
Date: 7/11/2000
From: darkslider


Due to a recent academic catastrophe brought about from the GameBoy I call a laptop, I was unable to post the arenas for Round III. But you know what? It matters little. In fact, it helps my tournament because the final leg of this little sparring match is also about endurance. So, here's the plan for TOP..and TOPO.

Tomorrow(Wednesday) I will open the arenas for Round III...and an arena for TOPO.

**About TOPO. I encourage ALL to enter. If you are in another battle, I care not. Enter anyway. TOPO is open to ANYONE and EVERYONE. It will be definate for for all. TRUST POPPA.***

Thursday will bring about Round IV...which will take the remaining 3 Contestants, and the winner from TOPO. At the end of it, TWO will be left standing. Those two will battle...

Friday...Round V(Final Round). The winner will be announced as soon as the posting stops. The award "ceremony" et al will occur either at the Judging or on a day when the winner is available.

The Prize, you ask? Well, depends upon who the victor is.

Let's fanfic for fellow GOD SpaceTime will be completed by the end of tomorrow...Just as soon as I finish the paper that was DESTROYED by that f#$&$&#*( laptop. I hould have known better than to buy an Acclaim Laptop. They could barely make those crappy hand held video game jobbies.
DarksliderX, The tragic comdey, will be done....well...soon. Why not by the end of the week? The reason? Well...Let me fill you in on a little secret:

I am the LAZIEST man alive.

The story has like 200 crossovers, all of your offspring in it, AND an angry, swear-pot version of Yeontoo. What more could ANYONE want?? Exec in a diaper, hitting himself over the head with his favorite Power Puff Girl Stuffed Animal, you say? CONSIDER IT DONE!!!

Finally, I'd like to adress an issue. Namely, Neo-Exodus.

Many are leaving, going on to different things, or just going.

SpaceTime and Brand_S are departing.

Tf is staying, but needs a HUG. He appears to be getting ANGRIER by the second. (Seriously man, what was that all about? Cappy was just speaking an OPINION! No need to go for the jugular!)

Which leads me to my status. My question to you, dear audience is this....what purpose do I serve? None. I am becoming obsolete. darkslider is no longer what he once was, and will never again be that way. What this means, I have no idea. Will I stay? Will I go?

In the end, does it really matter?

Each of us has a path and we should follow it. We should not depend on others to make the decisions for us. Why? Because we relenquish ourselves the minute we let others decide our fate.


P.S. Cappy, I would like to keep in contact with you in the event of your departure. Send Poppa an e-mail!


Date: 7/11/2000
From: Tigs

<coughing fit ensues>

'scuse me

<tears stream as coughing attack continues>

<pops ludens>

Sorry about that. Where was I? Oh yeah. *cough*cough* Darn thing won't go away. Must be a hairball.

Laptop going buggy sucks. Fan fics should prove interesting.


As for the other stuff *cough* Flux is staying it out and his perspective is no less valid than anyone else's. We all take things the *cough* wrong way or *cough* slightly out of *cough* context. Darn this cough.

Do hope you decide you have some worth to contribute.


Hey man (ds, and RMS as well)

Date: 7/12/2000
From: Stoker_chick

I'm on eastern time here, and I have to be at work at 4:30, so I'm going to try for four hours of sleep. Sorry about that, but RMScream will have to wait until tomorrow evening until my appearence. Anyway, it's after midnight, and I understand your schedule is dificult too, so I'm leaving him this (hope it's ok, if not, then whatever)...

Just letting RMS know, seeing as I have numerous REAL jobs (as opposed to the one RMS's two ton ass claims to possess as a gas attendant. Pun intended). So RMS, don’t run around like the chicken you are before I’ve painfully wrenched off your head, assuming that I've fled or any shit like that. Eat the grade Y shit that you call your face until I fucking get back, because don’t worry, no matter how good you fucking think you are you’ve been deceived, and I promise that you will not know what the hell hit you.


Date: 7/12/2000
From: RandomsEdge

I have accomplished a goal. Running off Brand S. That is nice to hear. Brand S, would you mind reposting it?

Spacetime leaving? A horse and his boy.

TF may need a hug, but I wasn't aware he was advertising his smurf needs again. Maybe Space would share Brand_S.

Cappy, I would ask for your email, but my goddess wouldn't like it. Keep in touch with Dark, he is in love you know and maybe he won't love the yak forever.

In case you're wondering, I won't be leaving the board when Brand_S does. My goddess loves this board, and I want my goddess happy.

DMD, I am Sabre_Edge and Brand_S (you didn't know we were all three one in the same, did you).

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Nominated by darkslider


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