
Date: 7/25/2000
From: darkslider

Ugh.....I have such a headache.

Billy related, you ask?

Yes. Absolutely.

It seems that the Clan Cletus is "GussIE-ING UP" the huge room they reside in for free, by putting some "add-ons" in. Now, not only do I get greeted by the MALodious sounds of Conway Twittie and Garth Brookes at 11pm, but I also am getting a HEAPIN HELPIN full of HAMMERIN' till about 1am.

Lord only knows what architectual horrors are being committed in that room at this very moment.....ergh.

I pray for an earhtquake daily that will END the incessant Billypalooza that comes from a small alarm clock radio that seems to be stuck on "Hot Country". Whatever the hell that is.
Thanks for the tale of horror that you suffer from as well. We can only pray for a quick end to both of our afflictions, my friend.

By the way, the series you have going is some good stuff man! I look forward to future installments!

Is rapidly coming apart faster then my sanity, and Cletus' last pair of Wrangler Jeans. Therefore, due to some weird twists and turns, the Final Round will occur tomorrow. The contestants?

SpaceTime vs. Stoker_Chick.

Winner take all, my friends. Let's make this one quick so we can put this damn thing to rest.

After the day of flamin is over two things will happen:

1. A very special poster will reveal the results and crown the winner.
2. I will post Morte de SpaceTime, the tragic comedy, along with an announcement of EPIC PROPORTIONS.

STOP watching LIFETIME(Entertainment for Women), put the Pepto-Bizmal Cocktail down, and GO OUTSIDE...all those shows on cheating husbands have finally affected that Moldy Donut you call a BRAIN.

That's about all I can think of for now...I had more, but the DAMN HAMMERING WILL NOT CEASE. So, any other ideas I had went straight out of the window...


Country music at 11pm?

Date: 7/25/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

I say shoot them, and arge "Jury of peers" includes me as a fellow Exec hateing,Internet useing, fanfic writer.
I say murder of anyone who forces you to listen to country is justifiable homicide!

LOL Hunter!

Date: 7/26/2000
From: darkslider

I agree completely. Country music is as painful to listen to, both to the dead as well as the living.

I pray for deafness daily.

How was the birthday, man?


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/22319
Nominated by darkslider


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