame for shit, and posting with a handle that no one has ever heard of before only makes you look like more of a goober. Make fun of my post, but I have no doubt in my mind that you couldn't do any better. And the second post I made in my battle was in haste, as I was doing three other things at the time. That being said, it is still better than anything you could come up with on your best day. They way you are talking about Executive makes me think that you are in some kind of liason with him. It wouldn't surprise me, because both of you have three brain cells a piece which don't even get along to make a thought pattern. In closing, get some balls and challenge me or Blinker if you think you have what it takes. Don't post something ludicrous and expect to gain respect by it. You're nothing but an annoyance.


One is Right

Date: 01/22/2001
From: RandomsJudgment

My take on it.

I've been very good on this board for several weeks, I hope it earns me the treat I desire. I'm still lurking around, watching the BS most of you call opinions.

Won iz rite

Date: 01/22/2001
From: RancidJudgement

My take on it.

I've been verry gud on this bard for ceveral weaks, I hop it urns me the threat i desire. I'm still slurping arond, watching the BS moist of u call onions.

"Try living up to your name, prick." n/t

Date: 01/23/2001
From: BlinkyPoo



- BlinkyPoo 7:-P

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker


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